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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. I understand. I appreciate the respectful tone. I think we are all closer to what we want out of the government than we realize. But....It's hard to give a ***** when Trump as president had rallies about making Libs cry and calling half the people he hates traitors. So I dont really care. What I want to see is Biden threaten to not accept the midterm election results since the only way Libs can lose is due to Republicans cheating. I would have threatened to withhold aid to FL after the big storm and then say it was a ***** joke. He should also come out and say the Libs will never win the midterms with weakness. Need to show strength! What ever the ***** that means. The right has no business talking about divisive rhetoric. IMHO.
  2. The real question is what does B-Man do and how do I get such a sweet job? It’s impressive you spend this much time on a dozen or so folks on here.
  3. Hannity is usually wrong. Read up on comments from Rick Scott and Steve Scalise in recent interviews. Personally I highly doubt they go thru with it. McConnell is clearly against it. But he is labeled a Rino by trump.
  4. Hannity: Not a single Republican has ever said they want to take away your Social Security.. Mike Lee: It will be my objective to phase out Social Security. To pull it up by the roots and get rid of it. As for Utah’s Lee, who faces a reelection challenge from independent Evan McMullin, the incumbent denied ever saying he would seek the dismantling of Social Security despite the video evidence. “I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29. “I vaguely remember a time in 2010 when we were talking about a bunch of things. And it was talking about you know, we need to, we need to end this pattern of the federal government occupying space that it wasn’t intended to occupy and spending too much money. Perhaps that was close in time and in proximity to another conversation about Social Security.”
  5. Claiming a party can only lose an election if the other side cheats before an election happens is democracy? Did you watch 2000 mules? Is that democracy? Some garbage to make people believe any election won by Dems is rigged? Have you seen what they call the Dems on Fox? Talk about believing anything you hear on the news.
  6. Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan said yesterday the plan “basically mirrors the budget proposal that the House passed this year.” That would be the same Republican budget proposal that ends the Medicare guarantee and more than doubles heath care costs for seniors, all while preserving tax breaks for the wealthy. That’s House Republicans’ official twitter mouthpiece telling its 1.3 million followers to read that Republicans believe they have not only the opportunity but the responsibility to start slashing the Social Security and Medicare that seniors rely upon: “we must begin addressing the real debt drivers – mandatory spending programs…” 158 out of 212 House Republicans, including top GOP leadership Members Whip Scalise and Chair Stefanik, have called for slashing and privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age to 70 and ending Medicare as we know it as part of the Republican Study Committee FY2023 budget. At least be proud of your party. Stop playing word games. Sort of like when they said abortion would be a state issue and you all said that was disinformation that they would go after it at a federal level? Some Republicans were stunned by the bill — or at least its timing — saying it puts the party in a difficult situation going into the midterms, Burgess Everett, Marianne Levine and Sarah Ferris report. Graham’s bill is stricter than his earlier proposals, which limited abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and was a shift from his earlier argument that the decision should be left to the states. Some Republican members think voters still see it that way, opting for states to keep control. At least it stunned some in the GOP.
  7. If you think Bloomberg is disinformation you are a fool. You should know this being in finance supposedly. Read the ***** article. BTW where is your voter fraud case? Talk about disinformation. Watch some real Trumpers!! Funny ***** right there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNIJH5gufaQ
  8. It's ***** disturbing. Notice not one charge came from the movie 2000 mules and now the supposed head mule is suing that POS producer? You find voter fraud great charge them. If not STFU after 2 years.
  9. Chef you need to read more. https://about.bgov.com/news/entitlement-spending-cap-plans-linked-by-gop-to-debt-limit-deal/ Unless you feel Bloomberg is fake news of course.
  10. why don’t you troll PPP instead of actual football discussion.
  11. We are 6-1, the best team in the NFL and some fans dislike half the team. It’s weird.
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