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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. Hey this could be the game where we suck but win. Why not us?
  2. Josh needs to make good decisions. This is just as much on him.
  3. Josh looks bad himself though. He is definitely part of it.
  4. You just can't help but hate your own team ha? What is the point of your posts?
  5. It’s as if you have no clue what’s going on in real life. It’s quite amazing.
  6. Let's see.... do I fire McD if I am the owner and have seen how relevant and competitive he has made the Bills just so I can please the fanbase who wants to give every coach 2-3 years to win the SB? Nah. I definitely am into changing the OC though if this keeps up.
  7. I expect Chubb to be knocked out of the game in the 2nd quarter by Milano. 8 carries for 27 yards.
  8. Elon is already alright even if Twitter ***** the bed. I can see why you enjoyed Trump running the country like a TV show. Trump and his followers love cruelty and chaos especially towards people they don't like. And Elon seems to be enjoying running Twitter like a TV show as well. Firing people with emails and threats, and having all sorts of fun while creating chaos. You guys coddled Trump for 6 years with his psychotic behavior and really enjoyed him "making liberals cry" Well now your monster is gonna turn on the GOP. Like BB here. Commies! Purge! Chaos! Mad! haha enjoy your monster the next 2 years. You guys will be beggin for Garland to put him in prison.
  9. We need a win bad to pacify the babies on here.
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