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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. Come on Tasker. I feel like his window is closing
  2. I think this is the issue. He got paid and is out of his mind right now
  3. Instead of challenge flags, give them bright towels to throw in for mercy.
  4. Lamar Jackson is simply a cheat code. Spy the entire LBing crew
  5. Based on the improvement I have seen in the trenches and Josh looking better, I'm not concerned about any team in the league being that mcuh better than buffalo, despite what the media thinks. Defenses and running games travel. New England's offense sucks. Dallas is on the verge of a meltdown, the Jets are pretending and the Steelers...nvm. The Bills can hang with anyone. I see them peaking now, like good playoff teams should, in Nov. and Dec. The Ravens appear to be on another level with Lamar. That is a game I'm not too confident in, but it will be close.
  6. I'll admit, I'm jaded in these prime time games, getting up for them, then having my heart ripped out....***** it. The entire Country is going to see a curb stomping , most likely leading the firing of Garrett.
  7. I admittedly don't understand how they could jump that high in 1 week
  8. My goodness, there really are a lot of pansies here. Have any of you complaining ever competed in anything? It comes with the territory
  9. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. It was even family friendly. No cussing, no punches. Just a friendly introduction to who he was? Interesting. I didn't hear any yo mama references
  10. Can you please explain what the hell you are trying to say in the last paragraph? Is that Boomer speak ?
  11. This is probably one of the dumbest things I've heard all day. Great idea
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