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  1. I turned McAfee off when they started doing card tricks. Mystifying AJ Hawk can’t be that hard.
  2. My gut is telling me to wait a second before damning anyone straight to hell.
  3. Yeah, but the question was about personality. Who would you rather have a beer with? Anyone who answers Dug Maroon probably needs to be on a watchlist.
  4. I still can’t believe the Rex era happened. That whole thing was like a fever dream.
  5. Dude, I saw that thing pushing like 90 on the thruway one Saturday when he was here. I think it lined up with a Clemson game in Syracuse or something. We were very excited to see it, it was like a crazed unicorn.
  6. Priest Holmes, man, that dude was a wrecking ball. His Chiefs years were at the very beginning of the drought and I just remember him being a monster.
  7. Say what you will about Rex and I’ll probably agree, but you can’t deny he was a far, far better personality than St. Dug. Maybe I’m biased as a loudmouth Irish guy myself, but Rex can be a funny, charismatic dude. Dug is just a lump.
  8. I ran into Chris Brown at an event 4-5 years ago, we had some volunteer/non-profit stuff we do in common. I asked him if those “Coffee with the Coach” videos he did with Marrone were as awkward and uncomfortable as they appeared on the viewer’s end. He said they were worse, and internally they called them “Coffee with the Crotch.” I also have a buddy who was a manager for Syracuse football and he has confirmed Marrone is a paranoid, unpleasant prick to deal with.
  9. If any team has demonstrated an ability to stitch together better than average defense with third stringers, ace bandages and duct tape, it’s this one. If Josh has a clean game, we win.
  10. I’ll lurk the fish message board from time to time, but wouldn’t bother posting or creating an account. I am surprised how many of them are literate though.
  11. I’ve tried to be very zen about things basically since we went on a roll after the Eagles game. Chop wood, carry water. Let the universe unfold as it should.
  12. Great idea, I hope they have enough busses to accommodate what’s sure to be high demand.
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