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Everything posted by WickedGame

  1. If I'm Beane, I offer the Browns our two firsts plus Tyrod for the #1 spot. The Browns will still have a top 5 pick, so they can grab a potential franchise quarterback. They'll also have two additional first rounders from our trade, so they can stock the cupboard. And they'll have a steady if unspectacular veteran QB to be a one-year bridge. And they can quit worrying about which college QB will opt out to avoid going to Cleveland, since they'll all declare knowing they could end up in far better destinations. Buffalo gets its choice of QBs to be the franchise guy. And we still have two 2nd rounders and a 3rd rounder to fill some of the gaps not filled by free agency (my prediction is Star Lotulelei joins the team to upgrade the middle of our DL).
  2. Allegations aren't the reason for this. That's a classic "After this, therefore because of this" logical fallacy. Owning an NFL franchise isn't a great investment at this point in time. Attendance and viewership are down -- for many reasons -- and that's costing owners money. Throw in the CTE issues hanging over the league and the game won't be what we remember it to be for long. Rules changes will diminish the game. Players will start retiring early or quit entering the league. The product on the field will suffer. Richardson is smart to sell the time while he can maximize his profits.
  3. I actually agree. If Dorothy hadn't gone down that yellow brick road, our country wouldn't have been a disaster. Obviously.
  4. It means nothing. Six weeks ago we had one of the best point differentials in the league. It means we played one one of the most high-powered offenses in the league in the Saints (and didn't come close to matching their output). It means we didn't get to play the Browns twice like some teams. It means we played the anemic Colts in the snow and the game was closer than it should have been. It means our defense whiffed sometimes, our offense whiffed others, both whiffed simultaneously a few times, and we've never had them both on fire simultaneously. Yeah, it'd be great if we had a stellar O and a stellar D. What team wouldn't? Most teams don't get that wish, which means you have to make strategic choices (limited draft resources + salary cap = you can't have it all). In the end, crushing opponents with a juggernaut isn't what's necessary to win. All that matters is the W. The choices you make about where to invest in your team -- O or D -- need to add up to just enough to outscore your opponents more often than not. Strength of victory almost never matters.
  5. That's my point: I think the OP's assumption that we'd be bundling picks 20 and 22 is flawed. We may get to bundle 16 and 17. Small difference, but it adds up to points. Or bundle 16 and a player at a highly valued position...
  6. Assuming our pics are #20 and #22 means the Chiefs will have made the playoffs. I'm not sure their pick will be as low as it appeared it would be a few weeks ago. I could easily see the Chiefs having the #17 or #18 pick. We might even have back-to-back picks, or pretty close to it.
  7. Thinking of changing my name to "Save Your Peter, Man." That way I, too, could serve as a warning against impending doom.
  8. Meh. Sounds like someone listened to too much "Fun With Football Audio" and thinks cliche jokes about balls and penetration are still funny.
  9. Mods, at what point do we block the IP addresses of some of these folks? I like coming here to read about the Bills. The back-and-forth pissing matches make this place intolerable.
  10. Do what the Bills never do: Have a reliable backup.
  11. The wife's in Atlanta for work right now, headed back to Charlotte tomorrow. I'd take you up on it, but she'd probably pull over in front of me halfway between here and there and make me sign divorce papers.
  12. Most of the veterans I know are decent people, and most of the athletes I know are decent people. If a member of the armed services were to introduce himself or herself to an athlete who knelt, the vast majority of athletes would likely say "Thank you for your service. I appreciate the sacrifices you, your families, and your brothers and sisters in service make for our freedom." And I betcha if an athlete who knelt were to walk over and introduce himself to a service member, the majority of service members would say "I will defend to my death your right to expression. Your choice to exercise the freedoms the Constitution affords you is a reminder of why I serve." The only people who act like utter a$&holes to each other are...the rest of us.
  13. I see this being a competitive game. It's their stellar offense vs. our stellar defense, and on the flip side their defense isn't great. The have some pass rush, but there's hay to be made over the middle. Look for Shady and Clay to have opportunities, and I'm calling it: This is Zay's best game so far in 2017.
  14. December 23, 2012...when Kevin Everett walked into the stadium.
  15. Heard the same when it was said on WGR and then, as now, I thought: "Okay...so?" The point is what? That the Bills don't get no respect? That the Pats* get the benefit of the doubt? That it's unfair? I hate the Pats*, too, but when you win like they have, you get the benefit of the doubt, and when you're consistently mediocre like the Bills have been, you don't get praised for beating bad teams. That's the way life is. Also, the Jets don't look pretty sound. Nothing they did yesterday looked remotely impressive. It was Pop Warner offense, lousy run D, and altogether good enough to compete for the #1 pick in the draft.
  16. So much wrong with this thread, OP. I'm tempted to elaborate, but I don't believe someone who poses such a question has a mind open enough to learn from the effort, much less grow to understand why their attitudes are harmful to America.
  17. Clicked a link expecting to see a mock draft from our stadium sponsor. Sounded like a cool move for a corporate partner, even if a bit risky from a brand perspective. Alas...
  18. 1. Mike Williams : LA Chargers 2. Corey Davis : Cincinnati Bengals 3. Malik Hooker : NY Jets 4. OJ Howard : Tennessee Titans 5 Mitch Trubisky : Arizona Cardinals Bills Pick (bonus) : Haason Reddick
  19. Good thread idea. Want: Jamal Adams/Corey Davis Don't want: Jabrill Peppers Dark horse: Quincy Wilson Think: Jabrill Peppers My super secret prediction: The Bills are working a scheme to get Reuben Foster to fall into the second round, similar to the way they got Cordy Glenn to fall into the second round when he had first round grades.
  20. Just for giggles, what players on the Patriots* squad or the Falcons squad would you rate as top 5 at their positions? I don't know those rosters that well, but I'd say maybe these names: Pats* Brady Gronk Falcons Julio Jones Mack
  21. I love when people get into "He said/She said" arguments on here. It's just the sort of riveting drama the world has been missing...
  22. This draft is starting to remind me of 2012, the year we drafted Gilmore. Buffalo had needs all over the field, and the mock drafts were as scattered as they come. Various mocks had us taking WR Justin Blackmon, S Mark Barron, WR Michael Floyd, DE Quinton Coples, and others. When we picked CB Stephon Gilmore, I said "Huh? Really?" Hard to get excited about a CB...after all, there's like 11 of those on every team, but whatever. But when I read about him, I thought "Okay, sounds like a shutdown guy. I guess I can get onboard." Now it's 2017. Most of us are thinking WR or S. Some folks think we snag LB Foster based on his blue chip stock. But CB? Until we let Gilmore walk, did anyone really think CB was priority #1? More to the point, did anyone WANT cornerback to be priority #1? I mean...wasn't a toss-up between WR and S...when there are exceptional candidates at both spots...enough positions to choose from? Which is why I think many of us will be surprised (and disappointed) when we go CB in round 1. We may follow that up with WR, OT, and S in the rounds that follow, but the consensus will be that we missed a golden opportunity to snag a stud at one of those positions of need in round 1. I'm prepared to hate this draft. But I'd rather hate the draft and love the results than love the draft and hate the results.
  23. Since we're officially in the "silly season" -- that off-season lull where bored Internet commentators spew wild predictions (translations: goofy hopes and dream) -- let's play along. What wild and crazy thing will Dealer Doug and the Bills do in the next two months. Free agency, trades, draft...it's all fair game. Call your shot. I'm not looking for your "I hope they" or your "This is my guy." We've seen those already. I'm saying make a prediction about the unexpected thing the Bills will do...something that hasn't been mulled over in a million other threads (ex., Bills sign Romo, Bills cut Kyle Williams). Here's my goofy prediction: The Bills will trade Jerry Hughes. And...go.
  24. Klein is to this defense as a linebacker what Jim Leonard was to us as a safety: A contributor, but not a stud; a guy who can help other guys know their role, but not a guy who'll define excellence at his own; a special teams piece; a guy who plays an important role, but not an important guy.
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