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Everything posted by BigBuff423

  1. So, just to be clear: the HC who has made this Defense one of the best Defensive units in the NFL consistently since he arrived 3 years ago has no clue how to use LBers but your infinite wisdom has, with Nostradmus-esque like knowledge and foresight, seen that Edmunds cannot play MLB?? This, might be the height of hubris. People dumping on Allen I've accepted because it's a slow growth process and we're 20 years overdue for a good QB, Daboll's questionable game plans and play calling I've understood at times, and certainly the first year's terrible STs come to mind with at least some "reasonableness" to their observations but this just boggles the mind. Game day decisions has been a growth curve for McD, but evaluating Defensive talent has not. He and Beane have nearly nailed every single Defensive decision since they arrived. You might be swinging for the fences at Fenway with a wiffle bat while blind and suffering a stroke if this is your attempt at stepping to the plate. Sorry, but woof.
  2. IMHO, the contrast between the two was a perfect picture of why a GM and HC build an Offensive Line and then the receiving corps and running backs around him. The Jets have not done that sufficiently and I truly believe Darnold would be a different QB if they had done it competently. I'm NOT saying Darnold is better or taking anything away from him, please do not misread this. I'm merely saying this validates all the more why the methodical and strategic approach to building around the QB is so essential for development and success. Yes, everyone knows this....but it's in the patience few have the strength to see it through. McD and Daboll still need to show more progress for the Offense as a whole, but yesterday was the epitome of seeing a team build around the QB the right way vs. trying to get it done quickly and without the expense of good coaching and time. JMO
  3. I'm sure this has been said but not reading through all of the responses, however, if we don't give Rookies the opportunity to grow, the ghost of Gary Anderson will haunt us for the next 15 to 20 years. Ok, that's an exaggeration but the point is made that Kickers learning to kick in Buffalo (while there is an outdoor stadium) takes some getting used to. But much like Josh Allen's arm, Bass' leg is an asset that WILL become a valuable component for this team as the season wears on. Hopefully, there are plenty more extra points and this isn't the Bills of yore when the Kicker was THE ENTIRE Offense. All of that said, I know we're all anxious because we want the Bills to be this playoff behemoth that will trounce every team and be darn near perfect....but folks, no Pre-Season is probably most important for a Kicker like Bass who hasn't been exposed to the swirling winds of Buffalo and their cut-throat ability to end a scoring drive. Let's all relax and give him time. (Btw, during the game I was ready to throw the remote from a very expensive t.v....so, I've waited until today to respond)
  4. I never want to underestimate an opponent especially a Divisional one, but I will say that IF Norman has to miss a game in order to get to e 100% healthy, this is the game to do it. Bell is the biggest concern at this point on Offense with like two or three WRs out due to injury. So, let Norman rest up for the Dolphins, another divisional game away and hope he can get on track and not look back.
  5. I'm not concerned with the interior DL, mainly because of all of the reasons previously noted in this thread. But also, because nobody knows this team better than Beane and McD and if they didn't believe they addressed the DL adequately in the off-season, SOMETHING would have been done by now. The additions of Jefferson, Butler and Addison to an existing pretty strong - albeit not perfect - Defense tells me all I need to know. They Drafted a DE, one that arguably was in the conversation for a mid to low 1st round pick, and still added FAs to the D-line. The fact they had their pick of who they wanted, PLUS Ed Oliver coming into his 2nd year and hopefully Horrible Harry able to stay healthy, means that they believe in their D-line and for now, unless or until the injuries pile up or they prove otherwise, I will trust McD and the process.
  6. I've had enough of that from this board and Bills fans in general to last a lifetime. 20 years of suck-i-tude is plenty for me. I'm ready for sunshine and optimism as it's well deserved and earned.
  7. I think he'll need all the insight he can get, I don't think he's seen his D in years.
  8. To be fair, you've just summed up the entire Two Bills Drive message board (not that you're wrong). On another note, while I obviously don't agree with King - as a fan base we need to keep our lenses in check. Remember, this is a team that got stronger and better as the season went on, which means Flores did his job and is probably getting better at it. They also did have an infusion of talent and when you combine coaching and talent, there is at least the potential for good things to happen. That doesn't mean I agree with King or that I would say the Bills won't win the division, but I do know that all too often teams get cocky and then the fans dismiss other teams who make the leap of surprising the league. Do I think it's the Dolphins? No. I think they're an 8 win team. Do I think's impossible for the Dolphins to win 10 games? Also no. I think there is just so much that could go well and so much that could go wrong. Either way, my point is while I don't agree with King - it's not ludicrous to be conservative and humble and remember nothing in the NFL is guaranteed and it rarely goes as expected. Head down, work hard, and love the game. Bills do that, and I think they win the Division and 11 games or more. I also think, IF the Bills 11 games or more, then they've probably beaten a couple of quality playoff teams and that means, the sky's the limit.
  9. I drafted him in the 3rd Round on Saturday night....would have been freaking great if it happened literally any day before that....now I cross my fingers for him to go to a better team and one that he can play in quickly....
  10. AJ Klein has been missing from these "notable" reports. I'm not reading into that or saying he won't show up in season, it's just he literally took over Zo's place on the 53 and some decent money was paid, so the absence of information at this point with the season just a couple weeks away, seems odd. However, maybe he was Chris Brown's mole inside the locker room and the Bills are keeping Klein in the same vault as Brown...?
  11. I agree with the possibility of the Favre-esque comparison as I've made it myself several times. That said, I think we know that he can't throw 3 (or even 2) INTs per game and expect to have the support of this coach and GM. I think keeping that edge, but improving the decision-making by even a fraction of a percentage could literally mean the difference between pushing the game to OT and losing on an INT. To me, that's where I want him to get better without losing that edge. Aside: with the benefit of hindsight, Beasley said yesterday Josh is making throws he wouldn't even attempt last year and "throwing guys open", and to the point of our discussion - IMHO - THAT is exactly where we would want him. Being decisive and taking calculated risks - just not throwing the ball into triple coverage because he believes his arm can get it done or because he doesn't see the rest of the field. JMO
  12. To each is own, but 3 INT in the Pats game will take many people off the grid with that argument. I'm sure you see the redeeming qualities but it felt like he turned a corner after that game. I said it in a thread back then and I'll say it here: I think he had a Brady moment. Going back to when Nate Clement took Brady's head off running down the sidelines, Brady was a very different player immediately after that Bills game and the numbers supported his renewed focus and improved decision making. It was as if the hit knocked some sense into him and made him realize the importance of quick and precise passes more than what a coach could say or do. Josh Allen seemed to make drastic improvements right after that game and getting through the concussion protocol. His INTs went way down, his passing improved overall and his decision making - until the Houston game which IMO was more about situational maturity - got much better. However, obviously that's just my perspective and I'm sure someone who gives as much thought and consideration to the game of football and the Bills specifically has a well-articulated point to make.
  13. To me, this isn't a "make or break" season for Josh Allen, but it is the year when we should all expect significant strides toward demonstrating he CAN become the long-term Franchise QB that leaves no doubt for any person for the next 10 years. He doesn't have to have an MVP season, although he has the talent for it, and he doesn't have to win a Super Bowl, but he DOES have to leave all doubters at the door by showing his productivity and efficiency in leading a capable Offense. Josh's accuracy was the biggest detraction coming into the NFL and his Rookie year showed that to be a wise criticism, albeit over-blown in my mind given the lack of receivers. His second year was markedly improved and still led the league in drops, meaning THIS year is when we expect all of the pieces to come together and for his talent, hard work, charisma, and dogged pursuit of excellence to show out on the field. To me, it would take a year where Josh Allen reverts to his Rookie season or the first three games of last year for people to start to question if he's got "it". But more than hoping for "good enough" I think this is when we should expect he puts it all together and displays his truest QB self and demonstrates he can and will be the Buffalo Bills' QB for the next decade without question.
  14. As long as it's both, then I'm good with it because Fall Sundays just aren't Fall Sundays without the NFL. Of course if the season was cancelled due to COVID, I'd understand even though I'm hoping that won't happen.
  15. "A couple months" is basically the first four weeks of the season, so it's not terrible. Edit: sorry confused couple with few. And if pec is torn, then I obviously misunderstood the recovery time.
  16. A couple months ago (I think?) there was a comparison between Josh Allen and Matt Ryan in their first two years and they were eerily similar in terms of passing yards, TDs, INT, completion %, etc. Obviously, Allen surpassed Ryan's rushing yards and rushing TDs, but otherwise the numbers were very, very close. To that end - and I think it was Capaccio - used Ryan's 3rd year numbers as a benchmark to say, is this realistic? Ryan went from a 58.3% completion rate to a 62.5% completion rate with 3705 yards, 28 passing TDs, and 9 INTs, with a QB rating of 91, while being sacked 23 times. It's interesting to see how Josh does or does not progress and please do NOT misread these statements to say that I think Allen will or will not get there, I honestly don't know. Moreover, if I HAD to guess, I think Josh actually does slightly better this year and takes minor jump showing real maturity. IF and that's a big IF he does that, to me it's his 4th year that will make a huge difference. The reason being, Josh was just so new and raw to football let alone being a QB, that I think his growth curve is a year behind someone like Ryan who came out of college with a lot of polish and poise. Regardless, presuming the season gets played - I'm more excited about this team than I have been since 1991.
  17. I'm only drawing from memory but I believe it was McD's second game, his first away game since the Bills opened with the Jets in the first game at home for the 2017 season. I believe....but, to my recollection the game was not good for either team but worse by the Bills due to a total lack of Offense. Tyrod was already on the hot seat and a few games, including that one if my memory serves me, started to make his seat so hot it was searing his backside.
  18. This also went through my mind given the extra spot on the active roster. I realize it's reserved for an Offensive Lineman, but in my mind it is still an extra spot. So in years past they would need to eat one of their 53 for the extra O-line but now, they can keep that extra O-line and another player....I don't know, but that could also be why they decided to roll the dice on the kid.
  19. Someone from this board probably linked it when I wasn't looking, but on Twitter Sal C. brought the statistical comparison of Matt Ryan and Josh Allen and they were remarkably similar in their year 2 comparison. Sal was careful NOT to say he thinks or projects Josh to be Matty Ice in year 3, but that the ascension from year 1 to 2 was eerily similar and the fact that Josh has consistency and a significant improvement in a WR going into his 3rd year plus what we all hope will be a much improved TE in Knox plus the added Z. Moss effect, I don't think it's beyond the realm of reasonable plausibility that Josh's 3rd year winds up looking a lot like Ryan's. Ryan's 3rd year was not outrageous in productivity, but the efficiency improvement was noticeable and really, that's Josh's best benchmark: improved efficiency. IMO additional areas that need improvement that would most likely benefit from improved efficiency would include completion %, TD-INT ratio (although his final 12 weeks was incredible), improved passing TD production, and with several hundred more passing yards. Regardless, thus far the last two off-seasons Josh has been devoted to improving mechanics and really putting the time into his craft of refinement. That tells me he isn't resting on being who he is in terms of development and he's not satisfied with where he's at regarding the position and honestly, in the early years - especially with someone like Josh - this is so crucial to his long-term success.
  20. I have no true idea of course, like any of us here, but to me Beane's comments after the season about player evaluation and not just looking at the Texans' game, was directly linked to Murphy. I don't know if he gets cut or traded for a 6th(ish) but I do think he and an Offensive lineman go the way of a trade somewhere in training camp. Although I chose Lee Smith as the guy to go because with Kroft healthy, and the need to mature Knox and Sweeney, I just don't see the need of having a Smith in the TE room. Moreover, I was tempted with DiMarco, but once again it will be a young RB room without a guy like Gore, and given DiMarco's Vet presence as one of the few in the position group McD and Beane might just value such a presence over what he actually does on the field.
  21. I think Simms' placement of JA in the rankings is right....and I also think he absolutely "could" be top 5 QB in a year or two and I also don't agree that Mahomes' arm is stronger, but no way of knowing definitively. To me this is right where JA is at the current time: presently NFL average, but has potential to be Favre-esque or even better if all of the lights go on and he stays healthy with his trajectory continuing upward. But, he also could regress and that means the 18th rank stays in the unknown realm. Fair IMO all the way around.
  22. It could be that I failed to communicate it clearly or that you didn’t quite read it correctly, but that statement had nothing to do with Tua, as I said that he is seemingly more talented than Stidham, but that the qualities I mentioned are MORE important in terms of a successful NFL QB. Not that Tua didn’t have them or that Stidham did - just that a more talented QB does not equate a better NFL QB.
  23. In my mind, when you talk about QBs that are most likely to be successful at the NFL level, talent is rarely the defining characteristic. If it were, RGIII, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, Jamarcus Russell would be winning multiple championships so to me, it is much more about the ability to lead an Offense and be efficient and capable within the framework of the given Offense. To that end, maybe Stidham will be better in the long-run based on the aforementioned traits, but it's hard to argue that Tua has less significant raw, unprocessed talent. However, the ability to handle the mental workload, to make accurate reads and passes, handle his business off the field and lead while on it, taking the relentless work ethic to a new level, and ability to rally his teammates when the collective spirit is down, is yet to be determined and may have more merit than just talent.
  24. Btw, the OP or Mods can change the title....Jake has confirmed its existence and apologized after meeting with the team. It's no longer in question, the only question that remains is what the team will do about it.
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