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Everything posted by BigBuff423

  1. I'm not an expert, but those who would be considered "experts" such as the people who break down film constantly not to mention the Bills coaching staff strongly disagree with this opinion. Are you right? I don't know....but I will side the aforementioned "experts" who seem to think Dodson is doing a remarkable job. To the original post: this makes a lot of sense as to why it was improved. Moreover, while it was pointed out about Horrible Harry's conditioning and return from injury in particular, I think the whole Defense is just starting to get into game shape. Whenever the next game is played I think we continue to see incremental improvement. Vegas game showed signs of positive improvement, if it's the Titans I think we see some more, and if it's KC, I think there are flashes but it will be difficult to gauge against the top Offense in the league. Bills are close to KC at this point, but not quite there yet (IMHO).
  2. It doesn't take a psychologist to see the toxicity emanating from the man on game day....disturbing how much power and authority the organization gave O'Brien despite his show of dysfunctionality.
  3. I like Teller when he was here, but it was just the wrong time for him to be on the team needing to develop at the same time the Franchise QB needed protection. If Teller was on Buffalo's team three years from now and all other things being equal to the current team status, I don't think the Bills trade Teller and he can take the 2 years necessary to show he can hold it down. But with Josh Allen, and the team so heavily invested in the Rookie QB's development, he needed a polished Offensive Line that could protect him and allow him to mature into what he is today and hopefully, for many years to come.
  4. This is way overdue....Haskins doesn't have the chops to be a good NFL QB. He will be a long-term back-up that can spell the position for a game or two, but he's not taking the franchise to the next level.
  5. Man, this is sooooo too early to be saying anything like this....I love the start the season for the Bills and I have reason for optimism for the Defense while the Offense has shown one quarter of the way through the season they are legit. But....let's pump the brakes on "cushion" and playoffs. COVID, injuries, player regression, and schedule ALL play a role long before we get to the end of the season. Let's be grateful and happy the start has happened the way it has for the Bills and encouraged by what we've witnessed while also knowing, this team will need to overcome adversity to challenge for the championship.
  6. Part of what goes into this O'Brien fiasco (insert Seinfeld reference here) is that he is so blatantly pompous and condescending to everyone else. As if everyone should know he walks on water and his words shape the world. Even during Hard Knocks when the cameras were pointing at him with Wilfork coming up behind him in overalls, before he knew Wilfork was the focus, he was telling the camera man to point the camera somewhere else and focus on the players. It was his attitude of sitting in an Ivory Tower and nobody should question his abilities or decisions. The arrogance radiates from this jerk like an angel's halo. While I don't like it or respect the quality in any person, you certainly don't have the justification to be such a tool unless you've truly accomplished something in the NFL - and more than just a flash in the pan. Simply put, if you showed the demeanor of being an arrogant douche than you should have the pedigree to justify it.
  7. Nobody wants to give Rookies a chance to develop and mature into NFL ready players, until a year or two later they're playing great for a different NFL team. Then, those same people were, "Our GM sucks for cutting this kid! Nobody gave him a chance!". Patience is a virtue. Josh Allen wouldn't be where he is today if the coaches weren't patient and coaching him. Bass needs to be given the opportunity to learn and grow through it.
  8. Bills 44 Raiders 19 This feels like a game the Bills come out super focused, Offense continues its blazing campaign and the Defense begins to get its feet under them. I think there’s a pick 6 or a return for a TD and a missed XP with a field goal for Bass. Don’t know why, just a feeling.
  9. I will wait to hear from those who know far more about Offensive Line play than myself, but as of right now I was not impressed with Winters. I think having Ford and Williams on the right side with Spain on the left is a better option, but like I said it might have just been my impression that the Rams D-line kept blowing up the pocket. I will say that Motor seemed to have better lanes to run through.
  10. If you listened to Mike Pereira (spelling? no clue) explain it was that Kroft clearly had possession on the way down and that it wasn't until the two players hit the ground, at which point the play is dead since Kroft had possession and obviously down by contact, that LA took the ball away from Kroft that makes it a complete pass and the OPI call re-setting the play. Made total sense once you can hear an expert explain it and he said he had no idea how they can call it an INT.
  11. The Defense is for sure something that needs to improve for the whole game. In each of the first three games, including yesterday's, the Defense has been virtually lights out in the first half. Then, the second half happens and they become the Cardiac Kids while we all find ways to squeeze life out of the final moments of the game. And it's been a wonderful feeling to see Josh Allen come in and take control of the end of games with the Offense even though it shouldn't be that way to good leads in the second half of those games. As a fan, having actual confidence in the Offense is refreshing and invigorating feeling to have, despite the aggravation. That said, as I was pondering this very thing last night and earlier this morning, I have to wonder what role the lack of Pre-Season plays for this Defense, maybe all Defenses? We heard last night that it's been a historic three weeks in the NFL regarding high scoring games and wild comebacks, and that means it's not just the Bills - it's Defenses on the whole in the NFL. As I thought about it more, we've talked about the Pre-Season and injuries and the impact conditioning has had on them, but we glossed over what kind of impact it has on a Defense in particular especially when the Bills are playing in three very warm, to absolutely tropical, game conditions. I think the loss of Star is bigger than some want to admit, as it pertains to the running game, I think a few of the newer pieces are still gaining the instinctive knowledge of the Defense so they don't have to think about it and just play, and I think the lack of Pre-Season - especially in the warmer games that require elite conditioning, has played a large role. I'm concerned at this point, but considering all of the above, I'm not panicking or ready to set the ships on fire to salvage the season - I'm at the point of let's see how October plays out for the Defense. Next game is Vegas indoors, then Titans but it will be second week in October - hopefully a bit cooler, and then KC at night on the 15th. Obviously the deeper we go the more playing time and the cooler the weather so I'm hoping by the time we get to KC at night, the Defense is in prime shape and all of it comes together.
  12. Honestly, kudos to you...it takes character to come onto a message board of a team that is not yours and admit a mistake. Thank you simply for owning it. You didn't have to, you could have continued to hide away in the shadows and except for a message board tough guy trying to call you out, you stepped out of the shadows on your own and honestly owned. Well done. I am honestly one who didn't know what to make of the pick. I can say my heart sank when Allen was the announced pick, but truly while sitting in a hotel room in Saratoga that night, I believed in Beane because of what he had done already and decided to Trust the Process. I still questioned it and of course those first few games had me believing we bought fools gold. But his final four games of his Rookie year showed me something. Then last year a big step and by the end of the season, even with some foolish mistakes in the Houston game, I believed Allen had everything a good QB needs, but he needed another year to take the leap into a top 5 QB. Now, who knows? Maybe he'll regress or maybe he's actually going to get better. I don't know. But I do know, based on everything I've seen and read - Allen's the guy. Full stop. No caveats. He's the QB for this team for the next 12ish years.....as long as he continues to learn to slide.
  13. Exactly, that was my only point. That 2 Pre-Season games to me would be sufficient to get them into the right condition to reduce the injuries while not risking further injury. The starters play one quarter the first game and then the first half the second game and then, done. That should be the proper amount.
  14. Hopefully you’re not truly trying to make the argument that training camp can in any appreciable way simulate the extreme stress on joints and muscles? Pre-Season games are meant to aid in conditioning. This helps.
  15. Having lunch with a friend a couple weeks ago, this was exactly what we talked about. The Pre-Season isn't really about talent evaluations anymore, it's much more about conditioning. For that purpose, I think 2 Pre-Season games still makes sense because they can get a quarter of play in the first week and then a full half the second Pre-Season game. Making that first week their 3rd game action of the season helping to diminish these issues.
  16. Right, which is why I'm not really criticizing Allen at ALL! He was simply fantastic overall, but there's always room for growth and that it was a TD that almost wasn't which would have been a shame given how great the route was and the throw being good in general. JMO
  17. It was fantastic, and I'm NOT complaining, but my one nit-pick was that Brown had to slow up and turn around for the catch and the Defender really did get there in time, he just wasn't turned around to bat the ball down. Leading Brown and making the throw a little longer makes it a perfect pass.
  18. The Bills invested in DE and DL, the larger issue is the CB depth with Wallace not playing all that well so far and Norman on IR, hopefully for just one more week. The absence of Edmunds and Milano was noticeable in the passing game yesterday even though Dodson did well overall, but the larger concern is CB IMHO.
  19. I understand your point but that wasn’t exactly what I was saying...more that Klein wasn’t brought in to replace either player because what Edmunds & Milano do well, isn’t his strength - he’s Zo’s replacement. Dodson did ok and I’m willing to see how he does before panic sets in, but having one other proven OLB who can run / cover like Milano would be a real asset. And yes, I know you can’t be perfect at every position, I was merely saying Beane and McD have drastically improved the depth at every position except maybe LBer - most likely due to the youth of the two injured who’ve carried that group, along with Zo, since their arrival and adding depth should be one of the top priorities next Off-season. That’s all.
  20. ESPN reports quoting Flores today as saying Parker is a "game time decision".
  21. In my opinion, it's one of the reasons why designed runs for Allen early in the game is useful. It helps burn off that amped up energy and allow him to focus and take some of the adrenaline out of his throws. The rhythm point I think speaks to that as well. Once he starts completing them, he settles in and doesn't try to make up for previous throws in the current one. The adrenaline slows, the techniques become second nature and he allows his talent to move the ball forward.
  22. The LB group is now my biggest concern due to the injuries. It reveals how much more needs to be done for depth. That said, I'm very pleased with how Beane et. al. have taken on the depth issue with vigor at nearly every other position group. So, I'm hopeful that while locking down Milano is the priority this Off-season, they should see the LBer depth as one of their top 3 pressing areas to address.
  23. Agreed 100%, but like I said regarding Norman missing the first three weeks, IF there's a game to miss, the Jets / Miami were the games to miss due to the lack of a proficient Offense. Miami has D. Parker, who may or may not play, and Fitz who is streaky at best at this stage of his career. So, with the Rams coming to town a week from Sunday, I think having Milano available for that game is going to be even more important. Rams, Raiders and Chiefs in that stretch is going to require all the healthy bodies on Defense that the Bills can muster.
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