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Everything posted by Astrojanitor

  1. You are 100% right. Im reading this off my phone and didn't notice the "not." Im wrong and apologize. Now if you ever accuse me of being right wing again i'm going to forward you a picture of rush limbaugh violently masturbating to a tom clancy novel.
  2. Changing our laws to force people to violate their own faith ...............how is that acceptable to any thinking person ? . Faith is not applicable to law. Forcing women to abide by archaic nonsense is nothing any thinking person could support. As you have clearly never been with a woman, let me set you straight. A woman takes a birth control pill daily, regardless of sexual contact. You don't take a pill every time you have sex. Plus the debate isn't about condoms or any other OTC contrceptive, its for prescription medicine. Hopefully I have alleviated some of your confusion. Now if you're confused as to why is so dark where you are its because your head is rammed up your own ass
  3. you are exactly right. Honestly the fact that anyone is coming out in support of Limbaugh on this is straight up horrifying. In 2012 a woman can not cop to taking birth control pills without being called a slut? She wants health insurance to cover prescription medicine...is that really so controversial? Her employer is deciding what medication she can and can not take. How is this even remotely acceptable to any thinking person?
  4. People are taking Whitney Houston's death far too seriously. Two weeks ago she made music you would make fun of your mom for liking, now she's like some sort of cultural deity. Just because she checked out we can't make the jokes we've been making for at least ten years?
  5. The first two records were done with session players with the boys just doing the singing. Starting with the Headquarters album in 1967 (their third) they played (all but Davy were musicians)and wrote usually about a third of the album. When they took control of their career they became one of the better pop bands of the sixties. I cannot recommend the album Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd enough. Brilliant from start to finish. Their film (and soundtrack album) Head is essential as well. They made some of my favorite music, and two of my favorite records. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdd5xI9l7Ns not really true. Micky was an accomplished drummer and Peter Tork famously beat out Stephen Stills for his position. As they were always meant to make personal appearances they were all chosen for their singing and playing ability. Their producer during the first year, Don Kirshner, would bring in the wrecking crew while they were out on the road to finish off singles. They saw the More of The Monkees LP while on a tour. Nesmith practically killed Kirshner in exchange directly leading to them playing on their actual albums (as opposed to the collections of singles on the show that was the first two LPs). Their first tour after breaking free of Kirshner's grip was famous for introducing Jimi Hendrix to American audiences. Unfortunately the teenage girls booed him off stage every night. Led to the creation of the film Head which is essentially a 90 minute middle finger to that audience. At the beginning only Nez was writing songs (if you like country rock I highly suggest his early solo albums) so Boyce & Hart, Harry Nilsson and King & Goffin wrote a heavy chunk of the songs. Which seems a bit phony now, but that's pretty much how things were done in the pop world back then. Sinatra and Elvis didn't write their own material either
  6. Yes! I was freaking out when Harbaugh rushed the kicker (cundiff?)I instead of giving everyone a minute to take a breath and do it right. One to and what...11 seconds left? Why on earth would you keep that to in your pocket? So so stupid.
  7. Chris Dodd (CEO of the MPAA and supporter of the bill) has invoked China's restriction of the internet as a paradigm for the SOPA bill. This is actually a matter of the government controlling information via the excuse of copyrighted material. Literally every page on the web involves copyrighted material...from avatars to links...meaning if the corporations or government do not like what is posted online they can use SOPA to shut down the site. And yes, I have had my copyrighted material spread online without my consent. It cost me money and I still think SOPA is !@#$ing terrifying.
  8. weird how after like 1988 everything dried up. Seemed like every other gig got canceled. Plus now like 3 concerts a year and none of them worth money? Poor Syracuse.
  9. Outside of trent and maybin I always root for former Bills players. In fact im hoping for 49ers/Ravens just because I'd love to see donte and evans play in the big game. I do think people get frustrated seeing players really break out on other teams. I think many feel players don't take buffalo seriously and use their time here to try and get on a far better team. Like they save themselves for a good team by taking it easy here and making sure they don't get hurt. Or it could be for the same reason why you resent the dude who takes out your ex girlfriend. What do I know?
  10. I always like him and felt he was underrated. You could always tell there was a very good player just waiting to get out. He just developed slower than most. One of the many reasons why chasing a QB out of town every time there's a mediocre season is probably a bad idea.
  11. one good game with a seriously stacked team and everyone wants to give him the keys to the kingdom. I wouldn't do anything heavier than bring him in as a backup and let him compete for #1
  12. you play a game with humans and you are going to see mistakes--in fact that's part of the (sometime infuriating) fun. barely worth giving a second thought ever.
  13. Blame it on Carson Palmer. If that debacle worked out he'd be called a genius.
  14. I say bench him. I don't think I have ever seen Pittsburgh's offense play as poorly as they have done so far today. His health is clearly a problem.
  15. you think that's bad, I've been a Pirates AND Orioles fan my whole life. It's why I stopped following baseball. There's no semblance of parity so what's the point? There's no reason to follow at least half of the MLB because at least half of the MLB has zero chance of being competitive two years in a row. It's really a shame--used to love baseball.
  16. Falcons have brought themselves up to be good, but not feared. Winning seasons but no real success. They're like the cowboys or bears or something. Always good, but never good enough. That being said, at this stage of the game I'd kill to have the Bills be good, but not good enough. It'll give me something new to complain about for the next 12 years.
  17. I don't think that's true at all. Art is good or bad, the only thing subjective is someone's relationship to it. Rolling Stones are better than Black Eyed Peas...Citizen Kane is better than Bio-Dome. No subjective relationship to either of those examples changes the absolute truth of one thing being better than another. Quality, by its very nature, cannot be subjective.
  18. yeah, everyone gets so worked up over taxpayer dollars, but the amount of money/jobs that comes into western new york with a new stadium deal simply makes in a wise investment for the people. Hopefully Cuomo can ignore all naysayers and make it happen.
  19. I just want to say this is a really smart point. For most of us driving is like making coffee, just part of the routine. There's the assumption that since the other aspects of the routine can be done after a few drinks we skate on everything involving muscle memory. I think a good way to think about it is I have heard myself play guitar sober and I have heard recordings of me playing after having 1, 2, 3, 4+ drinks. At the time it always sounds pretty good, but when sober I hear my playing start to fall apart after maybe drink 3. And this is even coming from someone with a perversely high tolerance for alcohol. I've always felt .08 has become the unofficial drunk number because it just sounds something you may be pushing against after a couple drinks. A bit of psychology to try and keep us all under control.
  20. I think I have a better chance of beating the Steelers than Denver
  21. awesome show and really showed the side of Brooklyn that never appears in movies/shows. Last season was a little hit or miss--season 2 was fantastic from start to finish....but HBO canned it. Total drag, but what are you going to do?
  22. holy cats...is there a better example of why this country is a mess? Think we need to curb the military boner for awhile and start throwing money back into education.
  23. 9 years? yikes, time is a jerk. I remember walking into the grimey punk rock bar I spend most of my time in that night. Maybe 10 people there drinking hard to the Pogues and one guy at the bar crying. Everyone was just quiet, which is pretty rare in that dump. Just a whole room of people mourning the loss of someone they never met. In a weird way one of my favorite memories because it really showed how these people move us.
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