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Everything posted by Astrojanitor

  1. being paid a million dollars to solely run fast and close your hands in a clapping manner means that catch needs to be made. The play we are getting from the WR corps is inexcusable
  2. AGAIN! WHAT THE !@#$? How can no one catch a ball? Do these idiots not realize they aren't on the girls volleyball team?
  3. won't even replay Jones' injury? I missed the play...assuming pretty gruesome
  4. exactly. Fitz is hardly being the hero, but it is clearly not his fault. Penalties, injuries, WRs not being able to catch a ball and defense...not necessarily in the order...have ruined this season. That being said Fitz does need to step up
  5. Annnnnnddddd our season is over. We had some highs though...was pretty fun for about a month and a half there
  6. it is shocking how bad our Defense is. They do not function like a professional team at all. Useless.
  7. well hello 2011 Buffalo Bills...nice to see you again
  8. That Noel Gallagher record is great. The whole first side is a monster.
  9. No dome! The advantage this team has in Dec/Jan cannot be denied. Back in the glory days my favorite thing was watching the Bills play in a snow storm in their shirtsleeves. Total psych out to the opponent and one of the fun things about following a Northern team. Domes may be good for business, but they are awful for the game.
  10. :thumbsup: That's amazing...they need to make a high five smiley face thing just so I can use it right now
  11. John Carpenter originally wanted Halloween to be an anthology series. After it turned out no one was interested in part 3 or in anthology series as a whole, carpenter sold the rights to the producer, a guy called Mustapha Akkad, which may actually be spelled right. he's the one who made all the michael myers sequels while carpenter surely did something awesome with the money. In 2005 Akkad he was murdered in a terrorist bombing in Jordan. That's more of a fun fact there than anything. But it also explains why we are stuck with the awful Rob Zombie films instead of the equally awful "official" Halloween movies. My opinion: halloween 3 is so stupid and over the top its almost great. problem is acting is so off it gets distracting. Some very cool photography though
  12. this is my guess. My dog regularly has nightmares (she's a rescue--former owner was abusive. always assume she is reliving past trauma in dreams...but what's she going to do, tell me?) sometimes she shrieks out sometimes a panicked whimper. if he's acting ok now I wouldn't worry. Dogs have limited ways to expresses themselves. Sometimes their weirdness is just a dog being a dog.
  13. I have a 42". Works great, never once had a problem. HD looks great. colors really pop. For the price its amazing. only real problem is the vizio logo lights up when the tv is on. Minor deal, but a little distracting
  14. Cliff Martinez just did a terrific job with Drive. Ennio Morricone, of course. Ipecac Records (the label run by Mike Patton from Faith No More) put out a great compilation of his more obscure work called Crime and Dissonance. Highly recommended. The soundtrack to Vampyros Lesbos is pretty great too. It's done by a couple German cats whose name I can't remember. It's on a label called Crippled Dick Hot Wax! who have put out a lot of great soundtracks to obscure trash films. I've also always enjoyed Carter Burwell, Fargo in particular. Being a general John Carpenter fanatic has made me a huge fan of his work. Philip Glass and the Kronos Quartet released a score for Tod Browning's Dracula a few years back that is tremendous. Johnny Greenwood knocked it out of the park with There Will Be Blood (but then everyone involved with There Will Be Blood knocked it out of the park) As for my favorites? Cliche, but I have to say Goblin's work on Deep Red, Suspiria and Dawn of the Dead will always be my go to soundtracks. I have a least favorite as well: James Horner. whenever I see his name on the credits I'm filled with dread. His scores are always overbearing and obnoxious.
  15. oh tens of people I'm sure. A large cross section of comics nerds and terminally bored. Groups known for their bravery
  16. i wouldn't be against it. He can stretch the field..probably get a couple defenders out of traffic. Would allow Fitz a little more room to make those short slant passes he's so successful with. A couple times a game we could probably expect a pretty huge gain if he only has to deal with man coverage. I could see TO being a difference maker in at least a couple games. If the price is right why not? But then if Buddy didn't go after him I don't think it would torpedo the season or anything.
  17. I would say the tough guy stance would involve actually looking for the child. The realistic stance is: "sucks, but not my problem. Too many things out there are trying to eat my face" I know what side I'm on
  18. I think you'd be able to hear my laughing from space
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