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Everything posted by Astrojanitor

  1. #1 Marc Maron. The dude is the absolute best. A very conversational and honest storyteller. Since his podcast took off he has just been getting better and better. I've followed stand-up pretty seriously for years and there has never been a comic as good as Maron, in my opinion. #2 Kyle Kinane. Kind of like a degenerate hipster version of Louis CK. As much as I love CK, the fact I don't have (or want) a wife and kids means I don't relate to most of his material. Kinane has a similar point of view, but his delivery and experiences or more aligned to my daily life. Plus all the tracks on his album are named after Cheap Trick songs. #3 Rodney Dangerfield. I think people forget how good of a joke teller Dangerfield was. His No Respect album is absolutely amazing. as far as lady comics go Maria Bamford is my favorite. A very weird presence, but if you can lock into what she is trying to do arguably one of the most consistently funny people out there. I probably laugh more/harder to her than anyone else.
  2. if nothing else Spiller has looked great. Everyone else belongs in football jail, but Spiller is something. sooooo...brightside?
  3. Rodriguez is the best. Really pumped he's finally starting to get his due
  4. Amazing film. Hal Hartley will always be one of my favorite filmmakers. If you haven't see it yet hunt down a copy of his 1994 film Amateur. One of my favorite films period. As for new movies "Lawless" looks decent. Written by Nick Cave...if I was any bigger of a fan of his I'd be sitting in the bushes outside of his house right now. "The Campaign" will surely be funny, but that can wait until DVD. Did go to the Rifftrax "Manos: Hands of Fate" simulcast event thingy last night (it's essentially Mystery Science Theater 3000). Could not have been a more fun experience. They are doing it again on October 25 with "Birdemic." Highly recommended to all MST3K fans.
  5. Very well said Cap. I have a similar story to yours and totally relate to what you describe. Mental health issues are still taboo in the alpha male world sports. These guys have a lot of trouble asking for help because of the culture that surrounds them. God forbid someone accuses them of being weak. Or maybe they are accused of "being a headcase" or "bad for the locker room" (see Young, Vince). The only thing cowardly about a situation like this is the anonymous judging of a deathly ill young man.
  6. Exactly. The book jumps through time and folds back in on itself. Makes for an exciting read but i honestly cannot picture how the book's structure will translate to the screen. The book needs its volume to make sense (it's like like 500 pages or so) but a film script will top out at 150, and that's if its like a 3 hour movie. I really dont see how a theatrical film can go into enough detail to be satisfying. I plan on seeing it, but I'm definitely more curious than excited.
  7. The book is incredible. Honestly have no idea how it's going to become a coherent movie though.
  8. Guided By Voices is number one by a mile Throw in Husker Du, Pontiac Brothers, Yo La Tengo, Black Flag, The Cramps and Minutemen.
  9. I think I am more curious than excited. Hollywood has a long tradition of not being able to make a decent Philip K Dick adaptation. Outside of Blade Runner they have all been pretty rough. I hear this one sticks closer to the text, hopefully that's a good sign.
  10. 1974 was pretty amazing: Chinatowan Godfather II Texas Chainsaw Massacre Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Ali: Fear Eats The Soul Young Frankenstein 99 44/100% Dead Zardoz We All Loved Each Other So Much Blazing Saddles Black Christmas Taking of Pelham 1,2,3 Street Fighter Stone Son of Dracula (maybe only notable to fellow Nilsson junkies) Parallax View Phantom of the Paradise Mr. Majestyk Lenny It's Alive Female Trouble A Woman Under The Influence F For Fake The Conversation Dark Star Cockfighter Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia California Split Caged Heat Suglarland Express Andy Warhol's Frankenstein
  11. See it in the theater, yes. The first scene alone will make your jaw drop. Visuals really are impressive on the big screen. But the fun is "over-analyzing" it. The film not holding up to analysis is Ridley Scott's fault, not the viewer. You wouldn't get so many long winded posts on the film if breaking it apart wasn't so much fun. I assure you, talking about Prometheus is a lot more fun than watching it.
  12. Here's a picture of the mural I'm talking about (it was only on screen for a few seconds): http://gamingshogun.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/uxAo9.jpg The christ pose leads me to believe the xenomorph was worshiped, but I can see the mural being an easter egg that gets fleshed out in a sequel.
  13. It's less a pre-quel than it exists in the same universe, I think....like when Thor shows up in an Iron Man movie. In Alien the crew discovers an engineer with a hole in his chest, presumably where a xenomorph (that's the name of the aliens in those movies) was birthed. Also the name of the company that owned the prometheus is the same as the company that owned the ships/everything in the other movies. Finally there was a mural of a xenomorph in the new film. I assume the engineers worshipped them to some degree based on how it was positioned in the mural. Could be wrong on the worship angle since it was one of the many many things that ended up being dropped instead of fleshed out. You get a sense of David being "the good son" but once the context of their relationship is revealed they don't get another scene or even reference one another. Was David created in response to Vickers? Is he meant to take over the corporation? Is he there to cross the lines Vickers can't for moral reasons? Does that explain the poisoning? So many questions.
  14. She's fine. It's the enigmatic ice queen role that is firmly in her wheelhouse. She's not the female lead though, Noomi Rapace is. Who is pretty good. Honestly if the Charlize Theron role (Vickers) was not even in the movie you wouldn't miss it. She's advertised as a villian, or at least an antagonist, but she ends up being just another meaningless distraction. Actually she is kind of a giant plot hole herself. Fassbender was probably the highlight of the film outside of the photography/effects.
  15. I'd say the plot holes generally make no sense at all. Major actions in the film do not get fleshed out at all. Things happen because the plot needs something to happen, but these plot moves come out of nowhere and are anchored neither to actual human logic or the logic of the film. The film is really beautiful looking, which alone makes it worth seeing. However I would suggest waiting for the $1 theater or dvd. The movie is so frustrating if you ended up dropping $15 on it you'd probably end up punching a car.
  16. Looks like I had the same problem with Prometheus as a lot of other people. Beautiful looking film, but unfortunately massive plot holes and character motivations that made little to no sense. It felt like the script was a few drafts away from being done. Some of my issues (SPOILERS): David and Vickers were set up as ersatz brother and sister, but that implied conflict was abandoned soon as it was acknowledged. Dr. Holloway(?) throwing a drunken temper tantrum after not immediately getting all the answers he wanted. You've traveled for two years and millions of miles...maybe give it a couple days before you call the whole trip a failure. Also the line "I'm here for money not to make friends" from the geologist. Are these things mutually exclusive? Also why is the whole crew so dismissive of the mission. You've traveled for two years and millions of miles, is that not impressive enough of a feat to keep an open mind for a little bit? You're all scientists for tit's sake, not a high school basketball team. It's all just conflict for that sake of conflict/terrible character development. Why was Holloway poisoned by David? Everything about the pregnancy. So the engineers want to kill all of us...so going to their home planet for an explanation will accomplish what now? Because I'm thinking the land of murderous giants may be a place to avoid. Although I realize that makes for an unexciting sequel. the two guys who freaked out over everything try to make friends with the space cobra? Seems like coming across alien wildlife might be more unnerving than seeing an engineer corpse. So there's a lot of alien life out there that can turn humans into monsters. How do you suppose something like that evolves? So was that a xenomorph at the end? Is that how they are made? A human lady gets impregnated by alien monster semen, gives birth to a squid monster, which plants itself in an engineer....I'm already confused. Good thing none of it was fleshed out. Embrace the mystery I guess. That engineer really rebounded from his ship crashing. And Shaw running around immediately after having her stomach muscle cut open? And Shaw running into a crowded room nearly naked and covered with blood and no one finds that surprising? Also if I left a baby squid monster in someone's quarters I may say something to someone. But maybe that's just how I was raised. I'm sure there's more, I just don't want to think about it anymore. But you get the point. Plot holes and character motivations that are seriously divorced from reality. If I handed that script into one of my screenwriting classes I probably would have gotten a C. Now I realize spending most of my adult life in film school has made me overly critical of movies, but this time I don't think it's me. I re-watched Alien before I saw Prometheus and was blown away. Alien is structured beautifully. Everything builds logically and organically. Prometheus just seemed to have stuff happen because it was time for another plot turn. Ultimately a horrible disappointment. Drag since I had really been looking forward to seeing it. Ah well, Spiderman next week Batman a couple after that Moonrise Kingdom is finally out. Plenty of good films left.
  17. I assume this is sarcasm and laugh right along with you. Beginning to feel a little bad for the Lions. Soon as they become relevant again they get this reputation as a dirty team. And now all these arrests? It's like the fans can't even get one year of positivity from their team.
  18. Jon Benjamin is a national treasure.
  19. Geez I sure hope you don't take you ball and go home, you're really adding so much to the conversation. Hey, ball! Get it? That's where semen comes from. Thats just for you. Its called reaching arcoss the aisle. Like reacharounds! Yeaaah now you get it.
  20. So whenever your moronic "points" run out of steam you immediately start thinking about things to ejaculate on? If only the church let you fantasize about women without being slutty.
  21. Was someone jailed for speaking out against the government? I don't remember Obama sending Rush to the hoosegow. As for the religion angle, catholics can practice all the catholicism they want. But its not unlike mormons not being allowed to prqctice bigamy. Sometimes religious practice flys in the face of reason/law.
  22. Your blind idiot dogma is the unquestioning support of an outdated institution that is openly harming employees by withholding financial access to prescription medicine. Individual health is more precious than an absurd idology ($5 says viagra is covered...but no, women are the sluts). People have the right to expect the service they pay for to actually provide the service they pay for. Since buying insurance independant of the employer is fiscally impossible for the bulk of the working force, the expectation of coverage is hardly out of order. But since you clearly have dog rape on the brain I suppose actually expecting you to think for yourself is kind of a tall order.
  23. Actually im plagued with a small screen on my phone. Also slightly plagued by paying more attention to my dog than to what Im reading. Much preferable to being plagued with outdated ignorant thinking and blind idiot dogma. At least I can buy a bigger phone.
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