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Everything posted by RochesterLifer

  1. Yeah, for me, it's the Canadian part. Damn Canadians.
  2. Fake news. Your thoughts and comments, often worth considering, would be easier to absorb if you would bypass the negative hyperbole.
  3. 😁 Well played. Yeah, it’s tough to draw a puritanical line in the sand. In Beane I trust.
  4. Yup. I don't live day and night on chat boards. I saw this and responded. Implying he was seeking publicity is quite cynical. Why do you have a problem with this and when did we institute a time limit on discourse?
  5. The football field is his living room. It was perfectly natural to be where he was.
  6. Whether it’s Gronk or Patrick Peterson (different thread), bringing in high-profile veterans is a bad idea. Beanie has often said the Bills are building to win today and tomorrow. That means paying players for what they will do instead of overpaying for what they have done.
  7. Maybe you can ask to become a moderator. That way, you can shut threads down when they don't meet with your approval. Condescend much?
  8. I don't watch college football, nor do I research the draft. In other words, I lack the knowledge to earn the right to an opinion. However, a 260 pound linebacker with between the tackles explosiveness has me drooling. I'm in for Zaven Collins.
  9. You're making BADOBILZ point for him/her. There is no way that traffic to the game averages less than two attendees per vehicle. Have you ever attended a game - seen the traffic? Vehicles easily average 2+ per. I will guess (11 year season ticket holder, so observational knowledge) a three per car average with a significant number of buses. So, let's half your estimate and liberally say 20,000 vehicles. My guess is yes, you are really bad at math.
  10. This isn't intended as an argument, I'm curious. Why do you see Williams as a bridge? He is 29, playing a position where quality players last into their mid-late 30s. Why can he not be our right tackle solution?
  11. I'll preface this with the admission that it is not my money. That said, we are building our team around Josh Allen, betting that he is our guy for the next ten to twelve years. That direction calls for the Bills to put a quality offensive line in front of him, allowing him to give us "The Josh Allen Experience" while minimizing the risk of injury. We found nugget of gold in Williams and I think we need to prioritize holding on to him. Cut and build with draft choices elsewhere, but build the best o-line we can.
  12. And where would that debate be had? Two Bills Drive? Twitter? Facebook? If Edmunds has played in '92, there would have been no debate about him, either.
  13. I have to raise my hand with a point of order regarding the bolded. Mahomes received a master's degree in quarterbacking his first year, sitting and benefitting from the tutelage of Reid, his offensive staff and a Pro Bowl QB. I recognize your words are "as soon as he was even the opportunity", but even with that phrase, perspective is (purposely?) lost. As a rookie, Josh had the pleasure of throwing to Kelvin Benjamin and Zay Jones. - Josh Allen is hitting a home run starting with two strikes against him. - Patrick Mahomes is hitting a home run while having started on second base. While Mahomes won the battle this year (and I tip my cap), I believe the two QBs are very comparable.
  14. I think our concerns about losing players need to better recognize that all teams are facing the 2021 cap challenge. We may not see as much departure as we fear.
  15. I have a tendency - well - a 40 year habit, of really embracing and supporting anyone wearing a Bills uniform. Morse, Brown and Knox are guys I root hard for. However, continuous improvement means bold off season moves. That may include leaving Morse and Brown behind and investing in another young tight end, keeping Knox through the end of his rookie deal.
  16. Estimated by whom? Chief fans are a committed bunch and I find it hard to believe, in a limited seating environment, they wouldn’t gobble up all tix at their house. While I like the thought, I am skeptical of this claim.
  17. No, I’m not nearly that exciting. I saw and read nothing to indicate sexual assault or rape at that party. There is just a Grand Canyon of difference between the two.
  18. Sexual assault is a predatory act of violence. Please do not compare a juvenile party to sexual assault. Are you honestly implying you can’t see the stark difference?
  19. I’d like to flash a caution light here. Yes, Haskins has shown selfishness and poor judgement. Big Ben sexually assaulted a young lady. The two are not comparable. I’m not a fan of Haskins. However, to my knowledge, he has done nothing to deserve this comparison.
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