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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. He’s said quite a bit since coming to Buffalo. I, for one, have no interest in his words. They’re not paying him too much money to talk. They’re paying him too much money ton contribute to the defense. The defense that’s doing quite well on the field while he continues to talk whilst wearing civilian clothes.
  2. Figures a guy who hates the Eagles would like Conan O’Brien. I seriously don’t think he’s ever made me laugh.
  3. Smart Josh is better than dumb (hero ball) Josh. This is something Andy Reid got across to Mahomes early on. It’s taken too long with McDermott - but better late than never (we hope).
  4. He really made the most out of his only reception.
  5. My heart goes out to this poor young man. So much to prove. Just not enough time. 😢
  6. I’m starting to think she’s a beard and this is a business venture for both of them.
  7. It’s great, no doubt. Now let’s see some postseason wins this year.
  8. Why are Bills fans talking sh!t about the team that ended our season in humiliating fashion nine short months ago?
  9. Jesus Christ, I had no idea he was sick. Very sad. RIP.
  10. They’re all entertainers. Some catch balls. Some swallow them.
  11. I think one of the biggest questions is whether or not Baty is an every day 3B.
  12. I think there was a pretty significant stretch this season during which the Mets played some painfully uninspired baseball. That will always be in the manager’s shoulders, to me. That said - I do agree that injuries did him no favors, but every team deals with injuries. Overall. I think the firing was warranted. But I do love Buck and I do think he did a decent job with what he was given. Just not good enough. Onward and upward.
  13. Gugny

    2023 Concerts

    Definitely a bucket list show for me. Great to hear about the deep cuts. One thing that will always boggle my mind is Last Kiss. WHY? Why did they do that? I wonder if they ever play it live.
  14. You get six f*cking months off/year!!!
  15. they asked for a card this isn’t Honolulu first world country, here!
  16. You gave me three and they all went to the same place!!!
  17. ‘preciate the help yesterday’s links did not work left me very sad.
  18. Look how many Lombardis the Patriot Way has amassed. I’ll take it.
  19. I’m so sorry, Jim. Peace be with you, your family and your mom.
  20. Sadly, Millbank passed a few years ago. He was a great guy/poster. RIP
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