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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. In a bar fighting the cops Listening to Bruces Glory Days
  2. So start him in PS 2020 and see if he can play. I think he is a diamond in the rough and could be the Bills next Freddie a solid RB that needs a break.
  3. He caught 50 passes last year,he may have another 50 or so in the tank:)
  4. It still is:) Knox and Sweeney take a huge step forward with this guy as their mentor for a year. Plus Josh gets a sure handed veteran TE he can count on to run the right route and catch the ball at the end of it With 59 career TD`s he is a huge redzone weapon
  5. If he had a year behind Alex Smith.....yes. I have said it all along that Alex was as big a part in Mahomes success as Andy and Eric are. The kid does have talent but he also has more weapons(on field and coaching) than Josh does.
  6. Me neither but right now he needs to be number 2 on the depth chart and I hope its behind Greg Olsen. What a great mentor he would make for the Bills young TE`s Knox and Sweeney.
  7. Maybe a true number one TE that doesn`t drop half the catchable passes thrown his way
  8. Yeah the PBA Milwaukee stop was exhilarating television
  9. Who cares if they win as long their fantasy stats are good or great
  10. Only for dinner to seek advice on this matter I don`t think Gregg did any groping...…...yet
  11. A wise man once said you don`t need to be faster than the bear or lion.....just faster than the friend your with
  12. I have no emotional attachment to either team. I might watch it. I say the same thing every year and then I watch the whole thing
  13. Mad Gab for short its an awesome radio name I hope she grows into it
  14. Matter2003 posted this thread it shows Josh Allen clocked at over 20 mph on one run vs Vikes in 2018
  15. I/2 our fan base I don't tweet I'm not a bird or famous That's the same combination I use on my luggage
  16. I would think most of that stuff did go on before McD got here and righted the ship to build the current culture.. Definitely don't want LT on the Eagles JP is always hurt and takes all the money
  17. Check out his comp% for his first 4 years and people are critical of Josh. This guy had an NFL QB for a father and a sure fire first ballot HOF brother to help him. Not to mention having Kurt warner as a mentor. http://www.nfl.com/player/elimanning/2505996/careerstats http://www.footballperspective.com/eli-manning-and-the-hall-of-fame/
  18. I thought he retired 2 years ago I never really warmed to the guy after the SD draft fiasco
  19. Fitz says he wants to play again this year and Miami says they want him back but he might hit FA to see what offers he gets. While I would enjoy a Fitzmagic return to Buffalo it would be with the dreaded thought that he somehow seems to get the starting gig everywhere he goes
  20. Here is the only thing that matters Bills 30 Chefs 13 https://www.footballdb.com/games/boxscore.html?gid=1994012301
  21. Funny how the " experts" are not GM's for teams Talking heads talk and an aerial attack is more fun to watch than 4 yds and a pile of dust Its easier to control the clock with runs and most teams have a hard time trying to pass without an effective run game. Besides all that the O line usually prefers running to passing for the simple fact that they get to hit versus getting pushed around in the passing game
  22. I hope they use all their remaining picks on offence to build around the young man.
  23. Was that 64.26 pieces of bacon? or is that a combined count of bacon and eggs?
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