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Everything posted by billykaykay

  1. Yes, but Tyrod can be better than Cam. He doesn't have Cam's size but he is a much more accurate passer & his mobility is off the charts. Cam is a good QB but imo he is a tad over rated.
  2. But not all the fast RB's make that cut back to the left to produce that nice run.
  3. I've said in a number of posts that EJ for the most part just lacks confidence. Well for some reason the light went on. You can see the confidence he is playing with from his body language, his pocket presence, & his accuracy. Is it coaching? Or is it just being in his third year & maturing? I don't know but he has been looking pretty good. Having said that, I still think that this team is Tyrod's. He can do it all. He has a strong arm; he is accurate; he is very mobile; & he has a few years of good coaching from a good organization. What are his negatives? He's only 6' 1". I don't think so. The only possible negative is that we don't know how he will handle pressure or if he can produce & win games in the last few minutes - the mental part of the game. We shall see.
  4. No one puts more stress on their ACLs etc than basketball players. They are constantly stopping & starting at full speed. I don't have any stats, but it seems that they have less serious knee injuries. Does anyone know why?
  5. Tyrod has a very strong arm. We shouldn't lump him in with MC in terms of arm strength.
  6. IMO Claussen will be starting before the year is out.
  7. Agreed. He is not considered a running QB, but is very mobile, evidenced by last years Bills game.
  8. Very fair & balanced assessment. It looks like none of the QBs are as bad as the camp media tweets would have us believe. I am not an EJ guy but I have to admit that it looks to me like he is making strides to being a much better QB than he was last year. Last year it seemed like he had a lot of 3 & outs. Tyrod seems to move the chains. Not an easy decision who ought to be starting. I personally like TT, EJ, & MC in that order, but I feel that MC will be the coaches choice. Just a feeling.
  9. " At a standstill" doesn't mean that they are not talking and/or are far apart.
  10. Does anyone remember Russell Wilson coming into the Ralph in Dec a couple of years ago? His small hands really hurt him, eh.
  11. Kirby, you have been stating this for a long time. I don't necessarily disagree with you. But, you are concluding that because Goodwin has world class speed, he is or could be a "big play" guy. In two years, I can remember only two "big plays". Just because we don't see Hogan beating his man on a fly pattern doesn't mean that he doesn't make some big plays. Also, don't forget that Hogan didn't really play football in college. He is still a rookie in terms of experience. He is big & he is very fast. Not as fast as Goodwin but still not just a "possession receiver". I think that both make the team & both will find ways to contribute.
  12. Didn't he beat the Bills in an AFC championship game back in the day.
  13. I agree Bandit. C's throws seem like Pennington's. I'd like to see him get rid of it quicker & with more zip. However, he is what he is - an average QB. Taylor seems to have a knack for moving the sticks, whether it is through the air or with his legs. If we continuously move the sticks, we will continuously score 3's & 7's. Ej looked good - period. We can nitpick each & every move & throw, but in general he looked like an NFL QB.
  14. A Wayne Chrebet ???? Are you serious? Not only is Hogan big & strong, but he is also very fast & has pretty good hands. He will most likely improve his skills each year. He'll be here long after Goodwin & Harvin are gone. Did I forget to mention his speed?
  15. Exactly Eball. If he threw the punch, hit Geno in the mouth, & Geno got up , brushed himself off & went back to the shower, this whole thing would have been a big NOTHING. Because he injured Geno, wow - it is a big media story. Interestingly, Florio is pushing for the league to suspend our new LB with pay. How would that affect our final roster & would we be allowed to cut him ??
  16. Marlon was the closest DB to Revis that I can remember. I used to call him Velcro for the way he would stick to WR's.
  17. Speaking of London, does anyone have an idea when we will receive our tickets from Ticketmaster?
  18. And, Dallas is in a win now mode. Thus, Fred's age isn't a big deal. They just would like to get one good year out of him. Sorry - got Fred & BB mixed up.
  19. Get a grip, Coach. IMO, Whaley is the best GM since Polien. As far as the QB is concerned, in the off season he aquired three (3 ) QBs who are now fighting it out with EJ.
  20. His inaccuracy in my opinion is because of a lack of confidence. Only success will improve his confidence. It is necessary that the Bills have a plan to do just that. I'm sure when he is warming up & throwing to the WR's that he is accurate. When he has to hit a slant with a DB on the receiver's tail he is hesitant & afraid to make a mistake. The NFL is a league of QB led 4th Q winning drives. Does anyone here have confidence that he can do that. I know that he had a few good games & won the Carolina game in the last minute, but can he do it regularly. I have doubts. I'm rooting for him but I'm beginning to think like Kirby that the unknown (Taylor ) may turn out to be the best option to move the chains.
  21. Mett would have been a 1-2 round pick had he not blown out his knee in college. He has it all - just needs a chance to gain some experience. I was impressed with him last year considering he was with a bad team & was a rookie.
  22. Wasn't it against the Patriots that the refs called a pass interference penalty against the Bills ------ on a hail Mary ?
  23. I predict that sometime during this season, Cousins will beat out RGIII. Griffen is simply not a good QB. He's lost it - kinda like my golf swing.
  24. IMO, the reason that T looked improved last year is that they went to a short passing game. He still doesn't like to throw long. Ask Wallace.
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