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Everything posted by transient

  1. Patfitz from TSW calls it "heinous" and "INexcusable." Rotten Tomatoes gave it one of those green splotchy things, and called it unwatchable, even by Lifetime standards. Roger Ebert rolled over twice in his grave. "Marrone's Unforgivable Sin" is being panned as one of the season's worst stories by Bills fans everywhere, unless, of course, they win this week, at which point it will be hailed as a masterpiece, an instant classic, and will be nominated for numerous awards.
  2. **cough**whitner**cough**cough** Should be like running in to/roughing the kicker. 10 yards for routine interference, spot foul for egregious/outcome altering interference.
  3. Will parents threaten to drop their kids at RWS II if they don't behave? (Just me? or are others familiar with that threat, as well?)
  4. How do you get a personal foul by slapping a teammate's helmet?
  5. Nelson could be the league MVP through 6 weeks... if it was 1987, that is.
  6. Kuaondjio ole'... sack, fumble... 20 yard return for a 7-0 Minnesota lead at 14:46 of the first quarter. Hell, if you're going to be depressing, might as well commit, right?
  7. Sad I can't be there, but confident the Bills faithful will show him his due fandemonium when he takes his place on the wall on Sunday. Props to Carruci's column today for reminding people to be in their seats in time to cheer.
  8. http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/story/2014-10-12/bills-duke-williams-commits-worst-pass-interference-penalty-of-the-season (not for those who want to wretch at the sight of the play).
  9. Ok, Bill, when you're giving me the ol' reach around after the game I'd like you to tickle my balls with your right hand, like this.
  10. Playing devil's advocate, without the interference, Edelman was going to catch that ball. Odds are probably better than 99%. Egregious PI or not, the defense has a chance to stop them if they make a helluva goal line stand. I take more issue with the ****ty coverage than the penalty.
  11. If it is a short term consulting position, I would agree with that. If it is a long term hire, it creates an odd dynamic, IMO, and usurps the GMs role to a certain extent. It's also not much of a vote of confidence for those already in place.
  12. A fresh set of eyes that have had success elsewhere would be a nice way to help restructure the organization. However, unless they're either talking about relieving Whaley of his duties or this being a short term hire, this would seem to create a congestion of administration, as it would seem to me that the names mentioned in the article are essentially GMs. For the first time in years this team at least appears to be decisive and moving forward. There have been signs of life in free agent signings, the draft, player trades, and with coaching hires since Brandon took the reigns. While tweaks in structure may be helpful and necessary, and would be something a short term hire could provide, I hope they let things play out for a season or two with the people currently in place to see if the team is indeed heading in the right direction, instead of making knee jerk changes that will take yet more time to take root.
  13. Even though it was a typed response, you know Kiko heard that. I'd sleep with one eye open if I was you, cuz next time you see Kiko, it REALLY WILL be painful for you to watch.
  14. Take your soliciting elsewhere. This isn't Craig's List.
  15. First time (and possibly the only time) I ever stood at a urinal with a 6'2" foot transvestite taking a piss at the one next to me was at the Continental. I was so drunk that I did a double take before I really figured out what it was about the picture that seemed odd to me. Deceptive lack of lighting in the old Pink. More than a few times I can remember last call with the lights being snapped on and feeling a reprieve from having to gnaw my arm off the next morning.
  16. A little last minute corrective laser surgery.
  17. EJ was drafted for his potential, IMO, not the QB he was at the time he left FSU. I doubt he was meant to start right out of the gate. It was a poor year for QBs, and Geno is a brick with limited upside, so... They also swung another pick out of the deal, which makes EJ, Woods, and Kiko a decent haul for what equaled the Bills first and second round pick prior to the trade. IMO, benching EJ is as much about salvaging the season in a down year in the AFCE as it is about not destroying the last shred of confidence he has. Due to his own inexperience and our OL's shoddy play, SD's and Houston's D mauled him... what would throwing him to the Lions prove? Orton is Fitz is Kolb. A placeholder/benchmark to measure progress. If EJ can't develop beyond that benchmark, they move on from him, but to say they've moved on after 14 games, when most considered him raw from the start... I doubt it. Also, good luck recruiting talent in the future, Fisher, if it's that important for you to be able to say I told you so when your players fail. Total dick move.
  18. A QB poll inside a QB poll; In the event that someone starts yet another QB poll/thread in the next 10 minutes, your reaction to it would be to: 1) Ignore it b) Add a snarky response to the thread without voting #) Call the OP something really mean, but probably deserved +) Find a way to shut down the internet to prevent further Buffalo Bills QB polls from occurring and furthermore) post a response with some variant of "IN" IN it lastly) Waste precious seconds of your existence trying to come up with a witty poll within a poll of your own to add some value to the thread, realize you're failing miserably, and ultimately give up with a "yeah, I got nothing" Yeah, I got nothing. Mods, feel free to make this its own thread in case there are not enough QB threads floating around at the present time.
  19. I'll tell you what I think. I think you owe your employer at least 45 minutes more production than what you provided today.
  20. I didn't see the game. Did EJ act like a pouting prima donna every time his oline forgot to hand JJ Watt and the rest of the Texans defense a tube of KY before letting them through? Doesn't speak very well of our receiving corp, IMO. Sounds like we have a few malcontents, if you ask me.
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