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Everything posted by Buddo

  1. To me, the biggest question, is what are the Giants going to do? Both in respect of being prepared to trade out of #2, and also in respect of who they are looking to pick.
  2. He might get it, providing we don't give up anything else than the #12, 22 and next years first rounder. Personally, as I've explained above, I don't think they will trade out of #2. And they will take their own QB.
  3. Mainly because opportunities like the Giants have, don't come around that often. Best QB class for a few years, with several with genuine 1st round grades, coinciding with having the #2 pick in the draft. And a QB who is nearing the end of his career, but who isn't 'done' who the rookie can sit behind and learn from for a couple of years. Iirc, after doing a little research the other day, the last time the Giants had a top 5 pick, they ended up with Eli. Many moons ago. The last actual time I think they had the #2 pick, was way back in the '80s and they took LT with that one. If you are a forward looking franchise, which, tbh, the Giants generally have been, it makes far too much sense to take your next franchise QB, when a prime opportunity to do so, arises. As an afterthought, the fact that just about all the media says the Giants aren't taking a QB, just screams 'smokescreen'.
  4. Minimum 3, Maximum 4. Allen, Darnold, Mayfield, Rosen, (alphabetical order) with one of Allen or Mayfield being dropped if it's just 3
  5. Realistically, I think you have to hang the blame for that on McDermott. I'd say that he wasn't prepared to trust anyone elses judgement on a QB, when he probably knew there was a new GM on the horizon, and that it probably would be someone he would trust (i.e. Beane). Now, they might still roll the dice if they can find a partner, but it would seem, for the moment at least, that the Jest have got, and made, the jump on them. One thing I would say, is that unlike player contracts, just because one team has overpaid (imho) to move up, doesn't automatically mean other teams will have to pay the same sort of premium. Maybe if there's a bidding war, but not necessarily otherwise.
  6. AS a little bit of an afterthought, I don't think the majority of Bills fans would be complaining, if both Brown and Glenn were still on the roster. While the feeling seems to be that we can do better than Brown, especially from a speed pov, there isn't that much against him. Some of that, is partly predicated on seeing what McDermott has liked/used previously with the Panthers.
  7. If it wasn't for the fact that Glenn gets us up to the #12 pick, and consequently in range to move up for a top QB, if that's what the FO want to do, I think you would see a lot more angst about the move. When healthy, Glenn is a very good LT. He's also been a guy who has been no trouble whatsoever. Simply does his job. Fortunately, another 2nd round pick, in Dawkins, stepped up when Glenn was hurt last year, so while Glenn wasn't being made superfluous (we don't have a great RT, so tackles generally are still valuable to us), it was a trade that is about as close to a 'win, win' as you can get. Brown is a generally smart, solid LB, who does a lot well, but lacks elite speed or athleticism. He won't let you down, but he won't make a lot of big plays either. He isn't going to be an answer to coverage woes, but he won't be a total liability there either. Another guy who hasn't been a problem either, in respect of character etc.
  8. Apart from having an argument with his shoes, the look is one of a young kid who has suddenly sprouted up a few inches, and outgrown his trousers. But is being made to wear them still, as they haven't worn out.
  9. The more I think about it, or find out other information, the more I like the Davis signing. Filled a need, at good value, and when reading about the upcoming draft classes strengths depth etc. it seems as though quality outside corners, are in short supply, both literally and figuratively. From what I'm reading elsewhere, there is a lot of talent at CB, but it all pretty much translates to nickel type guys, in part due to a lack of inches/length (at least from the guys with the most ability). While I'm sure there will be the odd guy who ends up being a good 'outside' corner, it isn't going to be so easy to identify one. This means that the Davis signing, has much more significance, than first realized, and why I'm lliking it more and more. Previously, it would have been Star, as with the departure of Dareus, it became an obvious necessity. For all the Kyle Williams love (obviously justifiable), big space eating run stuffing, is not his forte, and he is far better with one alongside of him. I like the McCarron signing for genuine competition, and the notion that if he hadn't been stuck behind Dalton, who has largely stayed healthy, there might be more interest around the league. The Browns may well have done us a big favor there, by messing up the trade, and consequently taking Tyrod off of our hands. If McCarron had made it to the Browns, this conversation may not be happening, as he might have played well enough for them not to have traded for Taylor. I would have liked the Murphy signing, if it wasn't for the PED suspension. Pass rush was a need, and there ain't much in the upcoming draft. Thing is, I can't seem to get this image out of my head of a steroid fuelled, late night drive, up to Buffalo. I also like the re-signing of Cadet, who I think is the perfect pass catching and speed complement, to Shady and Ivory. I think it gives us a terrific balance at RB for next season.
  10. Well, if it's that deep, we can simply use one of our multiple draft picks on another WR, who won't cost $7 million this year, and we will have next year, and the year after, and the year after that, probably for the whole $7 million. You starting to get the picture?
  11. Not going to happen. Too expensive either in picks, or salary. The Bills couldn't afford to pay him what he's due this year, well, not and actually fill up the rest of the roster eventually. Fwiw, he's due about $7 million this year.
  12. Funny how the other guy they signed a day or two ago, suddenly couldn't pass a physical.....
  13. I think the idea of sticking to their 'range' of values, is quite interesting. While it is obviously, to an extent, a function of finding a trade partner, the move up to #12, could be relatively specific, in that it might be around the pick # where two possible QB choices, intersect. While this is just an example, it could be that they value Darnold from say #9, and Allen from #12 , and they think that either one of them might be available there. That wouldn't preclude a move up if the player and price was right, but it does give them, in theory, an outside shot at a QB they would be prepared to draft, at #12, while still keeping the rest of their picks. If you like, a base position from which to talk, but one at which you could still get what you see as a viable QB, just not your favored one.
  14. They might like Allen at #12, but prefer someone else if a move up is available. Seems to me that they are big on sticking to their 'value ranges' when it comes to either FA or the draft. I don't think that Beane was being especially dishonest, when he said he hasn't completed looking at players for the draft, and could't say who he would pick @ #12 right now. I think that while the move up to #12, definitely gives them the chance to go up further, it's also likely the area around which the possibility for 'blue chippers' will stop.
  15. I'm sort of surprised he's caught on somewhere tbh, as I thought we only played him out of desperation. Still, good luck to him, although I'd be being dishonest if I said I was sorry to see him go.
  16. Probably not, but in Curry's case, I'd guess it was about the guaranteed part ($5 million) he was about to get. If the Eagles were trying o get out of that part, then I can see where he could tell them where to go. Might mean that he's actually more 'affordable' than we think, providing you can come up with a $5 million guarantee for this year, you might be able to sign him.
  17. This would be my assessment of what's happened so far. Tbh, what the Bills should be doing, is simply arranging the timing of the announcement to their best advantage, something I doubt Wood actually has a problem with. After that, they should be paying the man , and letting him ride off into the sunset. Imho, anything else displays a total lack of class, when a player has played games in the last season, where he could have ended up in a wheeelchair, unknowingly, when the teams' medical staff or physical trainers, should have been ensuring his safety.
  18. My sentiments exactly - except I would have spelled basis correctly....
  19. I wouldn't object to getting both of them back tbh. Brown is a solid enough player in a 4-3, and is nowhere near as bad as some would like to make out. I'd rather have him than Bradham any day of the week, and especially Sundays. There were a couple of times in the SB, where it looked to me as though Bradham was running through sand, where everyone else was running on turf - and I wasn't even trying to see stuff like that. Gaines problem is his talent is currently outweighing his availability. And his ego is likely in lock step with his talent. I'm not sure that Gaines had one particular problem last year, or whether it was a series of different 'nicks', but whatever it was, it seems to happen every year with him. On the one hand, you appreciate that the guy is a finely honed athlete, who knows his own body well, on the other hand, you want him to get his butt on the field of a Sunday, because your team is better with him, than without him. My own gut feeling is that McDermott is pretty old school when it comes to Sundays, and availability, and Beane will simply have to follow that lead. Consequently, I can see them offering Gaines a new deal, but nowhere near what he wants, without him hitting playing incentives.
  20. Wonder who his agent is, and if there's any 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' to be found in this move.
  21. Does our new football analytics department, factor in 'enhanced' performance? I think we should be told.
  22. Might be intriguing, as he did (finally) put up half decent numbers last year. Cap hit was pretty much always going to see him available this year, unless he out-performed Gronk. Under-performer, for sure, but not without ability, and might come relatively cheaply.
  23. Can't say I blame players for wanting to get paid. Amendola has had restructures and cuts, iirc. He was always going to get a better offer elsewhere. I think Solder also went after the money, and I'm not too impressed with him as a player, tbh, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Pats didn't offer him as big bucks as he thought he was worth. Lewis hasn't really had a good payday (by NFL standards) as yet, and as one of a bunch of RBs, he wasn't going to get that good of a one from the Cheaters. Common-sense move by Lewis. With Gilmore getting the big money, the writing was on the wall for Butler, and again, he was always going to get more elsewhere. With the selection decision for the SB, itwas clear that for whatever reason, the Cheaters were intent on 'moving on' from him. Out of all of the above guys, the only one who the Cheaters might struggle to replace quickly, is Solder, and as I personally don't rate him that highly, I'm not convinced that it will be that difficult. Tbh, all I'm seeing is a bunch of guys who are looking (or maybe needing) to get paid, and know that it isn't going to be the Cheaters who are going to do that for them.
  24. The notion that the market has changed for Foles, might be correct in terms of buyers, but it hasn't changed any in terms of the vendor. And it takes both sides to make a deal. I'm not sure any self-respecting GM is going to be in a big hurry to trade his backup QB, who just brought home his franchise's first Lombardi. And especially when he doesn't have to. I'd also say that irrespective of any prognosis as regards Wentz being healthy, it would be pretty darn premature to be trading the backup, before you know he's going to be able to go through TC etc.
  25. No need, the deal hasn't been done yet, we just have him back, as we no longer need the extra pick with the Glenn trade, and bingo, a bridge has been laid for a new QB.
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