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Everything posted by Buddo

  1. Still not really happy about moving a good LT, but credit where it's due, it's a fine move to get up to #12 without giving up much. Tbh, the money side is largely irrelevant, as we are still into Glenn for about $9 million and some this season, but that will help again for next year. You have to believe that there's a shiny new drafted QB on the horizon, it just depends from which draft number it happens eventually. We can now get to at least #2 without too much trouble, or excessive use of picks. And that is a job well done by Beane.
  2. I don't get people who say get someone in who is more the McBeane 'type', when talking about Glenn. Other than not playing much last year, his whole attitude etc. should be poster boy stuff for McBeane. Want a QB who is going to pass the pigskin? Then give that guy time to do it, and keeping Glenn can be an important part of that equation.
  3. I wonder if you are getting this mixed up with him having had a kidney removed? I think that was back in 2015. My guess would be more that he's had some ongoing foot issues, that he hasn't made enough of a fuss about, that eventually accumulated to the point of needing surgey (s?). Glenn is one of those rare breeds in the NFL, in that he's a 'no fuss, no bother' guy, who just goes to work. Injuries aside, Glenn would be a prototypical McDermott/Beane type of guy, but as they haven't seen him play much (live), then they aren't likely to be wedded to him. It makes no sense to me to cut, or even trade him, when if he's going to be healthy, you could put him at RT and immediately make the O-Line much better. That could also have the effect of helping with any future foot problems, by not needing to use his feet quite as much at RT. The 'cost' of tackles is gradually becoming more even, due to the fact that rushers will much more frequently swap sides, so you need more agility on the right anyway.
  4. Not too keen tbh. He looked slow to me in the SB. Solid tackler against the run, but I don't think he's quick enough round the field to suit a McDermott D.
  5. Tbh, the one actual 'deciding' point in all of the above, is that draft classes like this one (for QBs), don't come around that often. Hopefully, the likes of Gettleman, aren't paying too much attention to that notion, as it's the ideal time for the Giants to take and groom Mannings successor.
  6. There's nothing at all in that article, that is any sort of evidence for 'tampering'. Let alone proof. At this stage of the build up to FA, there probably isn't a team in the NFL, who actually isn't guilty of 'tampering', as they will all have their targets, and they will all know already a rough figure, as to what it is going to cost, to get them. The NFL turns a blind eye to this behaviour, on two counts, one of which is how difficult it would be to get good evidence of 'tampering' taking place, and the other is that it serves their business well, by being able to have big 'splashes' all over the league, within a few minutes of FA opening. As others have pointed out though, it would be nice if they could manage to match the rules, to reality.
  7. QB aside, it's not an especially 'deep' draft generally, from what one or two people who know better than I, have been saying. Makes trading up a more likely scenario than it would ordinarily. Not so much point accumulating a bunch of lower round picks, if they aren't going to be used on anyone decent, due to a talent drop off.
  8. I'd be interested to see what Clay does with a better QB, but imho, he makes a touch too many drops - even taking into account that nobody catches everything. I'm also getting concerned about Clay missing games. While I think both he and the Bills, have managed his seeming on-going issues well, I'm not expecting that to be something that can continue forever. Not now interested in Ebron, but I do think we need to be looking at TEs in the draft. Clay does have injury concerns, and while I do like O'Leary, we will still need another guy with more speed at the position, in the not too distant future.
  9. Someone on another board, offered up a rumor he had heard, and that was, that two weeks ago, the Eagles offered us Foles for Tre White, and a 3rd rounder.(Theirs) The Bills obviously declined. He then linked to https://www.fanragsports.com/eagles/source-eagles-offered-2nd-round-pick-for-nick-foles/ His last comment, which would make sense, is that dialogue obviously continued. He posted this stuff about 5 hours before blob put his tweet out there. He has also been right about interest and signings before, and will often give a heads up as to the llikelihood of someone playing or not. This is largely presented as rumor, but is far more often on the money. Yet is also just 'stuff he's heard', without claiming any especial 'insider' type of info.
  10. Thing is, there's no denying that QB is the most important position in the NFL, but it is a team sport and QBs alone, do not win you a Lombardi. Btw, John Riggins said hello.
  11. And therein lies the problem, the blithe assumption that we have the draft capital to move up to get one of the first two QBs taken, if they go !st and 2nd. We haven't, without either using up all of our picks this year, and future picks, and it's because of the draft chart values you happily wish to ignore. We should, however, be able to get up to #3, without completely screwing up this and future drafts. And the only way you move up to #3, is if the guy you wanted, is the guy who is there. Which will likely mean that he is 'only' the 2nd qB taken.
  12. What a load of bull. Even if you wanted to move up to the top of the draft from #21, for a player not a QB, it's going to cost you too much, as you will severely be compromising your ability to do anything with a draft, for years. Try not to let your desire for a 'franchise' QB, overide any sense of reality. And WTF happens if you get that move wrong? You're pretty much guaranteed another 5 years of futility, until you can throw the kitchen sink at another top drafted QB who might not pan out.
  13. It actually does if you start looking at draft charts and what values you have to come up with to account for that. The jump up to 2nd from 3rd, will be enough to cost us not just most of this draft's picks, but also some of next years. I'd dread to think what the cost could be to go up to #1.
  14. This is a sort of 'devil's advocate' OP, tbh. But I'll play, and add in a little something for consideration. The O-Line set up mentioned above, looks pretty darn good. Personally, I'd very much like to see a healthy Glenn return, and man the RT spot. Glenn is not a guy who is getting past his prime, he's just coming into it, and while injury concerns are legitimate, the cap cost for production at the tackle position, isn't. How much of a reason for Prescott looking so good, so early, is due to having probably the best O-Line in the NFL, in front of him? And a star RB to hand off to. While it certainly seems to me that there is enough QB talent kicking around, in both FA and the draft, for us to be seriously looking to upgrade there, I could get behind such a move made by the FO, as itcould easily prove to be successful.
  15. If Kyle wants to play, you pay him. Because he will only be rotated at the coaches say so, he won't need to be pulled out of the lineup. He will not only perform, but he will provide leadership, and with Woods going to retire, that is also something that needs some continuity, if it's available. Mr Williams is a man who is fully conversant with his abilities, as evidenced by his being a near scratch golfer, and also, if you can remember back, being possibly the quickest swimmer on the Bills, when beating Marshawn in the pool. There's something so fundamentally honest about Kyle, that if he believes he can play on, I'm not backing against him. I'd also say that he will probably be the first guy to tell McD, that he can't do it any more. Now, there could well be other reasons for deciding to retire, especially in respect of his wife and family, but if he says he can still play, and wants to, you get a deal done, imho.
  16. With a fully healthy secondary (i.e. with Gaines), they were pretty much bend but don't break. Even with Dareus, they were always going to give up some yards rushing, but they also were able to make teams pass from time to time, with him there. When he was shipped out, teams immediately went for the jugular in respect of rushing, and pretty much murdered us, until we came up with solutions. Iirc, Gaines might have missed two of the 3 horrendous defensive games, so having him come back, probably meant that schematically, we were able to do other things to prevent so many big gains on us rushing. If Kyle does retire, then Hughes is the only guy who you could call a 'lock' in the front 4. Lawson and Alexander may still have value in rotation, either inside or outside, but you wouldn't really want them pencilled in as your starters. We need another big lump of a DT (if Kyle does play on), and we also need another genuine edge rusher in the front 4. Due to a lack of pressure(s)/penetration from the front 4, the LBers probably did better as a unit overall, than we want to give them credit for. It's hard to make plays when the opposing O-Line aren't being moved around at all. With Davis being inked, I think we can look forward to continued good secondary play,but we need more strength and athleticism, especially in the front 4, but realistically also in the whole front 7. While they were generally a good ball hawking D, in the 3 game stretch of direness, they were ball hawking at times, to the detriment of using correct tackling technique, and letting RBs get by them because of it.
  17. pmsl has 'my self' as the middle words. ptsl, has 'them selves' as the middle words. Laughing being the last word, on both counts.
  18. I'd agree. The only trouble is, it will probably sound the same for the next however many years he's GM. He's really going to have to start using 'due diligence' though. 'Recon' isn't proper GM speak.
  19. The NFL can be a game of such small margins between success and failure, that any lack of effort, at any stage in a game, can cost you said game. Unfortunately, for all Zach Brown wants to get paid, there's enough tape around of him not making a full effort, for teams to be ptsl behind his back. Talent will get you in the door, but talent without commitment, will get you shown it, pdq afterwards.
  20. I think they will, to an extent. Cadet does catch the football well. But I also think that they neglected the position too much last year, and with the likes of Ivory and Stewart becoming available, at what shouldn't be big numbers, and not counting against any compensatory formula, I would expect them to get something done. That gives us, imho, the ideal balance, with Shady the workhorse, who can simply do it all, someone like Ivory the bludgeon, and Cadet, with quickness and receiving ability.
  21. By the sounds of it, a fair deal. $3.5 million guaranteed, with bonuses that can take it up to $8 million, if they are all hit - which also means that at least a proportion of that $8 million, will be coming out of next years cap. When we have more room.
  22. What it says is that the Bills believe they can get the same, or better, production, from Davis, than they got from Gaines, at a better price. Gaines misses games, regularly. Tbh, he might be one of those guys who knows his body so well, that he knows when he's got a tweak that needs rest. Trouble is, in the NFL, as seasons progress, that becomes every other game. I don't think there's any questioning of his ability, but teams want to see guys who are prepared to play nicked up, even if they don't let them do it. In response to an earlier post that mentions the fact that Davis has been hurt the last two seasons, it seems as though that has been the one injury, probably of the hernia variety, that the Colts wanted him to play through, and he got a second opinion on, and decided to have the surgery to clear it up. My impression with Gaines (rightly or wrongly), is that he's had a few different 'niggles' that have kept him out. I think the bottom line, really, is that Gaines is hitting FA, with high expectations. After the way the Bills played with, and conversely, without, Gaines in the lineup, they obviously needed to do something to replace him. Being able to do a deal with Davis, saves them time, effort, and probably money, on getting a deal done with Gaines, whose high expectations were not going to be easily matched by the Bills.
  23. Irrespective of anything else, a really good signing. CB, with Gaines becoming a FA, was an outright position of need for the off-season, and it isn't any more. For sure, we are still in need there, but we no longer have to expend high level resources, to get better there, although we can if we want to. Certainly frees up what we could do in the draft.
  24. I think much depends on who is available, and at what point. I could easily see them moving up for one of the top 4 QBs, if they are there around the bottom end of the top ten. I don't especially see them using up many picks to do so.
  25. While he may not think there's another Wentz, at least there seems to be a consensus building as to how many 1st round QBs there are from a 'grading' pov. Rudolph is a guy who could quite likely be taken in the 1st round, and it could be the Bills who take him, simply because he won't be there when they pick in the 2nd round. That and the 'overdrafting' that happens with QBs, which is why he won't last until the picks we have in the 2nd round. While people are expecting at least 2 QBs going very early, i.e. within the top 4, even those guys will, in effect, be being 'overdrafted', as there will be guys with better overall grades being selected behind them.
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