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Everything posted by NickelCity

  1. I believe so, yes. Be curious to know whether it's too little too late with regard to chemistry and timing - especially with beasely back. Crowder can read zone but he's barely played with Josh.
  2. Big Cook fan and happy to say I was telling folks "just wait" when people were getting impatient and frustrated. (I've been wrong plenty so I'm gonna take the win lol). I hope he's a huge part of the playoffs because I suspect that will mean we win.
  3. I should have mentioned Benford in the OP. He could help for sure.
  4. Watching Marlowe on the safety blitz - we all knew (as did Mac) where the single coverage was. Touchdown. Pick your poison I guess. We have got to get home.
  5. Heck of a regular season. I dont think I need to rehash. I am very proud of this team. Looking toward the playoffs, there are several things that I think need to happen (or at least many of them) to make a legitimate push. (1) Micah to surprise us and be ready to play (2) Beasley to contribute in a significant way as a chain-mover. (3) A receiver not named Diggs to step up consistently (Gabe? Shakir? McKenzie? The aforementioned Beasely?) (4) Stick with the run, or maybe more accurately get better with the situational rushing. I love James Cook! (5) Quick hitters - some of this is on Dorsey, but some is also on Josh. Cook is open in the flat a lot. More slants (and execute them) (6) Defensive line has to get home. Von's absence....sigh. What are you guys looking for?
  6. Another very sloppy win. Proud of this team given the circumstances. Way to go, Hines! Looks like tough sledding every game in the playoffs. Need several of (1) Micah to surprise us and come back, (2) Beasley to play like the old days, (3) a receiver not named Diggs to step up, (4) run the ball more.
  7. Stop abandoning the run and prioritize quick hitters already, Dorsey. And Josh needs to tighten up and get the ball out quicker.
  8. I thought with the cancellation last week we could call beasely up from here on out? Maybe just keeping beasely fresh since McKenzie plays the pats* well?
  9. Except the chiefs. Home field is a paltry advantage compared to the rest of 1 seed advantages.
  10. Really like Murph calling games. Natural. Get well soon buddy.
  11. Ah, I thought I read something that sounded similar that said he was hoping for good news "in a couple more weeks" (right about now) and thus, I'll be fingers crossed for an announcement next week. Perhaps I misread and you are right, but I hope not lol.
  12. We will need him. And early next week I hope we hear that Micah is coming back 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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