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Everything posted by sharper802

  1. Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl. I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH. Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media. Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!! I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...for-dick-jauron
  2. You are correct. It is a 6-8 week injury. This is BS that he is on IR IF it is only a fibula. Maybe/maybe not he can play at the end of the season. It's possible there is more of a problem. Lawrence Taylor played a game with a broken fibula.
  3. 3 receiver set, 1 TE, and FJ at tailback. Evans split wide right. Neslon on the left next to the LT. TO lined up ON the line of scimmage in the left slot. Roscoe outside of the left hash. Max protect with the TE and FJ. 3 man pattern. TO steps back from the line after the snap and Trent fakes the immediate pass to him and after the defense is immediately pulled to TO looking for that "early reception to get in the game" Roscoe is over the top down the sideline. Evans runs a 12-15 yard in-pattern in case the safety stays home and picks up Parrish. I know this formation makes the TE ineligible to go downfield but he stays in to block. Thoughts....
  4. But then there won't be room for a slow unathletic white TE to be on the field
  5. Reasonably accurate assessment of Trent. Only problem is if McKelvin holds onto the ball he is a 2-1 QB with a road win at NE. Perception is everyhting. Did you watch the Dallas game? Romo was throwing it to his TE, WR's on curl patterns, and backs out in the flat. He was called "efficient" by ESPN. You check down and win you are playing smart. You lose and you are gun shy. He hits that fly pattern to TO and the D holds then the Bills win and Trent is lauded for managing the game and keeping it close until they were able to strike. I would save my criticism of Trent from the NO game for the INT. Classic case of forcing it to TO. That is the one time, when he wasn't running for his life, that helet the pressure of TO force him into a bad throw.
  6. When she is 68 she will look back at the last fifty years and realized her pathetic life peaked at age 18. Pencil in an out of wedlock pregnancy 2 yrs from now, the meth arrest three years from now, topped off with porn gig and/or prostitution arrest by the age of 25.
  7. He said there were only 4 great QB's. While I would disagree(probably closer to 6) with that he didn't mean Trent is the 5th best QB in the league. He meant he was in the conversation of a large group of second tier QB's in the league. If Trent were checking down to a TE like Gates that Rivers had the luxury of having or if he had the o-line and running game that Roethlisberger had early on I think we would have a better idea if Trent is or is not the guy. With this coaching staff and the o-line the last few years, how can anyone know?????
  8. The spot is reviewable if indeed he was not down. However I think his shoulder was down and the spot was in fact right on. The call to bnot go for it on 4-1 was horrible as always.
  9. Please tell me what you thought of the Redskins and Daniel Snyder when first they hired Jim Zorn to be the OC then promoted him to HC without ever even being an OC in Seattle. I am sure you laughed at yet another bad coaching move by Snyder. As it would be yet another horribly bad move to elevate AVP to HC by the Bills. Let the season play out. DJ will either win his job back or lose it. He gets a 1 or 2 game fudge factor for the young o-line and again injuries. He finishes 7-9 or better and he will be back. Anything less and RW probably eats his contract.
  10. He only has that title so another team can't sign him away from the Bills by making him an assistant HC/special Teams. Another team can not interview your coach for the same postion.
  11. Your post couldn't be farther from the truth. Oakland, St. Louis, and San Fran all fired coaches from week 3 - 8 last year. The problem is there is noone to promote from within. We are stuck with this staff.
  12. No QB pressures but was on the field quite a bit. I think he actually dropped in coverage a few plays. I saw him lined up outside Schobel on at least one occassion. He was basically a non-factor but is not hurting the D either as he learns.
  13. It is all frustration. The ineptness that is displayed at times just get's to people. Not calling a time out before the two minute warning, fumbling a kickoff, fumbling a punt, forcing a throw to TO at the absolute worst time, missing a TD to TO at the worst time, not recovering an onside kick against Dallas, the 60 yard kick against Cleveland. For that matter losing at home against Pittsburgh's second string to miss out on the playoffs. It just all adds up. I don't even live there anymore but my brother's do. Buffalo is dying or already dead as a city. The Bills and Sabres is all they/we have. Let them rant then cheer then rant again. Just don't swear at a kid at the game and don't drive home drunk. In the end it is only words that noone cares about.
  14. Exactly. Marty may be the only option to hire in-season.
  15. Personally "I give us one chance in three" to pull it off. This was the o-line's rookie performance we expected in game 1. They will be better and Beast mode is back. The Jets look good but they still have a rookie at QB. Extra credit to anyone who can name the movie the quote is from?
  16. The season is not lost, yet. This is a non-confernece loss. The season will be decided in the next 5 weeks. IMO they need to go 5-0 if they want to sniff the playoffs. Sounds crazy/difficult but look at it for a monent. @Miami Cleveland @NY Jets @ Carolina Houston Bye 4 conference games, 2 division games. All winnable even the NYJ game. Hous could be a tie-breaker game. 6-3, the bye, and Poz is probably back. Opening day will come back to haunt the Bills I am sure but I predicted a 1-2 start the whole time. It is encouraging and heart wrenchingly painful to see the lost opportunities. The D is playing crazy. Chalk this loss up to bad o-line play. If they bounce back and Marshawn has a breakout game against the Fish the Bills are right back in it....Even with DJ as coach
  17. How do you not call time out there? Every time I want to cut DJ a break he blows an easy decision..... A HS coach calls time out there. I don't even need to expain it to this board....
  18. WTF... Are you nuts? Lynch carried this offense behind a piece of sh*t OL for two years. I agree he should not be given the starting job back. The locker room would be fractured if he is just given the job back. My hunch is he goes down to Miami fresh and runs for 75-85 yards on about 12 carries. He is going to be a monster. Do you really think it is Fred Jackson that makes the screens work? It is the OL and AVP that have finally gotten this offense working. Lynch is going to be a stud when he comes back.
  19. The bottom line is you just don't know... The O-line sucked The OC was awful be it Mularkey, his guy from Pittsburgh that left for ND, Fairchild, or Schonert. The most damning fact is that not one NFL team brought him in for a look to be their 3rd string, white, hold the clipboard QB.
  20. I aggree with passing on Runyon due to age and micro-fracture surgery. Walker is fat lazy slow and was grossly overpaid. If the Bills had not paid him and Dockery so much money foolishly(thanks Marv), Peters is probably still here with the same contract he had. What I can't figure is why Levi Jones has not gotten a call from the Bills or other teams. Anyone know? Is his back that bad? The day he was cut by the Bengals everyone including I believe John Clayton had him signing with Buffalo.
  21. Payroll from year to year is misleading. It has more to do whether you franchise a guy or not and what amount of salary goes on the books. Pats, Packers, and Colts have QB's with huge contracts spread over time. I suspect a team like Carolina will have a high payroll this year due to the franchising of Peppers. In the NFL it is all about who is willing to pay the signing bonus money.
  22. I think it is 45 for game-day not counting the third string QB. WR's like Johnson will be left off becasue he is not a gunner or a returner. Byrd and Wendling dress instead. Also we are lucky they put J. Scott on the active roster as a back-up last week when Butler went down. This is also why they like guys like Preston(in the past) and Chambers who can play multiple O-line positions to serve as back-ups.
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