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Everything posted by papazoid

  1. you caught her at a bad moment.....she smiles alot..... http://www.google.com/search?q=bill+belichick's+wife&hl=en&biw=995&bih=640&prmd=ivnsuo&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=06_dTefdGc70gAew6rDxCg&sqi=2&ved=0CC4QsAQ
  2. “I’m absolutely sure now after this last rule change that the people making the rules at the NFL are idiots,” James Harrison wrote on Twitter Tuesday night. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/25/james-harrison-the-people-making-the-rules-at-the-nfl-are-idiots/ i have to disagree with James......i think putting a clamp on so called "defenseless" hits, leading with your helmet and hits to opposing players heads are a good thing. players leaving the field via stretcher is a bad thing......these defensive guys can bring a player to the ground WITHOUT those career ending hits. i love those bone jarring hits as much as the next guy....but some player safety needs to trump fan amusement.
  3. Peter King's take: I don't understand Ray Lewis' logic. I respect Ray Lewis, and I also do not travel in his circles. I don't know who has told Lewis the crime rate by the general populace in America is going to go up if there's no pro football this fall, but someone has, and he's buying it. Lewis told Sal Paolantonio of ESPN: "If we don't have a season, watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up,'' he said. When SalPal asked why, Lewis said: "There's nothing else to do.'' It's a nice headline, but I'm not buying it. I suppose it could happen, but unless we get burglars and thieves saying they did it because the NFL wasn't on TV on fall Sundays this year, I'm not buying what Lewis is selling. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/peter_king/05/22/mmqb/index.html#ixzz1NIAK5Gon
  4. shirley, you jest..... as your link is just one example, the norm is that most of the NFL athletes (i'll say 80% based on the book Pro's and Con's)are fine upstanding citizens. http://www.isds.duke.edu/~dalene/chance/chanceweb/123.nflviol.pdf
  5. Thirteen players arrested since lockout started March 12 but, who's counting ...... http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81f6e32a/article/thirteen-players-arrested-since-lockout-started-march-12?module=HP_headlines
  6. It all started when Wolfe refused to pay his bill at a Miami Beach nightclub. ‘‘He became aggressive while being ejected by bouncers, and two off-duty officers were summoned,’’ Miami Beach Police detective Juan Sanchez said. ‘‘They gave him the opportunity to settle his bill, and he refused. He attacked one of the officers. Both officers suffered minor injuries.’’ Based on his mugshot, Wolfe suffered some injuries, too. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/23/garrett-wolfes-misadventures-began-with-refusal-to-pay-a-bar-bill/
  7. don't forget all the retired and former NFL players..... Police arrested former Chicago Bears running back Garrett Wolfe in Florida early Sunday morning, charging him with retail theft, disorderly conduct, assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest, according to information released by the Miami-Dade police. http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nfl/news/story?id=6575776
  8. how has McCargo escaped this discussion ? HORRIBLE :seeing as i can only name 5...... John McCargo Arron Maybin Trent Edwards James Hardy Cornell Green players like Stroud, Kelsay, were NOT horrible.....maybe "not so good".....but not horrible.
  9. Do this research if we don't have a season -- watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up, if you take away our game. -- Ray Lewis Ray Ray knows crime...... http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6575570
  10. add to that, he is horrible at stopping and changing direction....which is crucial to catching RB's & QB's. he is a BUST....and IMO, he will stay a BUST.
  11. Urban Dictionary... 1. Whip When the steering wheel was first put into use in automobiles, it was called the "whip". The whip is what you used to control the horses on a stagecoach, hence the analogy. Many years later, various hip hop artists noticed that the Mercedes-Benz logo resembled a steering wheel. They then proceeded to use the old term "whip" to describe any Mercedes-Benz vehicle. The term has now been generalized to classify any expensive automobile.
  12. Sal said "there's monster value in some NFL franchises" i say its the JETS......Woody Johnson has serious cash flow issues......needs to pay huge signing bonuses to key players like Revis etc...and build a winner fast for their new stadium. could just as easily be the Rams, Raiders or Chargers.
  13. NO WAY !!!! along with losing the 3rd round pick...you inherit a gawdy contract of: 12/29/2005: Signed a six-year, $118.75 million contract extension through 2014. The deal included a $15 million signing bonus and a third-year option bonus of $9 million. 2011-2012: $11.5 million, 2013: $13 million, 2014: $14 million, 2015: Free Agent i don't see Palmer accepting anything but STARTER.
  14. additionaly, if you click on "blitzed" you will see that Fitz was the: 3rd highest @ Percentage of Pass Play Blitzed. 19th highest @ Completion Percentage When Blitzed 19th highest @ Touchdown to Interception Ratio When Blitzed 22nd highest @ Pro Football Focus Grade When Blitzed http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/05/16/pressure-reveals/
  15. first, i have been a Fitz supporter....but after reading this article, i am less impressed. this discussion has focused on Fitz "under pressure".... THERE IS ADDITIONAL DATA PROVIDED of Fitz NOT under pressure that shows poorly.... it is "Completion Percentage on Deep Throws" We broke down every pass from the 2010 season, and dropped them into numerous categories and sub categories. One of these was passes thrown longer than 20 yards. Which brings us to the point of this article. A look at who threw downfield the most and who did it most efficiently. 30 deep attempts was the qualifying mark to be considered. Fitz ranked 25th in Deep Throw Completion Percentage....even tho he had the 8th highest Deep Throw Percentage of Attempts. (this is the part where we blame his receivers....lol) http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/05/16/pressure-reveals/ then click "deep ball"
  16. But the players still have an ace up their sleeve. His name is Judge David Doty. Doty has to know that if he allows the owners to have even limited access to the $4 billion lockout fund, the players have no chance of standing up to the owners in the short run. They simply lack the funds to withstand a season without paychecks. However if Doty gives the players what they were seeking in damages -- which is as much as $2.8 billion ($707 million in compensatory damages, plus up to three times that in exemplary/punitive damages) -- it could sustain the players if there were no football in 2011. Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/jim_trotter/05/16/nfl.lockout.labor.talks/index.html#ixzz1MaG4V4Jt
  17. technical difficulties with phone lines.......total embarrassment.... chris brown seems off his game.....resorting to asking his own puffball questions. commisioner is very well spoken..... finally some calls coming thru......most are whoa is me calls, tickets cost to much, how does a small market team like buffalo compete.....blah blah blah. finally..one new tidbit of info (sortof).....a fan asked about a new stadium for buffalo..... the commisioner ended his answer by saying he is NOT aware of any talks regarding a new stadium. commisioner extending his ques and answer time due to earlier technical difficulties final 15 minutes much better.....however, no new news.
  18. this was already answered......but, without the benefit of game film....an arguement could be made that the "team" was usually behind in the score, bills playing catch up....the oppossing defense came hard.....and that fitz under pressure, when not seeing an open receiver.... decided that throwing the ball away (incompletion) was better than taking a sack.
  19. heres the complete article: http://www.profootba...essure-reveals/
  20. The Buffalo Bills are all in on Ryan Fitzpatrick as their quarterback for the 2011 NFL season. But the writers at ProFootballFocus.com put together an interesting study in their review of the 2010 season, revealing that Ryan Fitzpatrick is among one of the worst starting quarterbacks in the league with pressure in his face. http://wgr550.com/Bills--Fitzpatrick-Ranks-Poorly-Under-Pressure/9846589 heres the complete article: http://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2011/05/16/pressure-reveals/
  21. you build a new stadium/convention center complex along the waterfront, from downtown buffalo out towards bethlehem steel. retractable roof, let UB and Canisius Colleges use it also. football, baseball, soccer, concerts, conventions, etc....
  22. #1- +25 year, 4 seat season ticket fan here..... #2- i'll take whats behind door #1 Pick.....I WANT A FRANCHISE QB !!!!!!......if it takes one more crap season...i'm down with that.....last years 8-8 teams picked 16th & 17th....once i have my franchise QB, then i'd rather be 8-8. besides, i don't think we improved much, so unless we strike it rich in Free Agency, i think we still will pick in top 5 next year (looks like 3 franchise QB's coming out next year).....this years Top 3 draft picks essentially replaced 3 decent players in Stroud, Whitner and Poz.....thats not "improving" to me....it's treading water and starting over younger.
  23. i truly believe Mendenhall is an idiot....but i'm gonna head in a different direction...... Champion waited just three days to drop Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall as an endorser after his controversial comments about Osama bin Laden's death created a national stir. Thursday's move might have served two purposes: to disassociate the athletic apparel manufacturer from a controversy while trying to attract consumers. "I'd bet more than 99 percent of sports fans didn't even know that Rashard Mendenhall had a deal with Champion," CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell told NFL.com on Friday. "They did a terrible job. So distancing themselves from him in a public way allows them to make a stand and also let people think about their brand. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81fb73c7/article/analyst-championmendenhall-divorce-a-multifaceted-move?module=HP_headlines
  24. with Jasper.....the team photo will now be an aerial view.
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