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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. The Jets get their shiny old franchise QB kilt by neglecting their offensive line and signing Rodgers's buddies, and instead of learning that hard lesson they are going to do it AGAIN??? Go for it, the idiocy is very entertaining!
  2. Did anyone catch the comments by Sal Pal where he said that McD commented that it was on Josh to come up with some of the game plan to help out Brady?
  3. Some stories are lost to time and this is one that should be told here. Great stuff!!! Thank you for this.
  4. @Shaw66 what are your thoughts on this? Does this sound like a head coach that is capable of taking us to where we want to go? Did Dorsey make the benching call or McDermott? Sounds like McDermott to me!
  5. Wall Street execs and stockbrokers are just as susceptible to these kind of mental issues as someone "playing a game", so enough with that... a job is a job, no matter if it's trading or throwing a football in a professional league. People get on bad streaks, go into bad funks, etc, etc... it's called LIFE.
  6. Me too... the actor that played the man who was trying to enjoy his birthday and listen to a record was really good, Don Keefer.
  7. Sounds like you offer nothing in response and just want to hammer someone. Got some sort of intelligent response or just a hammer?
  8. Some people here are incapable of doing that!!! They need the person to tell them directly or else "it's speculation!" or "it's a conspiracy theory!" Notice that the same people who are saying he wasn't pushed out will tell you that Daboll and McDermott don't like each other yet NEITHER ONE have said that to be the case!!!!
  9. According to a couple of people here, unless McD or Daboll SAY they don't get along, it's SPECULATION!!!! 😆
  10. Of course he's not going to outright SAY IT because it's embarrassing!!!!! You are unbelieveable.
  11. Considering that the Bills have NEVER had a great coach beyond Marv Levy, there is no historically high regard in Buffalo for head coaches. Every single other good head coach we have had since 1965 has been tied to a quarterback incapable of taking the team anywhere- Lou Saban's second stint, Chuck Knox, and Wade Phillips. All the others have been garbage or just plain average. We have NEVER had this problem before in the history of the Buffalo Bills where we've had a great quarterback and a head coach that isn't great, and I don't think you can disagree with me on that. It's not easy to contemplate that McDermott has succeeded because of Josh and not because of his ability, but that's where we are at and why so many of the Mafia are ready to let him go.
  12. I saw that this is the first time in YEARS that the Bills have had the same starting offensive line for 10 weeks in a row to start the season. I have been very impressed by the blocking as compared to what we have gotten before under Josh, and not seeing our full potential be realized is VERY disappointing... you can see it can be better, but Dorsey just was NOT the guy to make it happen.
  13. So why do we see some teams use the slant route to take advantage of holes in the defense and favorable matchups while others don't use slant routes at all? What are the negatives of using them?
  14. We're not talking about Josh scrambling to find a target or same side blocking to spring a player or a decoy route, we're talking about MEANINGLESS BLOCKS far away from the play. ANYONE can take all of the interceptions that Josh has thrown and make the case that he is a terrible QB with NO CONTEXT, ignoring all of the elements present in each INT throw. You're reaching with this premise...
  15. Playing until the end of the whistle on the OPPOSITE side of the field... I guess anyone looking to make a tempest out of a teapot will say anything to try and be right.
  16. It's more like a Twilight Zone episode where McDermott is Bill Mumy, the kid who had ultimate power over the neighborhood and it became miserable
  17. What is he supposed to do then since those "in charge" are massively underperforming? WHAT IS HE TO DO? No vague answers like "lead by example" or "act like a pro" but legitimate answers that have actual solutions.
  18. That's a huge part of the problem and why we keep bringing in retreads. Beane keeps bringing in the talent but McD is making some really, REALLY head scrtching decisions, like Kaiir Elam and James Cook get treated like castoffs but Gabe Davis keeps getting chance after chance, and Kincaid being relegated for many weeks as Knox's play declined.
  19. He's the best damn "distraction" in the NFL, and for you to call him a diva because he has very high standards is the TRUE shame.
  20. I don't want to do this, but I have to push back. Yes, but an 8-2 record and going into the playoffs with the same head coach that makes inane decisions against teams in close games that's not going to win you a Super Bowl. We could be 16-1 and yet in a close game in the playoffs McDermott will still make questionable decisions that costs us a win in the playoffs and ends our season. You have to see that McDermott is not a championship head coach......
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