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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. I worked for Wal-Mart 30 years ago so that's why I can spell it correctly. Standards for the stores dropped off significantly after Sam Walton's oversight over the company faded, and it's no surprise that rednecks don't care and why I don't shop there at all.
  2. Family Dollar is the worst one here... they built a new Dollar General down the street because the other one was closed due to infestation 😂
  3. We always shop Target... all the more reason to still shop there. Don't see Target going "broke" anytime soon so long as Wal-Mart remains redneck paradise 😂
  4. Yet Russia think they are a first world country... not our fault there are still poorly run nations out there. I'd say you chose to accept substandard living conditions myself. Just because you chose that path doesn't mean you are superior or a tough guy.
  5. Not the event that it was built up as, but yeah McD and I both share disdain for the holier-than-thou JW.
  6. We will most certainly find out, and the rest of the AFC is going to sit up and take notice if we win at least 2 of the next 3 games. Right now I'm happy about the win, but in a "we'll see" mode once teams adjust to our new Brady-led offense
  7. Way back in the Super Bowl years we had McKeller and Metzelaars. The idea of having two different style TEs on our roster has been done before, but Kincaid is looking like an elite version of McKeller. It's not a bad thing to have Knox back for this season for me.
  8. My father was the Project Manager for the Robert Moses Niagara Power Project expansion... he was poisoned by the same crap that companies like Hooker put into the ground- dioxin, carbon tetrachloride, and more. They were one of the defendants in the case he started against them. Needless to say I didn't expect to see that name today... you didn't know though.
  9. I must also make another entry into the classic lines references from this same actor.... LIKE I CARE!
  10. I'm really not shocked at all the national media is not giving the Bills a shot in the next three games... we seem to be at our best when we are underdogs, and this month is certainly the month for Brady to prove he can be the man.
  11. I call him Big Stuff He's like the Dion Dawkins of the defense
  12. Let's hold off on that assessment until we see how they look against the Eagles, KC and the Cowboys. Eventually the tapes on how Brady calls games will be dissected and countered, and we will see if Brady can continue to adjust in game. I look forward to it!
  13. It sure was... defenseless receiver in the back of the end zone. A dirty hit and targeting...
  14. Let's be honest, the dirty hit on Marvin and the refs not calling the dirty hit as targeting pretty much did that.
  15. You can speak... I'm not stopping you from saying inane things. Want to defend his contract and poor play? GO RIGHT AHEAD.
  16. Well, now he matches our feelings with his "play" and "playtime"...
  17. I'm old school... far too many Bill O'Briens/Brandon Staleys/Frank Reichs out there...
  18. Not ME... I was mad they were trying it BEFORE the false start... just kneel on the ball.
  19. They ran a brilliant play to force OT first meeting. McD choosing to go on a Hail Mary right before the half after a false start is reckless and flat out dumb.
  20. Letting the Jets hang around IS THE SAME EXACT #@!#!@ SCRIPT. You really are accepting THIS level of play on offense!!?! UNBELIEVABLE.
  21. NEWS FLASH: We had a 13-3 lead at Met Life in Week One. WAKE UP
  22. Am I the only one who wishes this game had the NFL soundtrack narrated by John Facenda?
  23. I just saw that!!! You got to it first!
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