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Everything posted by jonramz

  1. I went to a champions league game last month in Amsterdam of all places... NFL fans are not even close to Euro soccer fans
  2. Yup this is why I started the topic... it is a pro football game so it is a bit different than disney world. But with some parenting and common sense I think you can definitely take your family to a game and have a wonderful experience. Because that's what it is, is an experience, if you just want to watch a game, probably be better off staying home Frankly speaking if the Bills as an organization keep trying to kill the experience they are gonna kill the golden goose
  3. Nope don't have kids... and I think bringing your kids to the family section is a great idea. I wouldn't bring my kids to endzone seats to a Raiders-Bills game, some places aren't good for kids... but there a lot more good places than bad at the ralph. If you took 75,000 people and put them in 1 area you are bound to have some d-bags no matter what they are doing.
  4. With the Bills starting their tailgating crackdown I wanted to see what others thought I've been going to Bills games since I was 5 years old... so I've been going for almost 30 years, my dad took me to games and we had some of the best times going and tailgating and rooting for the team, good or bad. And it is a shame with what is going on... when I was a little kid my dad didn't take me to the rowdy places like the pinto (which I don't actually think is that bad compared to some others). Just like you wouldn't take a little kid into a bar. He taught me right from wrong and the proper ways to do things. If anything, seeing those things every once and a while and my dad explaining to me what I should or shouldn't do probably helped me in life instead of living a sanitized sterile childhood. I think there is plenty of room at a Bills game for families and the people who want to party, if anything the crowd is far less rowdy than it used to be. The rowdiness of the tailgaters is what gives the Ralph its party atmosphere and what makes the games worth going to. It makes it an event. If I want to watch the game in a quieter environment I can watch on my couch and save over $100 a game. If you want to see rowdy and crazy go see a European soccer game, that makes our football crowds look quiet. So basically I think the Ralph is a fine place to bring your family for a game... should you bring them everywhere? Or course not, but nor should you bring your kids everywhere you go in your normal life either. If you kill the "event experience" at a Bills game, you kill most of the reason to go to the game EDIT: I just wanted to add that when I was little we sat in the endzone and upper deck, so I saw my share of crazy... now I sit in sec 134 so I am definitely not one of the wild partiers, I just love the atmosphere of going to the games
  5. I really like brent musburger who does the ABC sat. night college football games... also I was very impressed by Mike Mayock's performance being the color guy for NBC during the Notre Dame game
  6. As someone else said... JLB, is the Jack LB in the 3-4... he is most often the 4th rusher, but not always. I think Kyle Williams would be an excellent 3-4 DE... but agree he is not your typical 3-4 2-gap clogger like Ted Washington was. However Dallas has had alot of success w/ a smaller and more of a slasher at NT in Jay Ratliff. I think the Bills special teams will be fine... Dehaven put out solid ones before and will do so again. I thought Brohm looked good... much better than last year And yes... Maybin looks like a bust... great athlete... not much of a football player
  7. in regards to playing defense, make sure he keeps is head up and see what he hits. Facemask on the ball, across the body. Square up to the ball carrier if he is having trouble in the open field. On offense have him attack the shoulders of the tacklers, and not let them get square hits on him most importantly... he's 10, have fun!!!!
  8. wow... I don't come to the TBD everyday, I certainly didn't expect to see my post get this much venom. I was not trolling the board whatsoever... what I was saying was that perhaps the Bills are more $$$ conscious than other teams are. The past couple years they have not spent anywhere near to the cap limit, or transfered that cap savings to the next year w/ unlikely to be earned bonuses. I guess I didn't really put enough thought into my post regarding the shallow QB class... The main point of my post was to perhaps suggest the Bills (and I don't hope this to be the case) might be taking signability into account when drafting and FA, like some teams do in MLB. I think a lower rookie wage scale would greatly benefit the Bills. -Ftball
  9. We all know that drafting a QB in the top 10 costs a team a ton of money, especially upfront money. We know that are owner isn't the most free-spending owner in the world. We also know that there will be a new CBA come hell or high water, that will adjust rookie salaries. Could it be that the Bills are waiting for the new rookie cap in order to go get their QB? Just a thought I had, knowing what we know. BTW 5-11 this year... oh well
  10. Gotta agree with what most people have been saying... Schobel played for the bills during one of the worst eras in franchise history w/ little to no help on the DL and was still a solid producer for the team. I never saw the old guys play... but I can go back to the late 80's and he is the 2nd best DE that I have seen the Bills have. If Schobel played for the Colts, he would have been at least a 3-4 time pro bowler
  11. there won't be any blackouts in NY... if the PSL's don't' get sold, the tix will just be sold as individual game tix. But PSL's are the worst thing ever
  12. Here's my contribution.... (I'm not a photoshop expert at all) Bills Bat Signal
  13. Sep 12 Miami L Sep 19 @Green Bay L Sep 26 @New England* L Oct 3 N.Y. Jets L Oct 10 Jacksonville W Week 6 BYE Oct 24 @Baltimore L Oct 31 @Kansas City W Nov 7 Chicago L Nov 14 Detroit W Nov 21 @Cincinnati L Nov 28 Pittsburgh L Dec 5 @Minnesota L Dec 12 Cleveland W Dec 19 @Miami L Dec 26 New England* L Jan 2 @N.Y. Jets W 5-11 and another top 10 pick
  14. from my personal experience mid 20's row-wise is the best in the lower bowl... so that's where I am Bills side approx 45 yrd line
  15. ESPN mentioned something similar about how some guys move and some guys don't. Bill Polian was the example they used about not moving... it works both ways
  16. Actually the pats, saints, and colts run offenses that have lots of college spread elements to them. The broncos are also running some spread as well with mcdaniels at the helm. And yes with Tyler thigpen gailey ran lots of spread with pistol concepts n KC
  17. It's not just NT, but also 3-4 DE's that are tough to find too... basically in a 3-4 you want your 3 DL to take up the 5 OL so the LB's can run around and make plays. But the NT has to be a 2-gap player... and like other posters have said... there are only so many athletic 330lb people on this earth. Take a look at super bowl 25 and see what happens when you have a NT that can't clog the middle
  18. Clausen - Buffalo Tebow - NE Berry - Cleveland Spiller - 49ers Bryant - Steelers Fun contest!
  19. to be technical about it... the k-gun was more of a run-and-shoot style with on the fly pattern reading... than the college spread offenses (air raid, mike leach @ TT) we are seeing now
  20. Like a previous post said... Nevada is a big proponent of the Pistol Offense, also when Gailey was in KC that is basically what he ran w/ Tyler Thigpen and they put up big numbers... I would be so happy if someone actually decided to think outside the box here in Buffalo. All the successful offenses in the NFL right now are basically running the college spread offense passing game (NE, NO, even Indy has lots of spread concepts) smartfootball.com has lots more if you are interested
  21. I actually thought the interior of the line played well this year... it was the tackles that were horrible. I never saw Vince Wilfork crashing through the line like I did in years past (Hi Melvin Fowler) This would be a dream scenario for us... and judging from the trade rumors we've been in... seems like Buddy Nix has a bit of southern gambler in him
  22. more smoke for the mcnabb fire.... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Anw1...aderumors032410
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