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Everything posted by jonramz

  1. I would think that you would want your best pass rusher to be coming from the weak side and your best run defender on the strong side. So I would think they would be separated. But of course this totally depends on the overall scheme that is being run, will it be a more attacking 3-4 1-gap DL or a more traditional 3-4 2-gap DL. I believe they will be much more 1-gap than 2-gap mainly b/c of Kyle Williams, but of course that can change according to the call. Sorry I can't help on the historical stuff
  2. I think he hurt his Achilles, if I recall correctly... guy is a real good RT though. I like him
  3. Chan gets a B. The offense has little talent, the defense has even less... I always said that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken "poop" but Chan is trying to prove me wrong. He doesn't get an A b/c he badly whiffed on the starting QB decision at the beginning of the season and switching to the 3-4 w/out having any sort of talent to run it. But I am sooooooo much more optimistic right now than I have been in the past couple years
  4. The OL was absolutely horrible yesterday... that's why the running game was terrible and why we went to so many quick passes
  5. Fitz is an average NFL QB, which is good enough for us this season.... Kelsey is a disaster... and Kyle Williams is a stud, but he is a 4-3 DT or 3-4 DE, not a 3-4 DT I would love to see Edwards-Troupe-Williams as the 3 man line... unfortunately it really doesn't matter b/c our LB's are that terrible
  6. Alright... Fitz has definitely had a hot streak lately, but I'm not seeing him as an elite NFL QB... let's say he is an average starting QB in the NFL. Someone like Chad Henne, Kevin Kolb or Kyle Orton. Do you still draft a blue chip QB in the 1st round if we have a chance? Or do you go get the pass rusher we desperately need. In other words... are we ok w/ an average NFL QB that Gailey seems to have worked his magic on again
  7. 2 for 10 on drafting good NFL starters (Moulds and Cowart) and 2 for 5 when picking in the 1st 2 rounds... not exactly fantastic, but still pretty good
  8. wow 1 great showing?? Have you watched Newton this year? Guy has been dominant, he is having a far better season than Tebow every did in terms of individual stats. He obviously doesn't have the team awards b/c he hasn't had a chance to get them. I'm not saying he will... but he is certainly leading an extremely high powered offense down at Auburn. His team probably doesn't have the same kind of talent that Florida did on both sides of the ball, which could hurt him national championship-wise. And obviously he doesn't have the intangibles that Tebow has... nobody does. But as far as physical football skills they are extremely similar Also wanted to add, that I do not think that Tebow will ever become a top-notch NFL QB, nor do I think Newton will either
  9. I just can't see a stud NFL QB ever going 4 for 20 in a college game, that's why I'm against Locker... just not accurate enough. BTW anyone think that Cam Newton = Tim Tebow? Take away the jesus stuff and make him white and they are basically the same player
  10. Mallet is basically Drew Bledsoe... and that is good enough for me w/ the #1 pick
  11. this is correct and if you really want to go in-depth go to smartfootball.com
  12. No team has had the balls to go all, running QB, zone read, full college spread offense in the NFL. NE and NO basically run the University of Florida passing game already, but no team will incorporate the running QB element into it. Gailey almost ran in it when he was in KC w/ Thigpen. We really don't have anything to lose, it would be an interesting experiment to see if it could be done in the NFL. BTW I'm not talking about running it for the rest of this year... I'm talking about making a permanent switch to it. There are tons of QB's in college that run that offense so we would have our choice of the best of college football. Draft guys like Pryor and Newton in the mid-rounds, and see what happens. Just a thought... don't flame, I think it would be an interesting discussion
  13. I still have trouble overlooking that 4-20 debacle he put up earlier in the year... whoever posted JP Locker has it right
  14. The o-line looked good... but I was more impressed by Watt on the DL, guy would be a great fit in the 4-3, oh wait... never mind :-(
  15. btw... there is no way Troup is only 310... he's at least 330-340 if you see him in person, he's huge
  16. Mike Leach is basically the Mike Martz of college football... offensive genius but an a-hole. That and I like Mallett best as well, I would be very happy w/ a young drew bledsoe
  17. This is a serious question to OP... if Chris Kelsay is a free agent, what does he get on the open market? I can guarantee you he gets nowhere near 4yr $24mil and that is why people are so upset with the move
  18. Totally agree with the Mallett = Bledsoe comparison. I don't know why that's a bad thing... Bledsoe made a super bowl and was a quality NFL QB. I would be very happy w/ Mallett. Especially w/ the fact that he's gone against tough SEC competition. I've seen plenty of good from Luck... but that Notre Dame game was not one of them. I think he will be a quality pro as well, having harbaugh as a coach helps too Locker is the most athletic of those guys... but just doesn't seem to have the accuracy, plus I can't imagine any future NFL star going 4-20 in a college game Kellen Moore has the brains, but he's under 6' and has a weak arm.... you can get away with that in college but not in the NFL. The only exceptions I can think of are Flutie, but he was an athletic freak. And Brees, but he has a much stronger arm and has amazing anticipation and accuracy An under the radar guy that could develop is Ponder down at FSU. I think that the WR's from this upcoming draft are gonna be special, Green, Floyd, Baldwin and Jones all look like superstars to me
  19. A lot of people think that Nate Davis is the best QB on the 49ers... guy has a learning disability though, supposedly that's what is holding him back
  20. you gotta tear it down to build it back up 7-9 every year will just keep you mediocre. How much better would we all feel w/ Sam Bradford at QB?
  21. RJ and JP did not have the football smarts, Trent did but Adrian Wilson took care of him Give Kelly Holcomb or Fitz any of those guys physical talents and you'd have a fantastic QB
  22. I'm sure Chris Kelsay is an excellent human being... but as far as a football player, he's an excellent backup 4-3 DE and that's it
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