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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. https://covid19.colorado.gov/data Could this be the fundamental problem? From State's COVID stat site. Number of facilities anticipating staff shortages (within the next week) - 38%
  2. Give me a starting OG in exchange and I might listen to the offer.
  3. That's how government works. True story. My brother worked in Homeland Security in the early 2000's. At a time when they were establishing all the airport security measures after 9/11. The first phase was to deploy these measures to all the major airports. The basic plan was to deploy the measures in a priority order with the most important and critical airports to be secured in order of importance that was established through the use of objective measures like hubs first and traffic volumes. But the idiots in the field had a different idea. They spent all the initial budget money to perform about 1/2 of the work at all the major phase one airports which resulted in spending all the money but securing nothing. As long as you understand the best and the brightest are not leading our government you won't be disappointed or surprised by anything.
  4. All the petty politician wanna-be dictators issuing edicts and proclamations demanding the plebs all fall in line and act obediently to their commands will find somebody else to blame for the consequences of their decisions. If you don't blindly obey and follow the dictates of authoritarians then you're not following the science. You're a bad, bad person. That includes all the previously designated "heroes" that risked their lives during the pandemic to keep everyone else "safe". But now need to be fired. By the way, thanks for your service. The message here, politicians are generally scum bags that will use and lose you whenever they deem fit to do so.
  5. I suggest at this point "The Committee" is less interested in the truth than they are in keeping the story front-and-center for as long as possible. What does anyone expect from a group of lawmakers all believing a specific pre-conceived conclusion and not disposed in any way to proceed with any sense of objectively?
  6. Allowed it to happen? I believe the truth will come out that various agency assets present on 1/6 made it happen.
  7. My confusion is that we already have millions of people in the US getting paid to do nothing that could do the work if they had the proper motivation. Why are we importing more people to pay to do nothing? Both scenarios sound like they're aligned with the administration's "human infrastructure" bill.
  8. People of a certain political persuasion crying out about the dangers of misinformation and the need to censor their opponents while they create misinformation about the opposition candidate. Now if we could only find anyone of Russian descent among the perpetrators we can bundle up two conspiracies into one staged event. Imagine the media attention a staged stunt of fake White Nationalist Russians supporting the Republican candidate would garner?
  9. With evidence of incitement and the fact Epps hasn't been arrested, althoughh is actions, name, and address are clearly known while 100's of other's are picked up and charged with lesser offenses, the logical conclusion is he's an agency asset put at the scene to create an incident. Although the FBI or other Federal agencies or departments will probably never admit to it. And the committee will likely steer clear of digging into the details surrounding his actions. The question is how many other agents or assets were active during 1/6. What's not stated enough is the likelihood that Federal law enforcement and other Federal agencies were running an active intelligence and misinformation operation against a sitting President. To create an incident that would lead to him being accused of mounting a violent assault on the US Capitol to stop or change the Electoral Vote. Federal employees under the executive branch of government, reporting to the President working to set him up. So who are the real traitors and insurrectionists here? That's why I have such a high level of contempt and distain for the FBI and intelligence agencies. If they can do it to him, the President, then there are no limits or controls on what they can do to you and me. That's the core issue at play here. Everything else is a sideshow drama. Rogue agencies operating independently of the elected government without regard for the law or the Constitution. That's the big threat to democracy and the theme the dummies supporting the committee are missing.
  10. Hi yield food production is dependent on fertilizers. Fertilizer production is dependent on natural gas.
  11. I'd be more worried about human over-population, depletion of resources, crowding out and extinction of dependent and essential species caused by human activity, destruction of animal natural habitats and incursions by humans, destruction of forests and grasslands for low-density suburban and ex-urban housing developments, importing more people into an already resource scarce environment, degradation of arable farm land, poisoning lake, streams, rivers, and the oceans with pesticides, fertilizer overrun, chemicals, and other harmful chemicals (and garbage falling off ships headed to dump it someplace in Asia). And sorry to say no high-output energy source to replace all the oil and gas we've burned and will burn of what's left. Its all basically 85 millions years of stored and accumulated sunlight. Not to burst the bubble but solar and wind power just don't have the energy "density" to replace hydrocarbon resources without some significant downsizing in energy consumption or energy consumers. They are highly intermittent sources and unreliable for base transmission load. Good luck with the battery storage idea. Just a casual mention of the social upheaval when 100's of millions of people in the Middle East dependent on oil and oil revenue have nothing to do and nowhere to go when the oil is either no longer used or runs out. Unless some scientist is close to breakthrough technology with fusion reactors, warp drive, dark matter energy, or some other technology there is not going to be any Star Wars or Star Trek like future for the human race much less some big Martian colony. And I find these billionaire 3 minute excursions into Space to be comical. It doesn't represent the start of something, its the end of something. Its back to the good life of the 1800's. That's what I'd be worried about and not a .0001% increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere. But sometimes its just human nature to ignore the big picture and focus on the small stuff.
  12. The current infection rate and case count is all being blamed on the un-vaccinated. First responders, firefighters, police, EMTs, doctors and nurses, essential front line workers that risked their lives and the welfare of their families that were hailed as "heroes" during the earlier months of the pandemic are now villains if they resist the vaccine. They are trying to kill you and your children. They are misinformed. Don't allow them to breath near you. Take away their rights and privileges until the comply. Even though you are vaccinated and have done everything asked of you it is still not safe. Nothing matters but our agenda to sanitize life itself and provide for your absolute safety from any and all harm and danger. And please don't run with scissors. All we ask is your obedience and freedoms in return. Like a veal calf fed and kept in a cage before the slaughter you will enjoy complete safety right up until the end. Yes you, the people believing everything you're told by officials like Fauci are the real heroes. You are doing your duty to protect everyone. Even though the science proves you can still get sick and die, transmit the virus to others, and host the virus we will all ignore these facts. Just don't question anything. And embrace booster shots forever to keep your "fully vaccinated" status and vaccine passports in full compliance. Trust Dr. Fauci, the person constantly lying.
  13. You can never stay on topic. In this case because you seem incapable of original or independent thinking. I assume because you couldn't find a tweet or a picture from some enlightened intellectual douche bag to counter my clear and accurate post on what's going on here with this fake committee. And after all "safe spaces" are an invention of the left. People afraid of life's challenges and dangers. That's you dude.
  14. All you're tasting is your own BS. I don't fear leftists that act and behave like children.
  15. Anyone that will ask questions about FBI and other law enforcement involvement prior to and during the event is excluded from the Committee. So predetermined outcome is a perfect description. This "investigation" is targeted specifically at the political base on the left. Intended to keep team engaged and motivated. After promising the scalps of anyone and everyone during the Russia collision investigation but coming up completely empty the team is desperate for any kind of win. So raising the alarm and invoking the usual hyperbole like "threats to democracy" while sending a lot of aimless and lost souls to jail for petty crimes like trespass at maximum sentences is satisfying the blood lust of the left for revenge for 2016. But it will ultimately fall short of hooking any of the big fish and result is some level of dissatisfaction that will translate to "them" getting away with "it" again. Its all so transparently obvious. This made-for-TV drama is consistent with the experience you get while guessing the ending of a 3 hour movie in the first minute. You'll stay and watch but you can't wait until its over.
  16. Based on insurance data I've seen on hospitalization the rate of kids being admitted to hospitals "with" COVID w/o a high risk pre-existing condition is extremely rare. And it might be hard to establish a base line in a lot of these studies. Of course all the COVID facts we get are derived from the data available and assumes all cases were coded and recorded correctly which is a suspect assumption and verifying everything is difficult because of patient privacy and other challenges.
  17. Its a cornerstone part of the Woke agenda to create a generation of girly-men that are in touch with their feelings and aren't afraid to cry.
  18. When you're ready to talk about 2021 America and not 1860 I'll be here.
  19. But CRT "history lessons" aren't focused on teaching about events or truth but rather is fixated on the oppressor and oppressed relationship and suggests its still the basis of the fundamental attributes of current society. It assigns blame to people that were not alive at the time these events took place. And it characterizes and stereotypes them with the behaviors and attributes of those bad historical actors of the past. It focuses on past racism through the lens of a racist theory & ideology.
  20. I don't disagree. But that system is no longer supported or enabled by the law of the land. This is 2021, its not 1950 segregated America. Something many refuse to acknowledge as they simply will not accept things have changed. Like communism in many places It has been abolished. And children, and their parents, alive today that had absolutely nothing personally to do with that era of history should not be made to feel guilty or responsible for the acts and actions of people they never knew. And they should not be subjected to an ideology that pits them against their friends and classmates by stereotyping them into groups under a new "separate but equal" (or unequal) doctrine. So now with the liberal time machine we've moved in reverse to hate inspired beliefs like CRT where the idea of judging the individual based on their personal merits and actions has been replaced by a new system of separate but equal where the individual is judged by a stereotype of their race and the actions of people that are dead and gone. Anti-diversity in action.
  21. Maybe my educational experience was something unique but in junior and senior high school we learned about US history including slavery, the civil war, native tribes and their lifestyles and customs, along with the traditional European centered history lessons along with the history of people in Africa and Asia. Nobody whitewashed the events of the early period of US history and the injustices or wrongs of the system of slavery and the genocide committed against Native Americans. The implications of these policies and their history was well understood. And while I was just a youngster entering kindergarten school during the civil rights movement we were living it. Dr. King, Malcolm X, George Wallace. They were real living people and not historical references. Based on that reference point I cannot get my head around the idea that today's kids being sent through the public school system are totally clueless to this history and have no knowledge of the wrongs committed in the past against people of African and Native American descent. As for CRT the read of it I get is just repackaged Marxist theory. Instead of the oppressor bourgeoisie and the oppressed proletariat its a copy/paste to the oppressor whites and the oppressed blacks. Its a highly simplistic and childish notion trying to explain a complex situation. But its also part of what I've come to call the "Woke Virtue Signalling Point System" or WVSPS. What I find most interesting is how the majority of virtue signalling is performed by white people. If its Blacks and Native Americans beefing about something I'm listening. But White people complaining about the plight of Blacks? Did they elect you as their spokesperson or something? I don't think so. Most of them are upper or middle class highly educated whites that have absolutely no life experience that can provide them with understanding of what inner city people face. The fact they've studied it and read a couple books however converts them to instant experts on the subject. The only minority people they see in their neighborhoods are the landscaping crews that manicure their lawns and property. The thing is, whites, and specifically straight white males are at the bottom of the Woke hierarchy. They are the ultimate oppressor. They're might as well be Trump supporting white supremacists. But the way to move out of the woke basement is to publicly take on causes of the oppressed or assume another identity other than straight white male. So white school boards and unions advocating for CRT, get points, white politicians support transsexual bathroom rights, get more points, white politicians knee down in the Capitol and support BLM, get more point. It's ultimately all a horseshit charade as most of them believe nothing of what they claim in public.
  22. The fact is the DNC was directing Antifa to cause trouble for the previous administration and goad them into open confrontation. Which they would use to cite the authoritarian intent of the Trump administration. But they never took the bait. And when poll numbers showed public dissatisfaction and gains in likely voter support for Trump because of the riots the DNC ordered Antifa, and BLM, to stand down. That's what happened. Even the douche bags at CNN stated at the time they need to stand down because their destructive rioting is hurting Biden.
  23. Sounds like paradise. Meanwhile, the Atlanta Fed has revised its forecast for real US GDP growth for Q3-21 to 0.2%, down from 1.2% 2 weeks ago, down from 6% 2 months ago, and down from 14% in May.
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