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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Do we know who their flight staff is? What snacks they are getting? How much sugar is in the snacks? Can anyone answer? If not, there is definitely hijinks afoot
  2. I was thinking last year, they were on their way to become an historically-remembered team along the lines of the 85 Bears, 91 Redskins, 07 Patriots, etc... that got derailed due to injuries and logistical matters. It looks like they have a good crack at it again. With the way everything seems to be coming together at the moment on all facets of this team.... as well as their schedule, this could be the year. I saw the 'bold' predictor guy on ESPN changed his prediction for the Bills from Deonte Harty would be their 2nd most productive receiver to 'They will win 15 games'. If the Bills win 15 games, I would say they would be very difficult to beat out for the Super Bowl.
  3. Thats a shame for New England and Gonzalez. He looked pretty good in his first few games. At least it isnt his wheels and he should be just fine.
  4. Probably not exploitable unless he is standing a certain way pre-snap. As mentioned, by the time defenders react to what diggs is doing, they are probably behind the play already
  5. How do you guys feel about them keeping Boone? I know he is annoying to Yankees fans for his positivity and seeming to ignore problems. Sitting on those grenades and getting the players' backs does score points and respect in the lockerroom though. I think Boone is a good guy with integrity and if they ever get that roster and salary structure in order, he will do just fine Managers basically refer to a binder to determine what to do nowadays. The last actual manager has retired (francona). I do think Cashman is awful though and the league has passed him by.
  6. id drop baltimore down. That division still is muddy.
  7. I know it's not how these things always work, but it looks like buffalo should beat the giants by 40
  8. I laughed at so many of them saying the loss is ok and expected because "buffalo needed the game more" and played harder. Miami had a chance to put their nemesis, the top dogs in the division, who beat them out last year and in a playoff game far in their rear view mirror. Can't get up for that?
  9. It's a shame. Cb is the worst position for a player to experience these kinds of injuries. It's very high speed and reactive, moving based on the opponents. This is going to be a major battle for tre, both mentally and physically. He is going to have to be a positive thinker and a fierce and focused worker. Hopefully von Miller can coach him through this
  10. That stadium, the way it is layed-out will never set a noise record. If you transplanted our crowd into seattle, KC, or an indoor stadium, I have no doubt we would have the record, even on an average day.
  11. every nfl game is tough. I hope the Bills can stay hungry and put in the work. With that said, based on a lot of parity in the league, the schedule looks a lot less daunting than it did a month ago. The Bills can go on an extended run
  12. It's heart breaking to see White's anguish. Great guy, and a great player who truly loves playing the game. I'm guessing it's bad. You can feel and hear a pop just from a calf tear like burrow has... but the training and medical staff can figure out generally how severe in a matter of seconds. It seems everyone knew. I rehabbed from an acl tear. It was a frustrating, time consuming process. I couldn't imagine having another catastrophic injury after that and dealing with that mountain ahead. Tre can do it though and he will be back in the nfl, hopefully with the bills. I'm hoping everyone is wrong and it turns out to be a calf strain. Sit him out for a few months and as good as new.
  13. Week 1 is preseason now. Sloppy football and strange results across the board
  14. It looks like they have given up.
  15. Can they just flex the jets out of prime time the rest of the season? Is there anyone who would object?
  16. Rousseau was a dominant player
  17. James Cook (and to some extent latavious murray) have been what this offense has lacked to date. It makes them so much more rounded and difficult to stop. Kincaid and a committee of Cook, Harty, sherfield, etc are an element missing since Beasley aged out. The o-line is also looking quality, but the build and rounded Ness of the offense helps. Defense also looks terrific so far. All there d-lineman they drafted (Oliver, Rousseau, epinesa) all look like monsters and we have von Miller coming back. Overall I was very nervous and tentative in my confidence coming into the season. Now I'm thinking this may be the best they have been.
  18. Yes, if you read the article, there seems to be a current from Bills alumni that they feel pushed away/ignored by the organization (including members of the AFL Championship worrying they are going to ignore the 60th anniversary next year). Spikes took it upon himself to publicize it a bit maybe and push the 'issue' to the forefront. Its enough where it got people talking about it and Bills executives had to/have to answer questions about it. I do think it is a bit of a low blow to be honest. I do get where they are coming from overall. Both Bills and Sabres alumni have been pushed to the backburner under this ownership. Honoring/remembering the past just doesn't seem to be a priority
  19. It sounds like it was embellished by spikes to shine light on issues that have been putting off alumni. Lots of other info in that article. The Sabres have the same issue under pegula. They seem to have forgotten or don't care about the history of the team. No more hall of fame inductions or any of that stuff. Only the cheap pop of retiring Ryan miller's number (which is a joke). Last sabres hof induction was hawerchuk in 2011. Ignoring the history and not serving platters of nostalgia is a pet peeve of mine Now we can't have Jim Kelly yelling at Marcel darius for kneeling during the anthem, but the bills need to meet somewhere in the middle.
  20. Its a shame. This is maybe the best Pac 12 season as far as the conference top-to-bottom, including the biggest story in college football (Colorado). Its adding a lot of flavor to NCAA football (which has been drab outside the Pac 12 to be honest). Pac 12 is necessary flavoring and it is going to be sucky it is gone
  21. That and the fallacy of sunk costs. That was supposed to be Trevor Lawrence in a tank year, but Frank Gore had to pile up yards in a meaningless game
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