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Everything posted by auburnbillsbacker

  1. 4-3 linebackers are supposed to be fast and instinctive. Most of the bills linebacker are more of the 3-4 type, big and strong. The bills in my opinion need 2 new startes at linebacker bad.
  2. I don't think we have the linebackers to play any scheme. I thought we had the defensive lineman to play the 4-3, but it hasn't worked out that way. Our inexperience at CB would be a problem in any defensive system. So I somewhat agree with you, they need more players. I feel their talent is better suited for the 4-3.
  3. Intelligent football people know he is a a top 5 offesnive coordinator. Don't overestimate the Bill's offensive talent, it is mediocre at best. Chan's offensives score more points than they should. I would give him an 8.5.
  4. Here is the cycle. 1)The bills stink 2) The fans blame the coaching staff and GM 3) The bills fire the GM and/or the Head Coach 4) A new GM/Head Coach is hired 5) The fans get excited about the new GM/Head Coach and feel the team will make the playoffs soon 6) The bills stink Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
  5. I don't think the bills could get a first round pick for a guy who will be a free agent at the end of the year. The days of the raiders giving out first round picks is over. I bet they could get a 3rd, but I would rather they keep him and place the franchise tag on him. The franchise tag is very reasonable for a safety.
  6. I realize that Fitz is not an elite QB and he did throw a costly INT, but benching him does not solve this team's problems. The offense has scored a lot of points, the defense however, has been horrible. If the bills defense was as good as avertised, the bills would be in a great position with Fitz.
  7. Unfortunately, I do not think Dareus will be a star in this league. He is young, coming out of Alabama as a Junior, but stars will usually show signs of brilliance at this point. Kyle Williams was more or less unblockable from his first mini-camp.
  8. I think Chan has done wonders with the offense. I would keep him and look for a new defensive coordinator.
  9. I think Chan is a good play caller. This team has scored a lot of points considering the mediocre talent. The defense needs better coaching.
  10. Buddy said after the draft that Williams lacked "long sped." After that statement I assumed that he would end up the nickel CB who covered the slot receiver. I was shocked when her became the bills #2 CB.
  11. I agree, because the franchise tag for a safety is a lot less than an offensive lineman. Right now tackles, guards, and centers are all grouped in the same category. If they resign Levitre, at least the bills could use the franchise tag on Byrd. I would love to have both of them signed before the season ended however.
  12. Prior to Sunday the bills were first in the league in TDs scored. I think the defense is the real problem. Don't get me wrong, Fitz has his faults, I just feel he hasn't been the biggest problem this season.
  13. Great breakdown. The moral of the story is that the bills are never bad enough to get the Lucks or RGIIIs.
  14. Here is what you need to know about Wade. -2 years as Denver's head coach. 1 playoff appearance and 1 8-8 season. -3 years as Buffalo's head coach. 2 playoff appearance and 1 8-8 season. -2 plus years with Dallas. 2 playoff appearance, did better than Parcells with more or less the same roster, 1 bad start to a season. -He is a very good coach and a great defensive mind. He does not however, always wear a head set which apparently is a big problem.
  15. Well done. I think the members of this forum need a few more days of venting before they can appreciate your humor though.
  16. The NFL is a QB driven league and while I love Fitz, he is not good enough. Look at the last 10 years, how many QBs not named Brady, Manning or Roethlisberger have represented the AFC in the Super Bowl. If Chan had one of those 3 guys at QB he would be considered a good coach because the Bills would win several more games a year.
  17. Spiller almost scored. It seemed like the right play call.
  18. I respect your point of view, I just feel the refs are compensated very well by the nfl.
  19. Do you realize that they are part time emplyees with other jobs? Do you know they make up to $180,000 for a job that requires them to ref one game a week and participate in a conference call once a week? Also worth noting, they are asking for $35,000 to added to their 401K every year. Most other people working in the NFL just lost their pensions, so the refs are not getting any sympathy from the teams. I realize they are better than the current officials, but this is mainly due to experience. I have no problem with the lockout.
  20. His partner Tim Ryan also had the chiefs winning a very close game. I see this game as more or less a coin flip. I thought that about the Jets game as well, so my opinion probably doesn't carry much weight.
  21. Maybe they plan on using Spiller as a receiver when they are not handing him the rock. My fantasy team appreciated the WR eligibility he gained last year. I thought Graham looked good at camp and in the preseason so I find this news surprising.
  22. Thank Jauron for the Williams pick. He begged Marv to draft him in the 4th but Levy liked Ko Simpson too much so he was the pick. A round later Kyle Williams was still there so Marv caved and picked the LSU tackle, but Jauron only drafts defensive backs right.
  23. I have no sympathy for the refs. They make a lot of money for part time work. I will definitely go to the games still.
  24. Intelligent people like MIke Mayock and NFL films Greg Cosell had him as the best corner in the draft and a top 5 talent overall. I disagreed with them at the time, but they may have been right. So far so good for Gilmore.
  25. I wonder if the bills can trade one of the fringe defensive linemen for a 6th or 7th round pick? The bills will clearly be cutting a couple of lineman who would make most teams. A team might be willing to surrender a 6th or 7th round pick instead of competing with other teams to sign one of the bills cuts d lineman.
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