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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. I am glad I am not the only one who sees this. The kid is just not a good football player, at all. Gunner- why are you skeptical- you see something that I dont? Guys with speed in the NFL are expected to take it to the house. First, catch the ball, and second, for the love of good break a tackle. You literally touch this kid and he falls down. As long as their is no major injuries to our WR corps this guy wont make the 53. Wanna make a friendly wager?
  2. McKenzie has the best worst hands and if the air blows he falls down. Kid has speed and thats where it ends. He wont make the 53 this time around.
  3. I have loved the McD/Frazier pairing from day 1. Now it is time to put our boot on other teams throats.
  4. His injury was nasty- and you are probably right but ive learned to never say never. That said, he would be foolish to try- save yourself and your health- go do something else- Go Bills. Good dialogue ? Ive seen many “bad physicians”. I don’t know about a kick back- just flawed judgement maybe.
  5. I disagree- and I am in the medical field. It is all about the right physician with a different opinion.
  6. Can’t? Have you read something that says he will never be medically cleared? Just wondering?
  7. Me, but I am ready to party! That has to count for something ?
  8. They can open up the 4 tarped top corners to help with spacing of their 20k fans or so
  9. And it has always been this way- contracts get larger and larger each year with the exception of most RB contracts. And the cap will climb and so will NFL revenues - it all works out. Teams cant overpay for players and sign stupid contracts.
  10. Are you the judge, jury, and executioner? Asking for a friend ?
  11. If we look at her overall body of work as President of Pegula Sports and her hands deep in the Sabres activities then I would say HELL NO!
  12. I got bombarded yesterday because I have been so busy on the frontlines with this COVID crap that I did not search deep enough. I just ended up deleting it. It wasn’t worth my breath engaging with tough guys behind the keyboard.
  13. I am a dome guy too! Its why I sit in the clubs now. I spent many seasons in the lower bowl- it just isn’t fun to me anymore being in the elements when its 20 degrees or lower and snowing. It also isn’t fun 40 and raining. We have a stadium now that gets used 15 times a year tops if there is a few concerts.
  14. Starting late and ending late is great for southern cities or teams with domes- everyone else, not so much. A few snow games towards the end is tolerable but not 1/2 the games.
  15. I love it! I wanted a bruising back - Dillon and Taylor but Moss is a stud! Yeldon I think will be our 3 and in on some passing downs. Mr Rugby guy will stay on the PS unless he really develops which is a nice problem to have. Taiwan gets the axe unless there is an injury in the backfield or special teamer.
  16. The wind blows and McKenzie falls down- they will cut him and Foster imo
  17. No- Shadys done I want the Dillon battering ram
  18. Isn’t Yannick a DE? Is there something I am missing here? Can he play LB and WR. I am so confused.
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