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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Did you watch him play last year? He can still Play.
  2. I would not be surprised at all if Cam gets benched 2-3 weeks in. The underlying story is tue glaring reality that players want no part of Bellicheat- there was better options out there other than Cam.
  3. Cam has an arm/shoulder thats toast. As a backup I wouldn’t want him, especially in the AFCE where the winds howl late in the season.
  4. Your logic with guard and edge is really spot on. Letting Feliciano go with Morse’s concussion history may be a huge mistake. We did not miss a beat when John slid to center. You just cannot put a price tag on a versatile o-lineman that can play anywhere in the interior, at a high level. See Baltimore and the struggles they had at center. We cannot do that to JA.
  5. Ah my bad - was hard to tell and im not on all that much these days.
  6. A 6th wont get him. 4th or 5th and a restructure will get it done.
  7. Im good with McKenzie and Rugby guy has to have a strong pre season.
  8. You mean a PS rugby guy RB playing ST’s? Hmmmm highly unlikely
  9. Agree to disagree- but heck, we dont make the big decisions anyways 😊
  10. Najee at 30 is close to a 2 at that point- I feel what your saying but this guys is a Derrick Henry type- and if he is there when we pick, and BPA im pulling the trigger. We have two number 2 RBs no true 1.
  11. Why dont you like Felicianos’ play? Versatile lineman that had an incredible year. What am I missing? Ford has been epically bad imo but he gets a pass- year 3 he needs to step up. Morse is good in pass protection but subpar in run blocking.
  12. Agree to disagree- we didnt have our best game, thats for sure. That said, KCs back end D was a holding machine. Anyways, doesnt really matter.
  13. KC defense is a holding maching on the backside. The did some nice upgrades but they arent all that great and their window is closing fast. Star eats space- I like Star- be like Star ⭐️
  14. We beat some tough teams this past season and went to the AFC Championship- not sure what you are talking about.
  15. I think some people forget, many who have not played contact sports, that after the years of the beatings taken will weigh heavily in their decision process. Many players are trying to make as much money as they can in a relatively short span and walking away with their health. Keuchley wont play another snap in the NFL.
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