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Everything posted by wjag

  1. feel the same way about Tim Hortons. You WNYers are gaga about it. I don't get it.. It's one step up from Your Host (or what we used to call Your Hole) for you old timers on here. My family gave me gift cards to Tim Hoes. Said thank you very much.. I regifted them... 🙂
  2. never underestimate the hypnotizing power of a mullet and stash..
  3. I love McAfee. He is the unfiltered interviewer. He gives you a player's perspective and drops an occassional F-bomb too..
  4. It was stated in here https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1011198803032827&ref=notif&notif_id=1628625917916909&notif_t=live_video
  5. Parino reporting Sanders might be dinged or redinged again...
  6. I think this was the key signing of the off season. Sure Sanders will be fun, but others could have been brought in. Having a spare QB1 (masquarading as a QB2) that can execute the full Daboll playbook, should it be necessary, gives me great confidence in this team, this year. I hope they find a few plays for MT this year. Roll those plays out during the AFC East games.
  7. Dish the Fish again Going to be delicious Allen loves sushi
  8. 3 I think. Allen -87, Diggs -54, White -47
  9. I need a mod's help here. I don't have an edit button to change the option on Josh from 5-10 to 6-10.
  10. So the players-only poll, popularity contest get released this weekend. Project where Allen and Diggs will land. Drop in the comments where you think others like Kumerow 🙂 or Beasley or White might land.
  11. I like bought six beers and took out a small loan to pay for them.
  12. I’ve been watching Colin slowly turn from critic to fan. He’s all in on JA17 and McBeane. Joy is still only grudgingly going along. She acknowledges he’s good and her assessment was wrong but inevitably brings up year 1 and says something akin to disaster.
  13. I took it as a joke/play on his Herr commercial. Guy didn’t pick up on it.
  14. I have never called nor threatened to leave. They literally just gave it to me. Second year in a row. Last year it was sans Redzone. This year is with Redzone. I have been a DTV customer since 1991 so maybe it's a loyalty thing. Maybe the guy who runs DTV is a JA17/Buffalo Bills fan... Anyway, I'm stoked because I was ready to pay for it. Hell if I would pay for it during the Whaley/Nix years, I sure as heck was going to pay for it during the McBeane years.
  15. I forget which coach said it, but one coach last year said that Miami has the greatest home field advantage in sports. Especially for those September and early October games. They have the visitors where dark uniforms and they stand in the Miami sun and humidity. Teams go down there and melt in the hum-did-it-ty. Meanwhile, they wear white and have the shaded side of the field.
  16. Great stuff.. I'll play along... -- Beasley and Josh in mid season rhythm -- Singletary TFL again and again -- Bass booming kicks 4-5 + 2-2 outside 50 -- McDermott with a very quick whistle -- Epensa flashing with another fake sack -- Holiister with 1st team reps -- Jackson smoked by TD Jesus
  17. At what point do the worry beads come out over the Schnoman?
  18. THIS preseason, more than any other in a long time around here, is for the bubble players. Let's see the draft picks. This should be all Webb and Fromm.. Gentry and Hollister.. Zimmer and Basham... Lamp and Long... Wildgoose and Hamlin..... type of game...
  19. Yep hoods, two in the binocular case, a few in your back.. People were very creative back then.
  20. Any bets on what will be Lead Block segment on GMFB this morning? Will it be Peyton et al or Josh?
  21. In the stands watching it. It was delirium in the stands. And that was during the era where you could still sneak a fair amount of beer in. 🙂
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