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Everything posted by BuffaloBill

  1. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/football/ct-bob-costas-nfl-game-destroys-brains-20171109-story.html Bob Costas claims CTE will destroy the NFL.
  2. Exactly. If we have Sam Bradford as QB three years from now then we have the most idiotic front office in the league.
  3. Kipper is a paid mouth that is supposed to be entertaining. The NFL has bought into its own hype around the draft.
  4. Please don’t let facts ruin a great rant that is presented as a proven theory...
  5. The rumor is you took control in a bloody coup d’ etet .......
  6. Another great example but his issue was likely the end of PEDS. The guy blew his body up.
  7. People seem to forget that the stint is were a bit screwed last year by a handful of games.
  8. It remains amazing to me with all of the analysis that goes into the NFL draft that misses this bad still happen. I suppose Dareus is maybe a different flavor of the same issue though his situation is more about consist play than it was talent.
  9. I honestly wonder how long it will be before CTE and the injury situation in the NFL becomes a race and class situation. I have zero interest in inciting anything with the comment but the truth of the matter is that more and more parents are pulling their kids from the sport. It doesn’t take a leap to think that the majority doing this are more educated, wealthier and white.
  10. Quit raining on the parade with facts. You’re ruining the fun.
  11. I’ve thought about using that as an excuse not to report to work.
  12. It’s still disgusting that Wade was not respected by Ralph. The organization would have been better if they had retained him.
  13. All this talk of self flatulence really stinks.... cut it out.
  14. Do you guys think I have acted in any way like a decent moderator in this thread? If I would have The following would need to have been done: I would have started the thread I would have had to immediately locked the thread for abuse of another board member (regardless of whether such abuse was deserved) I would have had to have deleted the thread I would have to have given myself a warning. The above is far too much work.
  15. Thank you to all of the vets for your service. A special shout out to my father in law who is a Korean War vet.
  16. I will have to go see.... Thank you for the idea
  17. Winner^^^^^^ The two of you met in an alley in SF? How was the sex?
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