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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I know that any federal case now is about Federal Labor law, so I'm conflicted: on one hand it would be a slam dunk against whether Brady was guilty. On the other, even if the case goes Brady's way, it won't prove him innocent just limiting the authority of the commissioner.
  2. Oh jeez. You know, with all this time, and all the rebuttals I waa actually starting to doubt myself. But to think that he would ask an assistant to destroy his phone right before going into an investigation. No wonder Wells waa pissed when people mocked his integrity when he knew that Brady had gone out of his way to lie and impede the investigation. I think they were holding on to that nugget of information so that Brady would have to option of letting it quietly go away where there was still some doubt of his innocence.
  3. Definitely not the second, that's just insane fan ranting. But if Brady is feeling his years and is obsessed by his legacy, he might just be crazy enough. But I'd hope Kraft reels him back because the damage to the league could be incredible.
  4. Well, from what I've read it wouldn't come up if they are citing the NFL for being in violation of labor law. The issue is that it becomes the nuclear option, since it would essentially cripple a large part of the collective bargaining agreement and none of the owners want that, which is why I think they're taking their time looking for a settlement. Now, in regards to the "defamation lawsuit" I hear a lot of blowhard Patriot fans going on about, it would definitely be subpoenaed.
  5. Look, obviously I am keeping the source I'm mind here on Smith's reporting. But I do absolutely agree that it could have happened.
  6. Well so much for the remarkable recovery that he was making. Look, I can understand going in on the guy because there was so much talent but man has it not paid off so far.
  7. Yeah, I'm signed in and the latest I see is 2013 EDIT: In the meanwhile, I started with the recap of 1988. I just got to the part where Norwood talking about dreaming about the situation where it all comes down to his foot.
  8. I got in touch with the people who have taken over for Michelle for the Philly Bills Backers. While they haven't made it official yet, we'll be doing games at Tavern on Broad. I'm thrilled because it's right on the PATCO line which means I'll have pretty much a direct shot in.
  9. Some if it yes. But Rodak and some of the other trolls amped it up. I remember interviews and headlines that went something like this: "Were you upset about being traded?" "Well yeah a bit. Twitter found out before I did, and it was a bit jarring. I had planned to be an Eagle next year." Headline: Shady slams Kelly! Will NEVER Come to Buffalo. I am barely exaggerating
  10. Honestly, I'd be annoyed at how big everything was blown out of proportion. And let's not pretend that there were a lack of silly non-stories about him this offseason. Him making fun of all of the media attention is funny.
  11. Basically Shady responded to people making a big deal over his "ladies only" party by joking that he's now making it for everyone with DJ Donald Trump, and explicit naming Rex, Chip, Barack, Oprah and a waiter who gave him bad service at one hamburger place. Just not Hulk Hogan. No alcohol. Just smoothies. To anyone with half a brain, it's a subtle jab at people making a stink, and the insane nonsense reporting which happens at this time of year. Apparently Mike Florio does not have half a brain.
  12. I mentioned it before, but Rodak is taking it completely seriously too. Wow.
  13. On no...now Rodak is joining in. It's funny, seeing the hacks who essentially twitter surf and redo articles by real journalists for click bait being trolled so hard they don't realize it. I think Shady is going to get the last laugh.
  14. Whenever I want to drop a few IQ points the comments section of PFT is an excellent place to be.
  15. You know what's funnier? Florio doesn't get the joke:http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/27/lesean-mccoy-changes-his-party-from-ladies-only/
  16. I'm not going to lie, his numbers haven't been that great. That said, I'm looking at Cassel's numbers and seriously Freeman is interchangeable or better. I'm not saying we should pull the trigger, but I'm sure he could be had for a lot less.
  17. Well played sir But seriously the thing is kind of overblown. When choosing between a star running back on tape battering his girlfriend and one blowing his signing bonus on a slightly sketchy party, right before training camp starts and things get serious, I know which one I'm picking.
  18. I seem to vaguely recall us gleefully commenting on a Dolphins fan thread after the away game in 2013 after Mario had strip sacked Tanny to set up the win in the final minutes, and Robey had a pick 6. The Dolphin fans were furious. Again, no where does this guarantee that EJ will walk into training camp and everything will click, and that he will be the unquestioned starter, and afterwards never lose a game for us. I'm just saying that we are looking at two very athletic raw prospects with a lot of theoretically upside had a rough starts in their first 14 games. One was able to make the jump after about 30 games. The other is at 14.
  19. Thanks bandit, I'm pretty much in the same boat. EJ is almost certainly not going to be a top 5 QB next year. That said, using Tannehill as a reference (as a note, he was erratic as hell season 2) I would take 60.6% completion rate, 245 YPG, 24 TD 17 INT in a heartbeat with our D and running backs. I'm not saying we're going to get that from EJ but even erratic improvement might just push us over the edge.
  20. That's what gets me. It's not that I think EJ has been amazing, it's that when I look at the numbers of most of the expected project QBs in the last few drafts, those numbers are right up there with Tannehill, Bortles, Bridgewater and Carr. Hell, take a look at Tannehill's first 16 ganes: 58.3% completion rating, 12 TD and 13 INT. The 6.8 YPA is slightly better, but I'm not seeing how EJ is unsalvagable, but Tannehill is worth a $100+M contract.
  21. I'm sure he'd like both. His guaranteed money is finished after next year. Players take less money per year for more of that money being guaranteed for a few more years all the time. It's pretty much what we did with Shady
  22. Very interesting. It looks like a moderate drop off comes right around when/just before Mario's contract is set to expire. It's not so drastic that I couldn't imagine Mario taking an extension for some more guaranteed money and maybe less of a cap hot next year to help keep Dareus.
  23. To be perfectly honest, if Brady's suspension gets lifted completely I am boycotting any game which has the Patriots in it, and I urge others to do the same. The vast preponderance of evidence is that Tom Brady minorly cheated, and then tried to help cover his ass. A five month independent report found records to support this. I'd agree it was a stiff penalty, and of Brady was arguing that it was too stiff for something that was typically punished with fines I'd be less upset. But he is demanding innocence, and if this gets cleared it sends a message as clear as day: If you are a star and you cheat on the field in a way that may effect games, you get off scott free. Journalists will flock to your defense and call the charges outrageous. If you're a journeyman, who commits a misdemeanor outside of the game such as drag racing, doing some weed to help your concussion or being an !@#$ to a teammate? God help you. And the idea that they might get away with it, because the NFLPA dislikes a condition they agreed to in exchange for more money...it's despicable.
  24. You forgot Rex! Seriously though, I'd agree that he was a good coach while he was here and I think a second year with Spikes and Brown would have helped the run defense. That said I am really happy with the Rex/Roman combination. Does anyone else remember the last time we had both an OC and DC who were previously accomplished coaches in their respective areas, and both of their philosophies were in lock step?
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