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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Wow, KDS you've got quite a Kelly boner going. Look, I'll be the first to say that Chip Kelly is an incredible offensive coordinator, and I would say a very good head coach. Some of what I've seen is really impressive. But you're crazy if you don't have some reservations about Chip Kelly the GM. First he let's the Riley Cooper incident become a locker room cancer (aggravated by signing him to a longer term deal and then sucking), then Chip cuts a Pro Bowl WR who then goes to a division rival for nothing but dead cap. Then, this year, his Pro Bowl guard is holding out of VOLUNTARY practices but has his ticket booked for the mandatory ones...so Chip cuts. In what is one of the thinnest group of CBs in the league, he trades away a decently reliable slot CB for a 5th round pick...next year. The Eagles DB group looks to he a mess. Chip signed Byron maxwell to a $10M a year contract (good but not worth that money) and is throwing a rookie 2nd rounder at the #2 spot. After that...it's pretty much a wasteland. And they really don't have a solid 2nd safety after Malcolm Jenkins. When you're up against Eli and Romo, that's going to be a weakness. Like I said, great coach, but an effective manager has to deal with the fact that nother evert effective employee is going to be "Rah Rah" and it is their job to get the best out of those people. Otherwise you get a Harbaugh situation. I think Chip is hurting himself.
  2. Like others have said, Astro tends to go into much more detail. He talks about the practice as a whole, and usually helps talk about what happens in a session by session basis. Sometimes no one is in rthymn for a session (sending completion rates spiraling) and sometimes someone stands out from the others by a lot. In contrast, Rodak tends to do clickbait headlines and is less internally consistent. By all reports, EJ had a decent day in the first TC practice and then Rodak goes and says that EJ's made only one good pass in three days. Joe B is a bit better since he also sums up his opinion fairly concisely at the end of each day.
  3. Amen brother! Seriously. As much as I enjoy play by play, I want to see a comprehensive review before I wade into the waters of "EJ is going to be traded! Of course! BILLS SUCK! WHY OH WHY DIDN'T WHALEY LISTEN TO MY MOCK DRAFT WHERE I TOTALLY CALLED EVERY SLEEPER WHICH I SHALL RETROACTIVELY CALL THE SAVIOR OF THIS FRANCHISE! RALPH IS CHEAP, REGARDLESS OF BEING DEAD AND NO LONGER IN ANY WAY MAKING DECISIONS
  4. Oh thank God. I was worried that Cassel might be a starter. Fortunately, whenever I look for an insightful opinion on the Bills, looking at someone who hasn't made a snap judgement on the barest of facts and of someone who isn't a complete hack looking for clickbait...I look for the exact opposite of what Mike Rodak says. Seriously have we not gotten this (*^*&%^$^#fired yet? Even Philly fans want him canned after his piss poor Shady interview.
  5. I think the operative word here is "traded" which is the only reason I give this any credence. And believe me, I'm an EJ supporter. EJ has some upside and there is a market in the irrational trader market to whom the Bills have ties (I'm looking at you Chip. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea that you GM) and if Rex and Whaley don't see a difference and want to move on and get something, ok. But if anyone thinks Cassel is going to come down from heaven and be decent, from what we've seen I want what you're smoking.
  6. OK, let's take a big step back off the ledge people. Day 3 of camp. Really? Really? Regardless of how good people's hot tips are, call me when a serious journalist posts something that I will halfway believe. Because most of what I'm seeing is reactionary BS.
  7. Fair enough. That is a fair distinction. It's scary to think that 7 years of casual posting, and I'm still a newbie and I can't pick out the hot scoop.
  8. I do take it seriously. I said it seems plausible. Rex owes nothing to EJ, and neither does Roman and if EJ isn't showing the jump in pads and Tyrod is Tyrod is cheaper and doesn't have the stigma of an ex-HC's project. I like EJ's upside better, but if the point is to win now within the next year or two (while a potentially all time great D is at Rex's fingertips) I can see the possibility of them moving on. My problem is with the idea that Tyrod being clearly better. Again, we'll see. Perhaps, while not great, he's consistent enough and is enough of a running threat to limp through this year. Perhaps EJ puts it together. We'll see.
  9. I'm going to take that with the same grain of salt I have with the last couple of Leroi's predictions. And from what I've heard from the Joe B and Astro reports, EJ hasn't looked all that bad. That said, it's not out of the question. Taylor, if he can do 70% of what Kaep did could be in that 13-20th best QB range and they have him cheap for 2 years, which would give them time to draft a QB in round 1 or 2 next year and give that guy a year to ride the pine. I'll be keeping an eye out.
  10. Not too surprising. Apparently Richie has looked good, and Cordy is usually solid. I just wonder what that says about Wood.
  11. Look, I'm not going to pretend that EJ is having a flawless camp. But in general, when we get the full day reports from people who watched the whole practice (including known EJ skeptic Joe B.) as well as our own Astrobot, the picture we get of his performance is different than what he get from the mass tweets.
  12. Hey Astro, seeing Karlos Williams, and knowing Freddy's contract is over after this year, do you think we're seeing his replacement?
  13. I'm a little surprised. Boykin was nowhere near the worst CB on the team last year. They made some improvements at DB, but they were already thin. Im curious to see their depth at the position when we play them in December.
  14. That's fantastic. One of biggest worries was that his knee might limit his ability to pull. Here's hoping he lives up to his potential.
  15. I know it's still hard to tell before the pads come on, but how does Cyrus look fitness wise compared to last year? He had so much potential coming out of Alabama and I would hate to see him bust.
  16. Hey Astro, any thoughts on Darby? I hear he got a pick off Cassel but not much other than that.
  17. I am pleasantly surprised at EJ looking better than the others. The Rodak and Joe B train seems as negative as ever on him, but the videos I saw of thin throwing looked great.
  18. Seriously though, good to see you again Astrobot. I'm a junkie who needed a fix bad.
  19. To everyone talking PV=nRT you guys know that the equation works only in Kelvin, right? It means that if you're talking about temperature as the only factor you're talking about, when you finish the conversion to F, you're talking about the difference of a 12% drop I'm pressure (12.5 to 11.5 PSI, converted to atmospheres) you're looking at the equivalent from going from 32 to like 10. (Edit : double checked conversions)
  20. I'm hearing a looooot of rush to favor Cassel. From what I heard he has been dreadful yet I hear he thinks it's still his job to lose.
  21. He did it a lot too when he was backing up real game too. It was one of the bigger knocks. I'm not against doing a few Wildcat plays to waste some DC's time.
  22. I do too. I think we'll see plenty of Duke though. Rex has used 3 safeties in NY IIRC. It's good to use against the Chip Kelly/Chan Gailey "spread and then run out of the shotgun" attack.
  23. I cant seem to embed twitter posts on my mobile but Joe B has posted the D lineup today, sans Mario and McLovin. To little surprise it looks like the 4-3 under with Wynn filling in for Mario, Lawson on strong side, aND Darby starting at CB. Never mind 26 CB scooped me ^
  24. Roman has apparently been doing a lot of sweep plays today. Looks like we'll get our money's worth out of Felton.
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