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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Apparently it was an install day, which makes sense that each side is now gearing up for the scrimmage.
  2. Are you sure about the money for Boobie? Over the Cap is usually good and they seemed to indicate that it would be more like $1.1M I'm cap space.
  3. IDK...Roman did it on the fly in San Fran when Smith went down. Was of the big shticks in the offseason was people assuring us that Roman would build the offense around the starter. I'm not saying anything is decided, but I think we need to pump the brakes on the "Cassel is starter" talk. It would seem to start in slow motion...and then reveal that Cassel is just that slow.
  4. Call me crazy, but do you bother spending time installing the read option if you're truly sold on Cassel?
  5. Smith wasn't all bad in 2010, the year before Harbaugh and Roman. But to be honest, going completely by the stats I'm seeing 2010 Smith > 2013 EJ > 2013 Cassel.
  6. I still think they keep Boobie, just because he helps with STs and his contract is such that we really don't save any cap space. Still, next Williams up!
  7. I'll be honest: If Cassel wins the starting job my interest this season will be heavily divided to looking at what QB we might draft in round 1, and which FA or tradeable QBs we might be able to get. Even if he outperforms expectations, he's never been more than average. And he's on a one year deal, so I honestly don't expect to see him back.
  8. It's particularly egregious because A) it's the exact same opinion from a few days ago. B) Rex went out and said why Cassel is getting the first reps with the 1's and the real competition starts today, and the scrimmage will count for most of the early impression
  9. Unfortunately, I have to agree and it's a concern in the back of my mind. That said, I have been thinking about FA aquisitions that might be possible at the end of the season. I might do a thread on it if there is interest. Basically, Foles and Bradford are in contract years with their respective teams and both have some question marks as to their play and injury history. RGIII may have been retained, but I'm pretty sure that the 5th year option isn't guaranteed and would give the 'Skins a lot of cap space to cut next year. If he's not Gruden's guy are they really going to keep him around? Cutler's salary is a millstone to a team who very well might be last in the division this year and the Bears might want to move on. Kaep is in a team friendly contract and with the wheels falling off everywhere else, maybe they decide to start over. I think a dead guy might but up better numbers than Geno Smith.
  10. Because someone posted in this thread that it would happen. Ok that's a less than complete description. Kiper's Hair is apparently clued in and he heard a rumor. Still, this seems like a disproportionate amount of faith.
  11. Hey, I'm sure they can find a way to crash their cars on the highway! Oh wait, you meant blocking.
  12. No. Then again, I'm not the one basing the entirety of my opinion on it. It's certainly a factor, but I have yesterday's practice in the mix as well, along with reports that we don't have any immediate winner at the position.
  13. And you don't see anything wrong with that? I mean no disrespect to KH, who apparently has a record for having the hot scoop, bit the idea of basing everything on a single unconfirmed source sounds a little crazy.
  14. I have a feeling we'll see a settlement now that the judge has asked for one. I can see why. He's either "the guy who let Goddell beat up on Brady" or "the guy who let Brady walk" Two games, Brady doesn't cop to anything, the NFL says it was for not assisting with the investigation. Everyone saves some face and walks away a bit unhappy...the sign of a good compromise.
  15. Hmm...I don't know if it's worth it. That said, they're doing a free trial right now so I might binge
  16. Do you know if it's including live games? I've gotten Rewind the last two years, but not being able to watch live is aggravating. I believe it's live in other countries but I don't know if the Yahoo thing has opened the door or not.
  17. He does seem to be pushing strong for a settlement, which I think is a good thing. I'd take 2 games. Brady doesn't even have to admit guilt for the Deflation. Two games should be enough for this debacle of a coverup and the following media frenzy in aND of itself.
  18. I was thinking more along the lines of the overall impression. I feel like I'm getting vastly different stories.
  19. I don't want to seem like I am cherry picking the info I want, but I am noticing a trend: Fans who stay for the whole practice and write up the results tend to find that EJ looks better than what the reporters are saying. That's not to say that they pull punches when he has a bad day (see Sunday) but almost uniformly fan reports portray EJ as the best option. Just saying.
  20. Well, as hyped as I am about the 46 after checking out the article I really think the base will be the 4-3 under. Dareus and Kyle are quintessential 1 and 3 gappers. Mario is best as a 7 gap player, but can do 9 and the 5 you'd need for the under and Hughes is definitely a 9 tech player.
  21. Lol, Mr. Quinn must be a poster here and posted his article knowing we'd eat it up.
  22. I am really excited to hear that. Honestly, with Incognito and Miller looking as good as they have so far, our o-line might surprise people. Has anyone else looked at some of those Balco formations Roman has rolled out?
  23. Well maybe he's great at running the HB Slash. Man, is this thread going to go downhill quickly.
  24. Hell, I'd take a third round pick just so we get some of the money off the books and turn a profit.
  25. Wow. Usually everyone is on board, but I think every host and analyst I've heard on Philly radio is saying the the Steelers got the better of the deal.
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