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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Nice! I know it's a small sampling, but the receivers don't seem to he adjusting their speed as much as they have previous camps.
  2. Yikes. I know he's a rookie, but we're already kind of stacked at WR.
  3. Marrone getting in heated arguments with his boss on the sidelines? Naaaaah, never happens.
  4. Do we have anyone on site there today? I know ASTRO has given reports in years past but I haven't seen much of him lately.
  5. The analogy I like is this: Brady committed an offense like doing 55 mph in a 30 mph zone. A lot of people do it, and lot of the time the cops decide it's not worth getting out of bed for. Most people grumble about the ticket but cough it up. Others, more savvy, get it pled down to a non-moving violation. Brady is the guy who asked to cop "Do I smell bacon...oh it's just a pig" and is then shocked when he gets a reck less driving ticket as well, shouts that he'll have that cops badge and shows up in Traffic Court thinking he's Matlock.
  6. RoMe just went through the most recent Brady excuse: That he destroyed his old phone to get the new iPhone 6. Alas, it had been released *six months* before that.
  7. I am there with you. In a neutral market, a lot of people still seem heavily rag on Goddell in this. I know he's not our favorite person, but I cannot comprehend how a player, any player, can cheat in a way that affects his play on the field, lie about it, destroy evidence and conceal the fact and yet it's the investigators fault they caught him. Ray Farmer got four games for texting a play to the sideline. I think we all agree that Ray Farmer gave negligible help, or even distracted his team by doing so. Where is the outrage? Where is the three ring circus? Where is the the massive media storm and legal opinions? In both cases Goddell came down hard on individuals whose offenses, while minor, threatened the public trust in the game? So why should Brady expect anything different?
  8. I know it doesn't affect his ability to read a defense but jeez, EJ wasn't kidding when he said he put on some more muscle.
  9. You know with Brady's attitude, the opening of Burn Notice suddenly makes a lot of sense, delivered by Mr. Bruce Campbell: "You know spies...bunch of bitchy little girls."
  10. That's a yes on both counts. The incident took place in 2009, and the CBA was ratified in 2011 I believe. The Personal Conduct Policy was unanimously sponsored on December 2014, a month at least before Deflategate. The CBA can certainly bring up the incident but it was enforced at a time when commissioner had vastly different levels of authority in cases like this
  11. No no, that's the special hell. Brady isn't good enough for that.
  12. I'll bet Florio did that title. It sounds pretty standard though. He's a vet with some decent play in his history coming off injury. He likely is looking for a place desperate enough to hand him the starting job or a ridiculous amount of money to be a backup.
  13. I posted a hypothetical earlier. If Brady had taken his 4 games like a man (like Dareus did his one) we never find out about him destroying his phone. We don't see him unwilling to take one game if he just admits it, and he never would have had to admit a thing. Two months later, Greg Hardy's decision comes down, and Goddell looks like an ass because of the similar penalty. I would have been first in line asking him to resign. Brady would have been a martyr who got hit by an overzealous comissioner. Now he just looks like a bitchy little girl.
  14. You know, the longer this goes, I think this kills Brady in the court of public opinion. No where will his suit undo that he was found to have cheater, and each sleazy spin makes him more unlikable. Brady having slightly decreasing the air in the balls does not reall diminish his legacy. Stamping around like a child having a temper tantrum while clumsy coverup after clumsy coverup and silly excuse comes to light does.
  15. I am Jack's utter lack of surprise. From what I've read, the NFL's premptively filing suit, I think that the PA will file in Minny, but unless they really pull something out of their ass the NFL has home field advantage.
  16. Yeah. I remember thinking "They must either be trying to get Brady to agree to something so it all goes away or be making the ruling as bulletproof as possible." Now it looks like both were happening.
  17. I always think back to Hackett's first game on the sideline, EJ's first win against the Jets. The best EJ Manuel has ever looked was on a pair of almost perfectly thrown balls down the sideline for a big gain and touchdown back to back. I remember Hackett talking about how he felt the energy in the Stadium and saw Rex daring him to try to beat the Jets deep. I have a hard time reconciling that with the play calling I saw last year.
  18. It would make sense. It wouldn't shock me if the NFLPA refused to press how much of a long shot this would be for Brady, just to get another crack in on Goddell.
  19. If he gets the four games this year I'd say no. The body of work is too good. However, I've heard a strategy floated by some Pats* fans that Brady should get the injunction and ride out the year, and the retire as a big "eff you!" To Goddell. If he does that, I can't imagine him being first ballot.
  20. I saw that and couldn't believe it. He is pretty much confirming every dark whisper of cronyism he's been accused of. How does a reasonable person expect that accepting a punishment, and then firing two accused conspirators make it any easier to exonerate the third. Maybe for leniency (which it looks like Goddell made every effort to give), but expecting anything else is attempted bribery.
  21. Well look at how many of us, at least at first, reacted to the Kromer incident (myself included). The difference being that as we find out more, we change our mind.
  22. Quick hypothetical: After the first ruling comes down and Brady gives a non-apology that goes something like this:"I disagree with the commissioner's decision. I know what really happened and what I did and didn't do. Nonetheless for the good of my organization, and of the league and for the sport I will not be appealing the decision." Then, a few months later Hardy's punishment gets knocked down to four games. How differently does the media spin track?
  23. "I'm just here so I don't get fined...wait...I'm being told I'm still being fined."
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