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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. Whaley went out and got him at Rex's request. There was competition for him and to discredit Whaley's involvement is a show of ignorance. Nix released Fitz and brought EJ in. (Tuel & Thad Lewis were also here.) Once Whaley took over, he signed Orton and released Lewis & Tuel. Whaley also brought in the following for the coaches to see: Kevin Kolb, Matt Leinhart, Vince Young, Alex Tanney, Pat White, Dennis Dixon, Tarvaris Jackson, Kenny Guiton, Jordon Palmer, Matt Flynn, Matt Simms, Matt Cassel, Josh Johnson. He has done everything he could do at the QB position - he's brought in a pool of guys for the coaches to choose from (Marone & Rex). What Whaley hasn't had is the luxury of a #1 or #2 overall pick in a draft stocked with bona-fide QB's, so he's done the next best thing - go out and bring in as many as possible and let your talent evaluators (coaches) pick the ones they want to go with. That and his last 2 drafts (below) show he can pick quality football players. 2015: Darby - Miller - Karlos Williams - Steward - O'Leary - Dezmin Lewis (Only Lewis won't get a look-see duing the 2015 season) 2014: Watkins - Kouandjio - Preston Brown - Cockrell - Richardson - Randell Johnson - Henderson (Cockrell was cut in '15. Jury is still out on OL's Cyrus and Cyril, =though they seem to bring depth - quality as of yet unknown.) Whaley also traded for Jerry Hughes, McCoy and brought in Incognito and Harvin, If the Bills want to continue in the mediocrity of the last 15 years, they should do what they always do - blow it up and start over every 2-3 years! We need the continuity both Whaley & Rex can bring. The recent pot-stirring by Vic Carucci only heightens our collective anxiety. The Pegula's aren't fools - so that tells me they'll extend Whaley at the end of the season.
  2. It would be fitting if we made it to Superbowl 50. Perhaps poetic. Let's say we go every 25 years . . . Superbowl 25, 50, 75, etc. We just need to sprinkle-in a few more berths in between those milestone games. Go Bills!
  3. Thus far, 61% of those picking on http://nflpickwatch.com/ pick the Bills over the Eagles this weekend. Also, 54% pick the Bengals over the Steelers.
  4. Oh stop!! The Browns could do that in their sleep, too!
  5. Reminds me of Eric Moulds - the Bills squandered his talent too. They didn't have a QB then, either.
  6. He's EJ Manual, except he protects the ball better. Throws some horrendous passes - wide of the mark, over thrown and even more under thrown. (Just like EJ, except EJ overthrows more than he under throws.) Throws some beautiful passes (that keep us all hopeful). (Same as EJ. This is why EJ believers remain hopeful.) I actually think EJ is a better crunch time / 2 minute QB. (Frankly, this is more an indictment of the 2 minute offense.) Bottom line - it's still too early to tell. We've seen more good than bad, but TT needs to show more. Effective use of his receiving weapons and the WHOLE field. Better progressions. Two minute offense. We already know that he can run, but all that guarantees is some 'flash' and an almost certain loss of time due to injury. I like him. I'm pulling for him. But I'm not sure of his potential yet - I just cross my fingers more often than not. BTW - it was nice to see the Defense play up to its potential. Even better - knowing that they did so without Kyle Williams, Arron Williams, Mario Williams, part of Dareus, with Duke Williams in there.
  7. Love this site: http://nflpickwatch.com/ So far, 94% pick Chiefs to win, though not all picks are in.
  8. Well said. The correct call should have been a do-over. Blowing the whistle while the ball is in the air negates the play (completion or not) and eradicates the flag on Rex. It should have been a do over. (I'm not that familiar with the rules - the source of this was the on-air Ref employed by espn, Walt ...something.) I have no doubt that if Darby had intercepted the ball, then only the penalty would have been called, resulting in 15 yds and a 1st down for the Pats.
  9. I'm 55 and pretty healthy. I think I could do a better job. However, I can't help but feel these guys are too old to call the games. Ref's should be under 40-45 yrs of age. Just sayin'. My 2 cents.
  10. The hit Brown gave him on the interception return was not a hard hit, in fact, Brady embellished the hit with his own "Fosbury Flop". This was awesome - can't do that anymore - a penalty for sure nowadays.
  11. THIS!! The ball was in the air (halfway to Amendola) when the whistle blew. It should have been a do-over.
  12. Anyone else continuing to get ticked off when Sully says all the stats TT got in the 1st Pat's game was in 'garbage time'??!! IMO there is no such thing as 'garbage time' when you're down by one score with 4-5 minutes to go!
  13. Every team has injuries. You play the hand you're dealt. No one felt sorry for us because we lost McCoy, Sammy, Tyrod, Karlos, Aaron Williams, Kyle Williams or even Mario this last week. No tears for Edelman or any other Patriot that goes down. If we win - great, but no one will think we're better than the Pats because of it, just like no one believes the Jaguars are better than the Bills because of their win. The season is a marathon and you play it one week at a time and try to win each as they come. The margin for error is soooo slim - must minimize penalties and turnovers on offense and get some pics and fumbles on ST and Defense. Lucky is getting the Cowboys with Cassel or Weeden, but we'll probably draw Romo - play 'em as they come. We're good enough that we should be in every game and have at least a 50-50 chance weekly.
  14. Agree with most posts. Funny how Peyton the offensive guru hasn't found a way to maximize Spiller's talent. If they cut him loose for being to expensive, I'll bet anyone Belechick picks him up and then we'll all be wretching!
  15. We beat the Colts and almost came back on the Pats in week 2. Hell, I can see us winning the rest of our games. Then again, we lost to Jacksonville & the Giants and almost lost to the Titans. I can see us losing the majority of our remaining games too! This is why I will never bet on the Bills again - too much of my heart gets involved and not enough of my head. That's why they play the games. We'll see . . . . Here's hoping 10-6 or better!!
  16. The Fantasy sports part of these sites should be legal, it's the scope-creep these sites have gotten in to that call into question whether it should be legal or not. Some skill is required in assembling a fantasy team to compete weekly, other activities are gambling because they are more luck/chance than skill.
  17. WOW! WTF? Most times when someone kills it's a crime of passion and a one-time thing. This guy made it his second career! Played for Raiders from 1990-97. Convicted for killing two in 1999 and one in 2001. Probably killed another in 2008 but a hung jury resulted in a mistrial.
  18. Unless the Bills let go some of their very well paid players and/or some of their own FA's, then I don't see them being a player in Free Agency. The only exception would be if a Brees were available (a very good QB) - they may take a shot with him since they are in a win-now mode with a defense that's (supposed to be) so good.
  19. Like many already stated - I think the talent is fine. Vastly improved too. I'm afraid to say the coaches are failing to put these guys in a position to win. With QB's still learning, we need to lean on the Defense and it is failing to win at critical junctures of the game. Overall the defense has been avg. It should be stellar. It should hold opponents to less than 17 points. It needs to pressure QB's into turnovers. Yes EJ gets credit for 21 against, but we were ahead with 5 minutes to go and the defense let a rookie walk down the field - it looked like we were in the old "prevent defense" - no real pressure, bend but don't break - a real tried & true way to lose a game. I liked the hiring of Rex. I felt he felt he had a lot to prove - a real chip on his shoulder. But so far I am not impressed. He looks stubborn and hell bent on proving to someone he's RIGHT! What he doesn't seem to get is that no matter what he does, if the Bills start winning, he'll get all the credit anyway! Turn the front four loose, blitz like hell, don't let any of the QB's breathe. Let the DB's play man and jam the receivers at the line so if the opposing offensive strategy is the quick-pass to offset the rush, it won't work consistently as timing will be thrown off. (But what do I know, I'm just a fan who thinks with his heart as much as his head.)
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