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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. Pats did great job taking away the run (Lamar Miller - great in last 2 games). Then when the Fish abandoned the run and relied on Tannehill they were done.
  2. I am not going to weigh in because it's too painful to TRY and think of bad things. (I'm a positive-type of guy.) But I did want to say that so many of these bad losses were killers mostly/only because the team stood on the cusp of a breakthrough in those games and they shrunk in the moment. Got scared of winning, choked - whatever you wan to call it. The Bills have done it to such an art form we just say "same old Bills" and we all understand. Pathetic actually.
  3. That's not holding. The OL's hand is firmly planted in Hugh's chest - within the framework of his body. While doing so, the OL never reaches to his side (that would be holding), he keeps his hands within the framework of his own body too. He just rides with him and keeps him in front of himself. I wish it was holding, but I don't think so.
  4. EJ's the back-up QB and he plays like one - makes some good plays & makes some bad plays. Althought Tyrod seems to be better, we still don't know what we have there (at QB). Until we have a bona fide QB, the Bills are doomed to no better than 8-9 wins, especially as long as our #1 Defense plays like a #23 unit. Remember w/EJ at QB in London, the Bills had the lead with 5 minutes to go. It was that "#1" Defense that allowed a rookie QB to lead his team down the field.
  5. In the NFL you need a QB to win consistently. With Fitz we knew he'd be around .500. Tannehill - never sold on him - .500ish as well. EJ - probably no better than a 5-6 win guy (per season). Brady - probably a 12 win guy (or better). I hate him, but he's the best. Tyrod - we still don't know. Some scintillating work on the runs, but passing? Hate to say - he's like EJ so far. Some great, some bad. Though he does protect the ball better! If Tyrod fulfills his upside and stays healthy - we may have something. If not, he'll be a good back-up somewhere between 5-8 wins/year. As the Bills s/told us in the preseason, the Defense was all-world and would win games for us. See Tenn game - allowed 13 pts & Tyrod got us 2 TD's to win. We should have won yesterday too. Forget everything prior to our taking the 31-27 lead. The 'D' couldn't stop Bortles - plain & simple. No way was EJ gonna lead a last minute comeback with the way he played - already responsible for 4 TD's - 2 for / 2 against. During that last drive we saw some good work and some bad - 50/50 - just enough to get us to mid-field, then comes up short on 4th down. No one can say they were surprised.
  6. Harvin's contemplating retirement due to chronic hip problem. The good news is he is on a one year deal. Tired of Goodwin and Sammy - made of glass. Every time Sammy catches the ball I hold my breath. Last catch - no one near him - he sprains an ankle! I like Mario - I just wish he would play up to his capabilities. Maybe we can give him a little of Kyle Williams 'motor'. Never should have cut Jordan Gay. Bengals wouldn't have had those kick returns to mid field if he were still here.
  7. I'm confused. Packers lost the following to IR (58 games out of their total 78): Nelson (16), Barrington (15), Boyd (14), Richardson (13) Bills lose Wynn & Powell to IR & they aren't mentioned in our # of games missed - s/b 32 more games. I know, they are not stars - but Powell and Wynn would have played in every game. Rex loved Powell and Wynn spelled the DL. List is garbage.
  8. Bills drop 7 slots to 17 / Dolphins rise 8 to 21. Jags dead last (trap game!!). http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings/_/year/2015/week/7
  9. Interesting article from Rich Cimini (espn) - Jets beat reporter about how the emotional roller coaster has you high / winning one week and down / losing the next. http://sports.espn.go.com/blog/newyork/jets/post/_/id/55172/well-miss-the-quotes-but-jets-are-better-off-without-rex-ryans-bluster
  10. 1-5 in the division?? Winning last week of season vs Jets. No respect for that defense and TT. Until the QB play shows something this is what we will see.
  11. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/9/8/9275433/espn-patriots-spygate-deflategate-roger-goodell-bill-belichick Quote, "Stealing signals wasn't always an advantage, but it did help them against the less sophisticated teams, like the Dolphins and Bills." Hey!! Cheap shot!!
  12. Don't blame the commish. This is on the NFL Lawyers who advised him on the CBA - they need to make it (the CBA) clear and able to withstand legal challenges like Brady just did. Oh and by the way, now that Brady's playing in week two, the Pats will have no excuses if we win!!
  13. Ah ha!!! So you're saying this Kevin guy is the one who said Whaley went rogue because he wasn't consulted by Whaley beforehand. Interesting. Brandon is BUSINESS. Whaley is FOOTBALL. But in retrospect, in addition to telling the Pegulas and Rex, Doug could have / should have included Russ too - and he could have told M&T Bank.
  14. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although someone may say it's my age talking - I am 55 and like Fred a YOUNG 55!! ) I like my music loud and enjoy a wide range of it, but the noise at the game makes it very difficult to talk to your neighbor without screaming and impossible to talk to someone two seats over! I wish they'd turn it down or turn it off. I may start bringing ear plugs.
  15. A little late to this party, but a few thoughts . . . If the official line is that Whaley made the call after discussing it with the Pegulas and Rex - as they say this is how they make all their decisions - AND Tim Graham tweets that it was Whaley going rogue - - Graham owes us a story with a little more meat. His tweet is nothing more than rabble-rousing - causing trouble with no explanation. Graham's sources? Really? The local guys NEVER break a story! It took Jay Glazer from California to tell us Tyrod would be starting!! The local guys should be living at OBD, but they never seem to get the scoop. The're known for their puff pieces about individual players - those "getting-to-know-you" pieces. Frustrating. We have no reason to distrust what the Bills official line is. As far as Freddy's charge that he never felt Whaley was dealing straight with him...we can also assume it's true. Did you ever play football? 50 + guys, a dozen coaches - you never like all of them and in fact, you hate a few of them. Maybe they don't like each other and the handing down of the decision by Whaley was a little callous. I believe it. But I also believe it was a tough decision. Whaley has no desire to bring on a tempest if he can avoid it. This was a decision that was going to be made between now and next year. We were always going to hate to hear that Fred was leaving. But he's 34 (a younger 34, but still 34) his performance dipped last year (as did the O-Line's). They brought in Bryce Brown vs a 4th rounder, If they waited until next year to cut Fred, then at that time, they'd need to go find a RB, Brown would be gone (my opinion) and so would the 4th rounder. It was getting to be too expensive to keep a "short-timer" like Fred. (I agree w/Lurker & Kelly th Dog - posts above)
  16. Cleveland needs a RB. But I'd look for a contender to pick him up. Belechek loves him. The Colts? Seahawks? Cowboys? My guess is Cowboys or Pats.
  17. I am no expert and am not sure who should be our QB. That could be a good thing because the QBs are playing well or a bad thing if the coaches are not happy with their performance. I saw an NFL Network show with James Lofton as a guest tonite (Tues nite). EJ has a 117 QBR - more than 20 pts better than the other 2 QB's. I'm pulling for EJ, but in reality I'm pulling for the coaches to get it right!! Also, if all of the QB's are substandard in the coaches eyes, I hope the Bills trade for someone's #2-3 QB to come in and play for us. Or, hopefully as cuts are made and rosters take their final shape, someone will become available or come free like Mettenberger (sp) in Tenn or Garoppalo (sp) in NE.
  18. NOW they nominate him!?!?!? Damn! Snake deserved better!!
  19. Disgusting. Real class guy it seems. Geeze, he better run it like Cookie!!
  20. Lost my job after buying seasons tickets this year for the first time since 1986. Great seats: Jim Kelly Club, section 211, row 10 - under cover, 45-50 yard line. Unfortunately, to keep them, I need to sell a few games' tickets and I do not know how to do that. NFL Ticket Exchange? StubHub? Anyone out there who can give me some tips and pitfalls to avoid? I would appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks!
  21. Yohoo, lose the attitude. My point is you don't need to wait until a guy has 30+ starts (JP/Trent) before you know if he's going to be great, good or an also-ran. There's no doubt that EJ's the guy until we find someone better (if we look). But if he were THE GUY, we'd all see that something special (je ne sais quoi). A special spark, determination, physical talent - arm (accuracy and zip), head for the game - I don't see any of that in EJ - he's average, just OK - aspiring to the middle of the pack in the NFL. By the way "Over 20 ...", race has ZERO to do with it!
  22. EJ needs to stop finessing his passes. He throws like he's at the egg toss at a company picnic. He needs to just sling it.
  23. He slid early, but it's no big deal. Regardless, I have seen enough and realize he is not "THE GUY" for us. I remember when Jim Kelly played his first game for the Bills - we lost to the Jets that day, but I remember watching him and thinking "this guy's got IT!" Kelly was so refreshing. I remember Joe Dufek, Vince Ferragamo and Bruce Mathison - none of them had "IT" and it was readily apparent. Then it was Todd Collins & AVP - nope - didn't have it. The we signed Flutie & traded for Rob Johnson. Flutie was magic, but so small he scared the coaches. Johnson looked the part but was lacking. Flutie was very close to having "IT". Then came Bledsoe but the game passed him by - the statue couldn't handle the rush up the middle. On to Kelly Holcomb & JP Losman - neither had it. Then it was Trent Edwards and Fitz. Edwards was a shell of himself after getting concussed vs the Cards, came back & beat the Chargers and was never the same again - that was sad & weird. Fitz was a great guy, but to be honest he was approx 8-8 - best he could do, he didn't have it either. Now we have EJ and we're ALL pulling for him - but he just doesn't have it. He aspires to the middle, he'll win some, and he'll lose too many to help the Bills win it all. He's just like Fitz, not as good as Flutie. When I saw the following guys play, I knew they had "IT", even though some were on miserable teams - Kelly, Marino, Elway, Luck, Aikman, Peyton Manning - all were special, you could just tell. Around the same time we had Kelly, the Jets had O'Brien & Ryan, O'Brien wasn't bad, but he couldn't compare to Kelly. Eason was with the Pats - but even though he helped them to a Super Bowl - you could tell he wasn't in the same league. I NEVER worried about the Pats & Jets in the late 80's & early 90's. You had to worry about Marino - but because they never had a decent RB behind him, he was like, 5-17 against Kelly. The Bills were the best then. Back to EJ, we can hope all we want, pull like hell for the guy, but do you honestly see the "IT" factor in the guy. And I don't mean how he handles himself - I know he's a good guy and has charisma; he's just not a great QB. We may get to 8-8 or 9-7, but I don't think we will be perennial winners with him. I hope the Bills keep their eyes open for someone with the "IT" factor, I am sure we'll be riding EJ until he's found. And the Bills will aspire to the middle, 8-8, #15 in your power rankings, 2nd place behind the Eastern Conf team with the best QB - Brady for now. By the way, does Tannehill scare you - not really; if he does it's because you really don't have faith in EJ. Geno Smith - nope. He's the same as EJ - will only do as well as the team around him. The Bills may do OK in the division this year because if you take away the QB's, the Bills have the best team/roster. Brady gives the Pats an edge and neither Tannehill nor Gino can help their teams enough. Aspiring to the middle - that's what we have with EJ, Possible winning seasons, but not good enough because he doesn't have "IT" like Kelly, Marino, Elway, etc, etc.
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