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Everything posted by Thoner7

  1. As much as true fans always want the Bills to play well, this true fan NEEDS Dick gone. If it takes an ass-whipping like the Pats put on Arizona then so be it. The fact that Dick has not be fired already makes me think it will be needed, and even then may not be enough. No more Dick. Also, Peppers and Suggs would create the same type of buzz Haynesworth would I think. Lets get two of those guys eh?
  2. Dont give me that crap. Everyone here knew what to expect from Losman. Yet the Bills coaching staff failed to put the players in a position to win. A good coach would never give Losman a chance to lose a game at the end like Dick did with that fumble play.
  3. The answer is clear. You keep the better QB (Cassel). And you trade the QB who will get you the most draft picks (Brady). Yes, I know I called Cassel better than Brady, and that is because he is. Go ahead and quote NFL live commentators to tell me how wrong I am, I dont care, Cassel>Brady.
  4. The knock on Texas players in the past, as was the knock on M Williams, is that they are soft and do not have a good work ethic because the coaches at Texas have a hands off approach to their off season training. Orakpo does not fit into that category. Orakpo is a guy who players a lot stronger than his size should allow, yet is still lightning quick and fast. He is a lock for the top 5, as his production warrants it alone, not to mention what the combine will do for him.
  5. The Bungles dont even have an indoor facility.... take that for what its worth.
  6. English is ranked just outside the top ten in Mike Mayocks top 25 Senior board. Maleuga should be available where ever the Bills draft because there are a couple of Lb's ranked ahead of him. I for one think DE is biggest need, and if we go LB it needs to be one who can cover in space, more like Cushing-USC or Spikes-FL than Maleuga.
  7. Agreed, we need help at safety as well. I seem to not be as down on Poz as some others, I think he has been very solid agaisnt the run, while only a bit of a liabilty vrs the pass. Everytime he is beat by a pass it is only by a hair. Either way that it my point. The Bills cannot expect to fill all of their holes and get some depth in key areas without free agency. It is a direct result of out crappy track record in the draft room.
  8. Getting rid of your top players is not the way to improve. We better get great value on any trade. At least a first and second rounder as well as some late round pick. And thats a min. That pick will be needed to select the next LT, so only one pick is a disgrace.
  9. The way to build a team is through the draft. The Bills need help at DE, TE, C, OLB. This year is a good draft for those positions, so maybe we can target our needs. However, that being said you cannot expect the fill the type of holes the Bills have just through the draft. This is because we have failed to land top talent over the years with our top picks (M. Williams, Bledsoe trade, JP, McCargo....) If we had drafted well we would be shelling out big money to keep those players around (hopefully). Since we had some major wiffs, all that extra cash should be spent on UFA's to fill the gaps. Theoretically, if Losman became a top 10 QB, he would be getting 10 mil a year this offseason. Since he sucks and is not going to get a deal, we should give that 10 mill to a Peppers, Haynesworht, or Suggs. I believe FA is a means to fill in the gaps where you blew it on draft day.
  10. Only a senile old man who is out of touch with reality would fire a president who built that team after its third straight super bowl appearance...
  11. I agree. Our D line is more than a rookie DE away from being playoff caliber. If you cut Schoble and Kelsay, took the cap hit, And signed Albert to a huge deal, I think youd only see us use about 1-2 mil more than before. Not to mention we are 25 Mil under every stinking year. Draft the top DE with the top 10 pick we are going to have and get some cheap vet depth through FA at DE and I am fine. Denny has been our best DE this year too.
  12. The first thing I noticed, even before I noticed Peters made it, was that Lynch is a better back than all three of the AFC backs selected. He may not have better stats, or as good of a line to run behind, but he is a much better running back than Thomas Jones, Chris Johnson, and Ronnie Brown. I believe 100% if he played for any of those three teams, he would be #1 on the depth chart. Expect Lynch to make multiple Pro Bowls if we could get a coach that calls some dive plays. A center wouldn't hurt either.
  13. This will only hurt us when we try to sign him. Dang. What about Lynch, Ill say right now he is better than all three of the AFC running backs that made it. Lynch is a real probowler, as is Moorman. Take the fan crap out of this and let the coaches select it like an All-League award is supposed to be.
  14. Ok. Maybe too many beers, but I remebered that play being out of shotgun for some reason? After seeing the replay, I cannot really fault peters. The jets sent 3 rushers on the left side of the Nose, you can see it if the pause the video at 3:00, its the DE, LB, and DB. Peters went to block the LB, who was the inside man, but had ran into the back of the DE and was effectively taken out of the play on his own. Peters tried to fan out for the block on the DB, but its an impossible block for anyone. Bottom line is they rushed 3 against our two. You know your going to get a free rusher, and that free rusher needs to be the outside man. Mission accomplished. The fact is Peters man was blocked, but the LB just blocked himself. If he hadn't ran into his own man, Peters would have blocked him, that DB would have came clean, and we still would have see another JP sack fumble. They play was also not a designed roll out, as I previously thought (really too many beers). That sack-fumble is just another example of JP never knowing what to do in the pocket.
  15. I would wet myself with joy if that happened. Then, I would crap myself with anger because Jauron would still override him with stupid calls like the ones being made in the last 8 games....
  16. Thats exactly what the Bills were expecting. Anyone who watched the kid in college knew he was slow, and I dont care about his 40 time, he is slow. Tearing your ACL is not going to help this kid. He needed a lot of time in the weight room and on the field, now all that time will be used up in the training room. Dont expect anythign from this kid next year, if we are lucky the year after he can be productive.
  17. That is an absolute joke of a statement. Have you every watched him run? Not make people miss? I hope that I am just not detecting your sarcasm. Making people miss has been his second best asset as a running back behind only how hard he runs. Maybe you didn't see his 35 yarder on Sunday when he made the entire Jet LB core wiff, then broke about 7 tackles. Go back and find his TD catch vrs the Browns. o wait, here it is for you, 20 seconds in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adxy0HAkyHI...feature=related. He avoids 7 defenders with a chance to bring him down, 3 would have tackled him for no gain. Your observations are laughable. and jsut incase you needed more evidence, I couldn't find better quality but I remeber Lynch breaking 5 or 6 sets of ankles on this play.
  18. Can everyone accept that while a play action pass may have been a good idea, the bills coaching staff DID NOT CALL A PLAY ACTION PASS. A roll out is a roll out, and is not play action. Play action may have worked. A run may have worked. But a roll out with JP Losman WILL NEVER WORK. Everyone who has seen him play knew that (execpt the Bills coaches apparently)
  19. Marshawn is the type of back that needs 350 carries a season. Jackson needs 100-120. Lynch has 239 to date, Jackson has 93. If the Bills want to win in our climate, we need to follow the Pitt/Giant mold, power run game and a Diesel D. Both teams have 3 good to great RB's that are better when all are used rather than if one got all the carries.
  20. Its gotta be the coaching. Trents best drive of his career, was the first drive of his career. Came in against the Pats last year, drove them straight down the field for a touchdown. And, I may be mistaken and it happened later in the game, but he ran the no huddle, on his first NFL drive. Its been down hill from there over the long run. He regressed a lot over his rookie year, and totally regressed this year. It seems the more time away from the Bills he has, the better he plays.
  21. Anyone who watched Ryan knew he was great. Some people said he threw a lot of picks, sometimes picks are good because it shows you take chances, and if you dont, like trent, the D can play a shorter field. As good as those guys have been, your right, they have a great run game and D too. But thier coaches put them in a position win, ours simply dont. They gameplan for success, thats the key. Play action, slants, curls, bootlegs, we have none of them and other teams use them constantly.
  22. I believe agaisnt the cowboys another roll out was called on a 3rd and short. We would have won that game if we took a knee. I always remember wishing that JP was sacked on that pass play. In both situations time off the clock was more important than getting the first down. You know you are taking the time off with a run. Terrible.
  23. Im not a Peters fan persay, but I will defend him here. Peters blocked the RDE, Ill assume it was his assignment (He was also the in-most rusher and by general rule Peters man to block). The blitzer came off the edge and went unblocked. The play was a designed roll out some I will again assume he was left unblocked on purpose, and in the event of a blitz JP would be able to extend the play with a roll out, and should have checked down to an open reciever. Peters, even while pro bowl calliber, cannot block two players at once. The other Sack fumble caused by peters man was also JP being an idiot and not knowing to step up in the pocket when the Ol creates it.
  24. I aborted the Bills only once before, it was when they canned Flutie for Johnson. I did not watch more than 60 minutes of the that next pitiful 3-13 season. If no change is made I may need to take a year off for my own sanity. I think it will be easier next year too because I hate what Goodell is doing to the NFL, fines for clean hits, destroying evidence agaisnt the Pats, being a dick..... College ball is getting better and better.
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