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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. I think it's more he has a plan, and was counting on moving on from Woods and incognito after this season anyway. He isn't going to panic, which means he would be only looking at getting players on cheap one year deals. Were the players available on cheap on year deals significantly better than who they have now? Was it worth the risk to get rid of know players who you believe/projecting as replacement level who fit inbthe locker room with unknown players that are going to project at the same level?
  2. Awesome post...a point with regards to the oline and the amount of blame to give to Beane...important to keep in mind that there were two sudden retirements this off-season. Obviously, totally different sport and situation, but the sudden loss of Jose Fernandez from the Marlins rotation could not be planned for, and set the team back years. Football is different because of the salary cap, and a much more open free agency system, but hopefully you get the point I am trying to make (it's late). Second, I think we're in trouble with this line big time, but it's one game (and the first game of the season), and it is important to note that week 1 is notoriously misleading, even when it so strongly validates our deepest beliefs. With the cap space, and available players, was the risk of the unknown worth trying to upgrade your hopefully close to replacement level players that buy into your process with what at best would be replacement level players? I don't know, but they know better, and I really am hoping that they got out schemed and out coached, because that's a lot easier to fix in season, necause they're not worthless coaches, not by a long shot, and everyone gets beat. The beauty of hiring people with a growth mindset (that is how I define this staff in two words, growth mindset) is failure is seen as an opportunity to get better. It's a process, trust it, chase that failure, because there is glory behind it.
  3. If Allen had played that half, which isn't out of the question with the way the rest of the O played, you would have had to bench him (guessing the threat of his arm opened those running lanes, which was a dimension Peterman could, but wasn't bringing)...per the Tao of Peterman, you cannot, absolutely cannot, bench Allen or you might ruin him. So deep breath everyone...it's only week 1, and you literally should not base anything off of week 1, it's the one thing I've learned as an NFL fan (31-0), you have to wait until week 5 at least for the coaches to have enough film to really gameplan, plus you're judging a league that comes down to 3-4 plays each game (even this one), which is a tiny sample size until mid October. Also, that wasn't all on the qb. The d gave up 17 quick points then settled in and played fairly well. They were in the game at 17-0 and if they could have scored after that fumble and held until halftime it's a different game potentially. They get the ball to start the half, and it's totally different with the majority of the gameplan back in play. They aren't this bad, you have to wait on Allen until the rest of the offense is at least clicking as well as it can with the talent. Otherwise you risk the wrath of the Tao of Peterman.
  4. Think Miami and Suh is a better comp actually. Bills didn't (and still don't) have a franchise qb contact taking a huge chunk out of the cap. The dolphins were on the verge of a potentially huge qb contract and it hamstrung them everywhere else. Suh played really well in Miami, but it was a dumb deal. Ha, so since we don't have a franchise qb contact on the books, the Mario/Mack comp might actually be more solid than Suh/Mack!
  5. Would you have taken an 0-16 season for the chance to draft Peyton Manning? Not saying Allen is Manning, but the colts had to have a pretty crappy year to be in position to draft him. Would you give up this year to give Allen the best chance of reaching his ceiling? I would, we're talking about a potential 15 year run here that could be ruined by focusing on one year. Sort of like RGIII (his knee injury might have been the most mad I have been ever watching sports, he could have been so freaking good)...but you could look at the other way, and the Nationals could have won the world series, but held out Strasburg, thinking they had a 5 year window that ended up slamming shut basically after that one year...we're not in a window right now though, so why rush...
  6. The winter was so hard and cold, froze ten feet 'neeth the ground? Or is that a game of throws reference? For what it's worth Martin is a big Grateful Dead fan, so maybe that's some inspiration for the book/show...
  7. Given: 1) You absolutely cannot bench Allen once you start him, or you might ruin him. 2) You might have to bench Allen. Therefore Conclusion: You must start Peterman.
  8. Count me in that group! Thanks for clarifying, I'll have to look for the hands to the face on Mills. First I've heard it wasn't a blown call.
  9. Got it, so based on that logic you are claiming that the Backstreet Boys made better music than the Jackson 5. Wow, that's quite a claim sir, you certainly either have poor taste in music, or your logic has a flaw. https://www.top10hq.com/top-10-successful-boy-bands-time/
  10. He's got a hamstring he's dealing with though, doesn't he, or did I misread something? Would be best if he took it easy, but if he does go deep, hopefully it's double move or something that gives him a chance to be moving before he goes into full acceleration. Also would be worried on the slow down, or if has to jump awkwardly, especially if his legs aren't fully in game shape yet.
  11. Heck of a block, but I think his teammate kicked his leg, amd tripped him up.
  12. You're stretching...women should be able to have platonic alone time with friends of either gender. Men should be able to have platonic alone time with either gender. Feminism is the first statement being true. I really like dpberr's comment, thought it was very insightful, but I'm not sure how that's related to feminism. A strong independent feminist woman doesn't need your (or my) hairy ass around to make her feel compete, she can go out and be fulfilled on her own. Plus, if you're fortunate to actually be friends with your significant other, sports can be a cool thing to share with him/her. The overall point though, where being able to live independent fulfilling lives that allow you to enrich one another versus having a gaping hole when the other is absent is the key. Has nothing to do, and is actually the opposite of the concept of feminism. Unless you think men should be able to tell other humans that they are not allowed to be interested in something, which just kinda makes you a jerk. You could always ask that she find a platonic friend if you wanted to watch with a different group, but that's just effective communication of needs, and men have been shafted by society in providing us the ability yo communicate our feelings effectively.
  13. Not sure the motivation for the behavior matters, humans are not evolved for head first contact. These sheep not only have the skull features described in the video, but their necks and muscles along their spines are designed to defuse the force down the full body. Also, they instinctively align their head, neck and backs into a straight line. Unlike humans, they don't duck down, instead they straighten up and turn themselves into a line. Both to give out as much force, but more importantly to create as long a path as possible for the force to dissipate down.
  14. No, this is what something looks like that has evolved to instinctively lead with the head. Humans drop their heads on impact to make themselves as small as possible to avoid contact.
  15. 20-3 home loss to the dolphins dec 2003. When the bills won the toss the game was over, because the wind was so crazy. Dolphins took the wind, scored quick and bills couldn't throw. Rode back to Rochester with my buddy, literally spoke no words the entire ride home, and haven't talked about it since.
  16. The biggest issue I have having read the summary of the study (will read the detail pdf later on), is he is not accounting for median disposable income in this (he does say he is accounting for market size, but not sure exactly how until I read the details of his methods). For the fan equity piece, if tickets prices are higher, but the same number of tickets are purchased between two fan groups, the higher ticket prices win, even though the same number of units are sold. This seems to be more best city to build an nfl stadium in a lot of ways, more than best fan base in terms of support.
  17. No, you can help someone who fell asleep while on train tracks. Further, pulling them off the track long before a train is coming is helping them, as is pulling them off moments before they are hit. I feel as a society we point and laugh at people who fall asleep on "train tracks," often because we don't realize that is what is going on. Again, Charlie Sheen was having a severe manic episode, and was in legit mental crisis, but as a group, we largely laughed (both with and at him). It is hard to recognize a lot of mental illness without that train speeding toward the person though, and sadly a lot of times we don't catch it until it's too late (Parkland, or self injury), or even with help, some people just 'fall asleep' in dangerous places.
  18. Man this has a Charlie Sheen aspect to it. People laughing at a mental ill person, without realizing it until that person either gets help and states they had an issue, or they exhibit clearly irrational behavior. Not judging, I laughed too, until I realized what I was laughing at, which in this case, was right this moment.
  19. Can we please get the thread title updated to reflect he was cut?! It is very misleading. [edit: done -mod]
  20. Can this thread title get updated to reflect he was cut please?
  21. Nice post. Anyone know how this plays into comp picks compared to him retiring? If he signs somewhere and say makes the pro bowl, what happens?
  22. Personally I think there is some 3d chess going on, but time will tell.
  23. We don't know all the details on the situation. If he plays for someone else it's interesting, if not, and stays retired then it changes things. I don't think you're wrong per se, and mostly the thought of using the Whaley line cracked me up a bit (I know, laughing at my own jokes). It was the absolute nature of the comment though that got that response. There are several potential benefits of the move, depending on the details, which likely will be made clear in time (if he doesn't even try to play, or tries and fails a physical, etc.).
  24. Whaley? Potential free agents, current players, past players, nflpa, fans...is that enough groups of people who would care about doing the right thing by him?
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