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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Apparently I'm in the minority here, but that old coot doing that does piss me off. Giving the Bills the finger and complaining about them is a privilege that should be reserved to those who have an emotional attachment to them. I only say that half-jokingly. It's fine if you think the Bills deserve it, but it's not him who should be doing it. F that stupid old bastard.
  2. About 4 years. Which means he'll be done before Whitner ever makes a play.
  3. How about McNabb? Great stats, great arm, cann't win the big one. The hardcore fans secretly know he'll let them down in the end no matter how good he looks getting them there and how much they try to fool themselves.
  4. All joking aside, it's nice to see some optimism on this board and I wish I could share it. This team is just too poorly coached on the offensive side of the ball to have any chance. I was watching the opener at NE today for some reason. There was such hope and good feeling up until the 4th qtr. Too bad that was most likely the highlight of the season. It would be quite sad if I could get over the anger.
  5. Who would be the dirtiest player on the Bills? Geez, can't think of any questionable hit anyone on the team has thrown in ages. Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing (or am I?). The McKelvin hit on the Rams receiver last year was a little dirty, maybe.
  6. I think the selection of coaches has to be the dumbest moves this decade (specifically Jauron) but if you're looking personnel-wise, perhaps trading up for Losman, or letting go of Pat Williams.
  7. Jabari Greer was the best corner on the roster the last two years. So what do the bumbling Bills do? Let him go and re-sign McGee (for more than Greer was asking for). McGee is a good player, don't get me wrong, but not as good as Greer. What they should have done (after stupidly drafting McKelvin) was sign Greer and try to trade McGee. Ideally, they should have held on to both and drafted someone else in 2008, but whatever. This dumbass team is so stupid when it comes to evaluating talent.
  8. You will get slammed here by the people who think he sucks, but I agree with you. We've seen what Edwards and Fitzpatrick can do. Why not give Hamdan a shot? It's not so much that he is better or worse, but the fact that we know that the other two guys can't get it done, whereas we don't know for sure if this guy can. Most likely he will crash and burn also, but you just never know.
  9. HAHAHA...awesome job!! Can you do one of Pacino ranting against Spacey???
  10. What a stupid B word. About Michael Irvin she says "ooh, give me some of what you're taking". It's called cocaine, you dipshit.
  11. Whoa. That is good news, I think. If this doesn't light a fire under Edwards, nothing will, I'm afraid.
  12. He tries, but he really is just woefully undersized. I don't know if they lied on his bio or what, but he is built like a kicker. He should not be playing LB in the CFL, let alone the NFL. Maybe he can play QB???
  13. Just need one strand of your forearm hair to add to my concoction and He-Man will rue the day he ever met me!
  14. I agree. It wouldn't do much for the future of the team, but he is way better than the 3 guys the Bills have right now. And he has a really hot wife.
  15. What kind of stupid argument is "what did that get us"? The Bills suck because of the offense and the defense. The special teams have did more than their part the last few years. Just because the sum of the parts stinks, doesn't mean every single part does also. As for productive wide receivers, I think we have more than most teams. The issue is QB play and play-calling.
  16. Living in the past? 10 years ago? Guy, are you for real? His ranks the last three years in punt return averages: 1st, 1st, 3rd. If you don't think he's a good receiver and that he's overpaid, that can be argued. But you can't say he's not good at returning punts. This year he is 21st after the 5 games he's played. Horrible, isn't it? The special teams that takes penalties on every other play is kind of horrible too though.
  17. Ya, it probably is. Amazing how Roscoe is now a bum after one bad game. You people do realize that he has a much longer history of being a good punt returner than he does of having games like the one against Cleveland. He had the highest return average in history, for God's sake. No, he's not the sharpest knife the drawer, but the only problem with that is, the coaching staff is just as dull. He's right for being upset with the buffoons that run the offense. Have him run a fly pattern. Give him a couple of end around plays (yes, I know he got stuffed on his last one). This coaching staff has no ability to work to the strengths of the players they have. They are too narrow-minded and keep trying to fit square pegs in round holes (that sounds crass, I know). He has shown the ability to make something happen if he's thrown the ball (nice TD catch in the sunday night blowout against the pats, deep pass in detroit, catch and run against the jets in his rookie year). The problem is that they are too few and far between. And no, that is not Roscoe's fault for "not being open", which is the common refrain among Evans' critics also. You put this receiver corps with a QB with balls and some creative playcalling, you could have a really good offense. One that could make up for the shortcomings of the offensive line.
  18. Um, not really. That was a great adjustment by Evans. Not a perfectly thrown ball by any means. Even the slant TD to Evans was a little behind him. And don't forget that horrible throw to Nelson, where he made a great play reaching around the defender. Fitzpatrick is a pretty bad QB. The Bills have some great receiving weapons. Would love to see how they would do with a guy like Brees, Manning, Warner, etc...
  19. It's hard to say how good Harris really is based on preseason, but I don't understand not giving the guy a shot when the linebackers have been totally brutal so far. Ashlee Palmer whiffed on one of the long runs and took out another would-be tackler while doing so. The coaching staff is a complete joke. Even the casual fan was able to see that Fred Jackson was better than Anthony Thomas, and Jabari Greer was better than whoever was starting ahead of him (IMHO he was the best corner the Bills had, but that's a whole other discussion).
  20. Do you like apples? Well, he's gonna be here for another 2 years. How do you like them apples?
  21. Learn how and when to use the space bar before you start calling people out. I'm sure you didn't have any experience making license plates before you started and look how well you've done.
  22. And the guy says, "I understand why you ask that, and they're a good football team, but I can't answer that, and I never will. Interesting day, weather-wise, isn't it?"
  23. I'm sure this idea has been bandied about here, especially after his comments last week, but I didn't see anything. It is probably too simplistic to draw parallels between the kind of player Singletary was and the job he's done in San Fran and say that Talley could do the same here, but after listening to some comments by Thurman Thomas, it sounds like he might be the type of guy the Bills need. TT was saying that Talley was the guy who'd motivate the players when they needed it, and that he was incredibly knowledgeable about the game, and as such, would make a good head coach. I think we all know that Ralph isn't going to pay through the nose for a new coach, and I think Talley could come cheap. Plus, he still has a connection to the team and community. This is just more thinking aloud than anything, as I don't even know if Talley would be interested in coaching in any capacity. But realistically speaking (ie, money), this is a good option in my opinion. Now as for the offense... Frank Reich anyone???
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