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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Joe Buck and Phil Simms? I don't think they work together, unless something's changed recently. Buck's on Fox, Simms is CBS.
  2. My top 5's Play by Play: 1. Dick Enberg 2. Mike Tirico 3. Al Michaels 4. Gus Johnson 5. Ian Eagle...maybe cuz he's always doing the Bills games Colour: 1. Steve Tasker 2. Ron Jaworski 3. Cris Collinsworth 4. Troy Aikman 5. Dan Dierdorf
  3. Can't understand it when people say they hate Bill Simmons. The guy is hilarious and his articles are well-written. Ya he's a Boston fan, but at least he's a fan, instead of all these other so-called experts.
  4. 2. Jennifer Connelly 3. Roy Halladay 4. NE wins big, but the next day the victory is taken away from them when it is discovered Bill Belichick had a secret microphone stuffed up Dick Jauron's ass for the last 4 years. 5. 2.5...or a full 2.0 more than Schobel/Kelsay/Denney combined.
  5. I never said this thread (nor his post) was pointless. Just hate it when people bash someone for creating a thread they don't like. Just don't respond, don't you agree? It's one thing to spam the board with pointless threads, but why bash for no reason? And nervous guy, shouldn't you be planning on how to blow a few timeouts monday night? What are you doing here?!?!!
  6. I hear he was a prodigy at the one man luge event. He won every event in the summer of 34, or whenever he was there. It's true. Our very own Dick Jauron was a champion luger.
  7. And how's that? By replying to said redundant/pointless thread trying to act cool, but actually looking like a total knob for replying in the first place? In that case, mission accomplished.
  8. I agree. That stupid monotone clapping with his expressionless face makes it seem like he should be at the opera instead. That being said, I still prefer his demeanor over that obnoxious boob rex ryan.
  9. President of Canada? Let me guess...you don't own a passport, do you?
  10. "One time I was going through some old home videos, and I found a series of tapes that was a shot of my dad and his friends watching Super Bowl XXV. Between the wings, the Labatt, and easily five grown-ass men in Bills Zubaz, it was a nice window into the past, but it was kinda sh------- knowing that I was going to watch my drunken father's hopes and dreams be crushed at the end of the game. But holy sh-- it delivered. After Norwood missed nobody talked for two minutes, then a little bit of crying, and then a guy threw up. That's the end of the video. I can't think of any metaphor for Buffalo, New York more perfect than that." HAHAHAHA that is classic!
  11. Schopp is entertaining and is usually accurate with his assessments. He is a dick to callers because it's entertaining. Whether he's like that off air, I don't know but I do know that I enjoy listening to him more than that dial tone bulldog and pretty much anyone else on wgr. Mind you, I may lose some credibility points because I liked listening to chuck dickerson and his schtick too...lol.
  12. The Bills have good cornerbacks, but that's it. The safeties leave much to be desired. I wonder if Youboty could play safety. The guy is a really good one-on-one tackler. If he could only stay healthy. Really hoping they don't cut him.
  13. hahahaha...nicely done seriously though, how could you shock a team by huddling? sure, a team may prepare for a no-huddle, but that doesn't mean huddling will throw them off, does it? i think it only works the other way; where you surprise a team by going no-huddle when they aren't expecting it
  14. After he got drafted, I remember him saying something about how his motivation is to get paid or something to that effect. Ever since then, I haven't really had much hope for this guy.
  15. No, so I guess the two cases are completely different. Right. Are you being sarcastic or do you actually have sympathy for that little B word just because he's from Buffalo?
  16. Should open up the secondary for Evans/Owens in the home opener if this dipsh-- is suspended. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4411228
  17. What difficulty level do you play on? And how long are the quarters? I find it really tough to get pressure on the qb, but I play all-madden.
  18. Too bad the Bills don't play them this year. He sucks ass nowadays. Other than that...yaaawwwnnnn
  19. hahaha...nicely done R. Rich What a Vickity Vick of a post.
  20. You again? Does it bother you that out of the 10k+ posters on this board, you are the dumbest one?
  21. Cough up 60 million for 5 years and get Belichick (would probably take more, now that I think about it). Hate him all you want, but he's the best out there. If there's any way he would leave his current job, show that guy the money.
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