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Freddie's Dead

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  1. This one is going to come back and bite the Bills right in the ass.
  2. Forgot about Neckbert and the NFL Director of Player Safety, who broke his own QB's leg in training camp.
  3. I give him a B. Bills are a solid contender every year now. His failure to build around Josh keeps this from an A grade. Hopefully next year will get us the WR corps we need to win the SB. All is forgiven if he can bring home the Lombardi.
  4. 1. Kyle "3rd and puss" Orton. Completely gutless. 2. Doug Maroon. Arrogant prick, and a gutless quitter, just like his QB. 3. Willis "It was 4th down?" McGahee. After resurrecting this punk's career by ridiculously making him a 1st round pick when he couldn't play that year, the Bills meet the Cheats at the Razor. Early 3rd QTR, Bills up 17-7, 4th and 1 for the Bills at the Cheats 7. The normally conservative Mauron eschews the FG and goes for it. McGahee gets the call, puts in as much effort as a feather duster, no gain. Bills lose 19-17. Asked after the game about what happened on the 4th down play, McGahee's reply, "It was 4th down?". Complete clown, one of the worst draft picks in Bills history. 4. Mike Mularkey - In a post-game presser near the end of his tenure, he said "It took the sails out of our wind". I knew then that he was finished, 'cause when you start channeling Hank Bullough, you're through. The first quitter in Bills coaching history.
  5. The Good - 2011 was magical. Cardiac win over the Raiders, followed by Fitz and Fred defeating the mighty Cheats at the Ralph. Never forget Fred taking that screen to the 1 inch line, allowing us to run out the clock while the Cheats tried every dirty cheatin' trick in the book to get us out of FG range. Fred was the MVP of the NFL. Until.... The Bad - Fred's broken leg essentially ended the Bills 2011 dream season. Fitz tried to be Superman, but he'd reached his ceiling. The Bills O went into the crapper without Fred. Ah, what might have been. Third and puss. Most gutless play in Bills history. I know Fitz was two years gone, but he would have sold out for that first down. The Weird - Fitz going shirtless at our freezing cold home playoff game. Arguably the most hirsute man in the history of the NFL. Oops... almost forgot one. No list of Fitz's Bills accomplishments would be complete without Fitz's Fred Jackson Roast speech.
  6. The spelling and grammar mistakes in this article were jarring. No excuse in these days of spell check and autocorrect. It's your *****in' job, fer cryin' out loud!!
  7. This was the play when I knew we had found our guy:
  8. After seeing this with Damar, all the best to Thompson and his family.
  9. Dude not only played hurt, he played injured. Nice TD against the Cheats. Gave 100% of what he had in the little playing time he did get. He's earned our respect.
  10. Will "Gordon" Clapp will not be the starting center. Only on the team 'cause McD loves his name.
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