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Question about tattoos in the workplace.

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I was having a conversation with one of the other managers at my place of work yesterday after interviewing a guy. She asked me how the interview went and I mentioned that it was a no-go due to this kid coming to fill out an app unprepared. No pen(I hate that!! Shows that you don't care enough to look professional), dressed like he was going to the beach and wearing a hat. She asked if him having a tattoo was an issue for me, but really it wasn't. We work in the restaurant industry and a tat is fine by me as long as it is both a. Not any sort of a lewd picture or hate filled message and b. Not on his face. This kids was on his arm, under where his sleeve may have been. Then we got to talking, it seems as though tattoos and pierced body parts have become more the norm then the exception for mine (I'm 31) and the generations below me. At what point in the near future will employers have no choice but to lower standards on hiring?


Note: I have colors myself but I keep them in places that if I did have to dress up then they wouldn't be seen.

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i dont think the standards should be lowered.


i have more than a few tattoos and i am smart enough to have gotten them where thay can be covered by clothing at work.

(chest, calf, right arm just barely above short sleeve line, back, ect)


the military is now discharging people who get tats that show outside the uniform. (people who have the tats documented before this rule change are grandfathered by the old standard as long as the tats are not gang related or offensive.


professionally, it's hard for some people take a person seriously when they are painted up like a clown with ink everywhere- although this doesnt apply to all occupations.


ie: construction- get inked where ever you like as you normally do not come into direct contact with the customer.


but for other things ie; banker, insurance agent, doctor, ect, tattoos that can be seen should be no-no's

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I was having a conversation with one of the other managers at my place of work yesterday after interviewing a guy. She asked me how the interview went and I mentioned that it was a no-go due to this kid coming to fill out an app unprepared. No pen(I hate that!! Shows that you don't care enough to look professional), dressed like he was going to the beach and wearing a hat. She asked if him having a tattoo was an issue for me, but really it wasn't. We work in the restaurant industry and a tat is fine by me as long as it is both a. Not any sort of a lewd picture or hate filled message and b. Not on his face. This kids was on his arm, under where his sleeve may have been. Then we got to talking, it seems as though tattoos and pierced body parts have become more the norm then the exception for mine (I'm 31) and the generations below me. At what point in the near future will employers have no choice but to lower standards on hiring?


Note: I have colors myself but I keep them in places that if I did have to dress up then they wouldn't be seen.


First off, what position was he applying for? Second visible tatoos in my field are an immediate no. Reason is that guys in our industry wear suits and ties so a visible tatt is not a good thing. I interviewed a guy who had a visible tatt on his neck. Great interview, articulate but the tattoo on his neck? Sorry...next!

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First off, what position was he applying for? Second visible tatoos in my field are an immediate no. Reason is that guys in our industry wear suits and ties so a visible tatt is not a good thing. I interviewed a guy who had a visible tatt on his neck. Great interview, articulate but the tattoo on his neck? Sorry...next!



Bartender/Server. Actually he was looking for anything front of the house. I have people who have tats, that wasn't the issue for me, it was more a lack of preparedness. I don't care if you're applying for night cleaning crew, be prepared when applying/interviewing.

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the military is now discharging people who get tats that show outside the uniform. (people who have the tats documented before this rule change are grandfathered by the old standard as long as the tats are not gang related or offensive.

The rule for military is 1/4 of an exposed body part and nothing above the collar bone.

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At what point in the near future will employers have no choice but to lower standards on hiring?


As long as I'm doing the hiring, never. Visible tattoos aren't quite an immediate disqualification, but they are very close.


The issues you had with the idiot you interviewed obviously went much further.

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There seems to be some sort of law that if you're under 35 you have to have a tat, regardless of who you are and what you do. I have preschoolers and have spent a bunch of time on vacation with them this summer and I've really noticed it. It seems that almost every single suburban housewife/mom under 35 has a tat when I go to the beach. I went to Sesame Place about a month ago where it is mostly families with small children and I commented to my wife that it was like being on an episode of Sesame Ink.


Man, old folks homes 50 years from now are going to be ugly - a bunch of octogenarians with faded and wrinkled tats rolling around in wheelchairs...

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There seems to be some sort of law that if you're under 35 you have to have a tat, regardless of who you are and what you do. I have preschoolers and have spent a bunch of time on vacation with them this summer and I've really noticed it. It seems that almost every single suburban housewife/mom under 35 has a tat when I go to the beach. I went to Sesame Place about a month ago where it is mostly families with small children and I commented to my wife that it was like being on an episode of Sesame Ink.


Man, old folks homes 50 years from now are going to be ugly - a bunch of octogenarians with faded and wrinkled tats rolling around in wheelchairs...


If I see a hot chick? B-) If I see one with a tattoo? :lol:

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If I see a hot chick? B-) If I see one with a tattoo? :lol:



I hear you - I'm not a big fan of tats, especially on women. Maybe I'm old school, but the only time I'm OK with tats are if you're a sailor, a truck driver, an offensive lineman or you're a Pacific Islander

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I hear you - I'm not a big fan of tats, especially on women. Maybe I'm old school, but the only time I'm OK with tats are if you're a sailor, a truck driver, an offensive lineman or you're a Pacific Islander


My wife always is confused when she sees a black guy (usually an athlete) with tattoos. I tend to agree.

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If I see a hot chick? :thumbsup: If I see one with a tattoo? <_<

I just spent the week in Cancun, and for the first time in my life I saw many examples of what happens when a tramp stamp ages. Absolutely hideous.


On the other hand, since we had our son with us (so, subsequently, the resort had more older families than younger couples), I also saw what happens when women aren't provided mirrors in their room and somehow think it's still okay to wear a two-piece bathing suit. You know I'm always railing against government intrusion in our lives, but I would have no problem if the government would create laws to determine which chicks can wear a bikini in public.


By the way, two of my employees' arms are covered with tatoos, and while I used to be against it, my industry doesn't care if these guys showed up in a bikini with a wrinkled tramp stamp: they're two of the best in the biz, and that is all my customers care about. They know to wear long sleeves to the job if it's necessary.

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