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Mrs. mead wants him to load up on the split pea soup. One solid week of split pea soup; morning, noon & night will take care of everything.



gag me :sick::sick::sick: split pea soup is the most foul source of nutrition there is on the planet ... ugh .. I would eat many other things before touching that stuff.

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gag me :sick::sick::sick: split pea soup is the most foul source of nutrition there is on the planet ... ugh .. I would eat many other things before touching that stuff.

<_< have you EVER gotten a cold after eating split pea soup?


I rest my case.

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For those that have been crap with my logger, I am not going to type much, just the resolution.


I spent nearly an hour on the phone with him just listening to him regurge the same stuff over and over, recording the call, asking me to speak clearly, etc...just being an immature dick. He goes on to threaten he'll drag my vehicles out of the way to get his trailer I blocked in...or he could make one call and have that trailer by morning. I wasn't worried. I mean, I had the upper hand from the start and just had the cards under my sleeve for the entire event. Don't play them if you don't need'm!!! (Forrestry Service ((US Gov regulations of clean water act and practices that must be followed)), and local and state resources whom I secured information from on laws and info, as well as 3rd party witnesses to the verbal contract which is legally binding here.) Since he abandoned the job breaching the contract not finishing to an adequate expectation of the contract - because I am not going to bust balls unless I have to and figure good enough could be good enough...but this WAS FAR FROM...and this was to be done in 14-20 days starting in late December...not take 3 months and be done Tuesday.


Ok, so UPDATE. This guy shows up at my mothers house - my Dad is on a business trip to China. She is 63 yrs old, by herself and probably a bigger a-hole then me when she wants to be - - - but do not F*** with my mom. I was livid and about to leave work - he knew I was working OT and would not be there and I had told him to leave her out of it and everyone else despite calling my Dad in China 3 times today.


My Mom, sick and tired of this and ready to take it to court just to prove a point settles up with him and we get paid the maximum the contract specificied due to the fact that work was no finished PLUS him funding a local bobcat operator we have hired before to finish cleaning those areas he did not finish...which is amazing because as of last night he was contacting a lawyer, the forrestry service and anyone who has been on our farm witnessing the event.


...either way...finally it is done...AND WAY TO GO MOM!

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I have something very important to tell everyone. . .



So when do you break the news? Or is this very important thing so significant that you forgot already? In the event of the latter you should recall you were going to announce that you were about to send me a check for five thousand bucks.

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I thought this thread was going to die at 10K. :unsure:


No way. This thread is like a snake that is hard to kill.


Smile when you bend over .....


Hope you get better.

Bend over? I don't think that end is Mead's problem.

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