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Michael Jackson dead - Cardiac Arrest

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Farrah Fawcett died today too. :( I think the guy happiest with MJ's death is Governor Sanford.



According to FOX News, Sanford is a Democrat! :worthy: They made the same "mistake" when Mark Foley was having his Michael Jackson like escapades a few years ago!

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The world is minus one child molesting scumbag. It's a good day. :worthy: Well, with the exception of Farrah Fawcett dying. :( She was one of my first crushes, along with bat girl, wonder woman, Jacqueline Smith, and Blondie (the singer, not the cartoon).

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The world is minus one child molesting scumbag. It's a good day. :worthy: Well, with the exception of Farrah Fawcett dying. :cry: She was one of my first crushes, along with bat girl, wonder woman, Jacqueline Smith, and Blondie (the singer, not the cartoon).



We have similar taste in women....nice job :(

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:worthy: That Michael Jackson already died two years ago unfortunately. RIP to both the Beer Hunter and the gloved one.

The original MJ had to have had the best job going. Travel the world, drink beer, write about drinking beer, and talk about drinking beer. Sweet gig if you can get it.

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I can't think of Michael Jackson with thinking of Triumph the Insult Dog asking that dude out in from of Jackson's house during his trial, "On a scale of one to ten, how old is Michael's boyfriend?"


Jackson was a strange dude, for a white guy.


The Triumph video was the first thing I thought of when I heard the news.

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Because he is the Blues and old blues guys live a long time.



No. It's just that Keith knows when to say "when".



Jackson -

Guarantee it'll turn out to be a drug O.D.

Mark my words on this one...the story will be that in the course rehearsing and preparing for the upcoming UK concerts with the rest of the Jackson clan, he had recurring back pain and upped his pain meds, accidentally overdosing.


Personally, I think he was emabarrased about his face, which some reports say was being treated for skin cancer, and probably found that at 51 years old, he was no longer physically able to perform up to his standards. Being a perfectionist, he may have suffered excess depression resulting from the face and the body giving out, thereby prompting him to take more meds to ease his anxiety. He may have realized that by doing the UK shows in a substandard manner, his legacy would be tarnished, permanently ruining him. On the other hand, he needed the cash the concerts would generate. He was supposedly millions in debt, with Neverland about to be foreclosed on. A real no-wn situation for the poor freak.


Let's face it, he would have been even freakier looking (if that's possible) as he got older, his body was giving out, and his music had become irrelavent. Could be he wasn't all that opposed to leaving the world in a grand Elvis-like way, preserving his image forever. Total Mr. Show-Biz. It was as calculated as everything else he's done for publicity.


And by the way, there's no damn way those children were from his loins. What are the odds of having 3 totally caucasian looking children, without the slightest resemblence to the father? Considering the strong allegations of pedophilia, I'm suprised there wasn't more question about why this strange single guy has these unrelated kids under his guardianship. Was there ever a formal adoption or did everyone just take his word that they were his blood? Tell me that wasn't fishy as hell.

I wonder who's gonna get the kids now? Are La Toya or Tito up to it?

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Did he still own the Beatles catalog?



Maybe he knew the end was near. I heard rumor, sometime in the last year, MJ did his will, and left the Beatles catalog to Paul McCartney...someone said that f**king up his friendship with McCarthey, over business, was "a nagging regret". Of course, none of this might be true, just something I read somewhere....can't remember where.

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I just realized it's quite fitting that I am posting in my second favorite MJ album.


Damn man, I still can't believe he's dead. Watching BET's marathon, he was very sexy, I haven't watched him dance in over a decade. Way too many chills running down the spine.


MJ man, damn!! :worthy:

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I just realized it's quite fitting that I am posting in my second favorite MJ album.


Damn man, I still can't believe he's dead. Watching BET's marathon, he was very sexy, I haven't watched him dance in over a decade. Way too many chills running down the spine.


MJ man, damn!! :(


I think we just found out what makes your pants sexy. :worthy:

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Maybe he knew the end was near. I heard rumor, sometime in the last year, MJ did his will, and left the Beatles catalog to Paul McCartney...someone said that f**king up his friendship with McCarthey, over business, was "a nagging regret". Of course, none of this might be true, just something I read somewhere....can't remember where.

I hope so. McCartney needs the money. For Gods sake he's an ex-Beatle,we can't let him starve.

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I hope so. McCartney needs the money. For Gods sake he's an ex-Beatle,we can't let him starve.



Eh...I don't think McCartney was pissed that he wasn't getting the money, so much as the fact that insanity that he had to pay Michael Jackson royalties to perform the songs that he, himself, wrote. There is something a little demented about that, don't you think?


Think of McCartney as a money grubber if you must, but both he and Lennon (and Lennons' estate) were dedicated to making sure that the music they wrote for the Beatles kept its' integrity...when Jackson obtained the catalog, he started allowing their music to be used to hoc anything, from fried chicken to watches...of course, Jackson was well within his right, but it was kind of like one music legend, selling another one out.


Back in the day, before MJ was a superstar, no rock musician of any merit would allow their music to be used to sell other products. MJ was a pioneer in many ways, but one unfortunate element of his success, was the music worlds embracing advertising as a way of selling music. Remember all the sh-- Eric Clapton took from serious musicians, for performing "After Midnight" in a beer commercial? Now, if an "artist" doesn't have a product to sell, other than their records, they almost considered a failure. Now, the real money to be made is selling your music to video game developers for their dopey games, or 5 second snippets to be used as "ring tones"...

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But, the worst part about that whole thing was that Jacko got so huge with Thriller that he asked Macca advise on investing.........Macca teaches him about buying song royalties, and then Jacko buys the Beatles catalogue! (And, I was looking forward to many more of their collaborations since that one song/video they did was so awesome! (Sarcasm))

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The world is minus one child molesting scumbag. It's a good day. :worthy: Well, with the exception of Farrah Fawcett dying. :( She was one of my first crushes, along with bat girl, wonder woman, Jacqueline Smith, and Blondie (the singer, not the cartoon).



He was acquitted, douchebag. Something it seems most people choose to overlook.


RIP, Michael. At the very least, the world will never forget you.

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