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We're all being taken for a ride on the Obama

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Raising taxes is going to be one small way of paying into this debt. Again, it's inevitable.

The market would probably embrace higher taxes, but only if it were to be used to pay off debt. Not to finance more spending. In fact, paying off Govt. debt would probably be the best thing to get a long term market increase.

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Telling Wall St. he won't raise taxes on them would be a good start. It won't fix everything, but it won't cause a decrease in already ailing markets. You clearly don't understand the Psyche of the markets.


How in the !@#$ do you tell Wall Street you're not taxing it? Who are you exempting from taxes with this statement?

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The market reacts to news before it even happens. When Obama says he will spend $1 trillion,and raise taxes he is giving the market bad news. I called this is October, and it's playing out just the way i thought it would.

Actually the market is a predictor and probably a catalyst for where the economy is headed.

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Both Obama or McCain would have damaged the economy, Obama worse, but both of them would have saw the market go down to differing degrees. Both policies of the current GOP and Dems would and have hurt the economy.


A President Romney would have tried to cut spending, taxes, capital gains and the congress would have nothing of it.


Until the GOP gets some balls and starts acting like men and laying out principled policy, sound economic judgment and calling Obama what he really is (A Populist and Socialist) this country will be radically changed forever as if it's not already in 5 short weeks. The GOP needs congress and in 2010/2012 we'll get that chance.


Obama ran and is running his presidency on class warfare rhetoric tactics and Saul Alinsky ("Rules for Radicals") style tactics.


Rules for Radicals provides the organizer with a tactical style for community organization that assumes an adversarial relationship between groups of people in which one either dominates or is dominated. ... Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.” “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

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Bush is truly the cause of the current economic situation; none of the indicators at the end of the Clinton adminnistrations count for anything. Golly, even the endangered Right Whales are increasing in number now that a Democrat is in the White House!

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The market reacts to news before it even happens. When Obama says he will spend $1 trillion,and raise taxes he is giving the market bad news. I called this is October, and it's playing out just the way i thought it would.

Does this mean you right wing nuts will stop blaming Carter for the Recession that happended AFTER Reagan got elected?

!@#$ing hypocrits!

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Does this mean you right wing nuts will stop blaming Carter for the Recession that happended AFTER Reagan got elected?

!@#$ing hypocrits!


In all fairness, Carter botched the recovery of the Nixon economic mess, which made Reagan's term that much harder. Obama shouldn't get the blame for the recession, but he should certainly be pilloried if his actions lead to an ongoing morass.

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In all fairness, Carter botched the recovery of the Nixon economic mess, which made Reagan's term that much harder. Obama shouldn't get the blame for the recession, but he should certainly be pilloried if his actions lead to an ongoing morass.

Oh christ! And the supply side miracle of Bush's tax cuts saved us from economic ruin. Gee ma, look at all that capital formation we created, and all those taxes it genereated from the speculeration, manipuleration, err...investments that all those geniuses on Wall Street made...

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Oh christ! And the supply side miracle of Bush's tax cuts saved us from economic ruin. Gee ma, look at all that capital formation we created, and all those taxes it genereated from the speculeration, manipuleration, err...investments that all those geniuses on Wall Street made...


And it did, and like the flipside of the irrational exuberance that sent asset values a bit too high, the current correction will send things too low until growth resumes. I'm not holding my breath on a speedy recovery this time.

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You know what, wingnuts? I am 100% willing to concede the President Obama is 100% responsible for the drop in the Dow since he took office. Because it's happening on his watch.


On that same principle, therefore, you will have to concede that the recession of 2001-2003, the recession of 2007 AND September 11 are all 100% the responsibility of George W. Bush.


Because it happened on HIS watch.


Good luck on that search for "a life". You need it.


So who is responsible for the very nice returns in the market from 2003-2007. Who's watch was that on?

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Obama what he really is (A Populist and Socialist) this country will be radically changed forever as if it's not already in 5 short weeks. The GOP needs congress and in 2010/2012 we'll get that chance.


He's actually more of a fascist than a socialist at this point. I think the word socialism isn't understood and used to mean anything big gov't.

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He's actually more of a fascist than a socialist at this point. I think the word socialism isn't understood and used to mean anything big gov't.


I would agree with that, fascism means alot of things to many people but we can summorize Obama's fascism this way:


Source From Wiki:

Aims to create a single-party state (ACRON)


Seeks national unity and development by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or a race. (Class warfare / Wealth redistribution / skin in the game))


Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement. (silencing conservative voices on talk radio)


Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective nation or race (democracy, individualism, liberalism); that is deemed detrimental to national identity and unity (internationalism, communism, class conflict, laissez-faire capitalism); that protects and empowers people deemed weak and degenerate that oppose major changes to institutions and cultural values that it proposes (conservatism) and that undermine the military strength and military ambitions of the nation (pacifism).

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I would agree with that, fascism means alot of things to many people but we can summorize Obama's fascism this way:


Source From Wiki:

Aims to create a single-party state (ACRON)


Seeks national unity and development by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or a race. (Class warfare / Wealth redistribution / skin in the game))


Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement. (silencing conservative voices on talk radio)


Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective nation or race (democracy, individualism, liberalism); that is deemed detrimental to national identity and unity (internationalism, communism, class conflict, laissez-faire capitalism); that protects and empowers people deemed weak and degenerate that oppose major changes to institutions and cultural values that it proposes (conservatism) and that undermine the military strength and military ambitions of the nation (pacifism).



He's already got that Mussolini look down pat.

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