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So, should someone be fired at MSNBC?


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O'Reilly lost his mind about it last night




I respectfully disagree Bill. He didn't lose his mind. He did "lose IT", so to speak, and he clearly found his voice on the matter.


I'll admit that I missed the "house" reference that outraged SDS and Bill O'Reilly so. I thought it was a rather innocuous reference to homes e.g., families that she would bring into the party. So much for my slip-shod reading.


That said, I have to agree with O'Reilly's comments. Brokaw and Williams don't have a pair between them.

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While Gov. Palin was giving her speech today, MSNBC ran a line under her picture under the "BREAKING NEWS" banner:


"How many houses will Palin add to the McCain/Palin ticket?"


Say what you want about Fox, if this isn't as bush league as it gets - I don't know what is. Cheap shots under a "BREAKING NEWS" headline? That wouldn't be acceptable on a party run station let alone a news station associated with NBC and the late Mr. Russert.


Didn't see it -- but if it happened someone should be punished.


However, I find it ironic that Fox News does it every day and you never get upset.

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However, I find it ironic that Fox News does it every day and you never get upset.


Probably because no one takes Fox News seriously.


Plus...I watch Fox every day (for the humor factor, they suck so badly). I see them pull a lot of lousy sh--. Nothing like this, though.

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Didn't see it -- but if it happened someone should be punished.


However, I find it ironic that Fox News does it every day and you never get upset.


just look at the youtube video 2:40 into it.




and no Fox News does not run headlines like that. I have never seen any news station do that. ever.

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I don't know why everyone is so up in arms over this. The answer to the number of houses this adds is pretty clear. "I don't know" plus one or two still equals "I don't know". I don't think it changes the equation at all. There are still somewhere between 9-11 houses on the ticket. Unless McCain has forgotten about more. Hopefully, his staff will get back to us on it.

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I don't know why everyone is so up in arms over this. The answer to the number of houses this adds is pretty clear. "I don't know" plus one or two still equals "I don't know". I don't think it changes the equation at all. There are still somewhere between 9-11 houses on the ticket. Unless McCain has forgotten about more. Hopefully, his staff will get back to us on it.


I don't believe for a second that John McCain didn't know how many houses he and his wife owned. Seriously, if you're wealthy enough to own more that one house you sure as hell know about it unless you're dumber than a fence post. There's a certain amount of pride and ego that coincides with the wealth necessary to actually buy 7 houses. The reality is that he didn't want to say how many he owned because it's very hard to be "one of the struggling middle class" when you own seven houses and a private jet.


He should have just said that it's not relevant rather than trying to appear like he didn't know. Either that or he could have said "I wish I owned as many as my wife" which would have been both funny and ended the discussion.


Was the MSNBC headline unnecessary and unprofessional? Yes it was. I'm not sure it's worse than pretending to be a "fair and balanced" news organization when you're clearly a mouthpiece for the Republican and Conservative parties.

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Oh my the Republican lemmings are jumping off the bridge. When Fux Ewes is willing to fire O'Reilly for his lies and ban Hannity nastiness then it should be considered. Yes it was a cheap shot, but hardly a low blow.


Hard to take when the shoe is on the other foot. Please.... you all sound like Orin Hatch at Monica hearing. Dem whining is one thing, but Rs whine, I have to admit you do it with spirit and real chutzpah.

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I don't believe for a second that John McCain didn't know how many houses he and his wife owned. Seriously, if you're wealthy enough to own more that one house you sure as hell know about it unless you're dumber than a fence post. There's a certain amount of pride and ego that coincides with the wealth necessary to actually buy 7 houses. The reality is that he didn't want to say how many he owned because it's very hard to be "one of the struggling middle class" when you own seven houses and a private jet.


He should have just said that it's not relevant rather than trying to appear like he didn't know. Either that or he could have said "I wish I owned as many as my wife" which would have been both funny and ended the discussion.


Was the MSNBC headline unnecessary and unprofessional? Yes it was. I'm not sure it's worse than pretending to be a "fair and balanced" news organization when you're clearly a mouthpiece for the Republican and Conservative parties.


Whaaaaad? You erased your post on the other thread.



So, by avoiding mentioning that McCain was part of the Keating Five and ended up being "rebuked" but not censured for his two meetings with regulators on Keating's behalf, and that as a result of that, the fact that he's precluded from knowing what investments his wife has makes it okay to try to make him out to be an elitist moron "who doesn't know how many houses he owns"? The guy was trying to give an honest answer and it ends up being fodder for the practitioners of class warfare and yuk-a-buck nighttime comedians.

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Whaaaaad? You erased your post on the other thread.



So, by avoiding mentioning that McCain was part of the Keating Five and ended up being "rebuked" but not censured for his two meetings with regulators on Keating's behalf, and that as a result of that, the fact that he's precluded from knowing what investments his wife has makes it okay to try to make him out to be an elitist moron "who doesn't know how many houses he owns"? The guy was trying to give an honest answer and it ends up being fodder for the practitioners of class warfare and yuk-a-buck nighttime comedians.

The problem wasn't a guy trying to give an honest answer. He probably was. The problem was a guy who has seven or eight houses, he's not sure but his staff will get back to you on it, playing the part of the everyman who feels your pain about the economy and housing crisis when it's not his strong point. It was just a sloppy thing to say and it made him look a lot more out of touch than he is.

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Whaaaaad? You erased your post on the other thread.



So, by avoiding mentioning that McCain was part of the Keating Five and ended up being "rebuked" but not censured for his two meetings with regulators on Keating's behalf, and that as a result of that, the fact that he's precluded from knowing what investments his wife has makes it okay to try to make him out to be an elitist moron "who doesn't know how many houses he owns"? The guy was trying to give an honest answer and it ends up being fodder for the practitioners of class warfare and yuk-a-buck nighttime comedians.


I deleted my other post because it didn't add anything to the discussion other than throwing fire onto an already inflammatory topic. Besides, I didn't even mention the fact that his wife stole drugs from a not-for-profit organization she started and never even got arrested.


But you do bring up a good point though although I'm not sure if it precludes him from knowing how many homes he owns. By your string of logic, he wouldn't be allowed to stay in any of them? I disagree that it was an "honest answer". It seemed to me that it was more of an "holy crap I don't want to answer this question" answer.


Personally, I don't care how many houses he or Obama owns. It's not really a relevant issue in this election. Anyone that thinks a person running for president is just like them is a fool.

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I deleted my other post because it didn't add anything to the discussion other than throwing fire onto an already inflammatory topic. Besides, I didn't even mention the fact that his wife stole drugs from a not-for-profit organization she started and never even got arrested.


But you do bring up a good point though although I'm not sure if it precludes him from knowing how many homes he owns. By your string of logic, he wouldn't be allowed to stay in any of them? I disagree that it was an "honest answer". It seemed to me that it was more of an "holy crap I don't want to answer this question" answer.


Personally, I don't care how many houses he or Obama owns. It's not really a relevant issue in this election. Anyone that thinks a person running for president is just like them is a fool.


I'll drink to that. :worthy:

He's only supposed to know about the ones that they own together - which I believe is the one in DC where they "live", one in AZ which his mother lives in and a condo one of their daughters lives in. His wife owns the others as investments. Those investments are in a blind trust.


As to his drug-stealing wife, you do know she funds Operation Smile and they adopted an orphan from Bangladesh that she met at an orphanage there. Oh the terrible things people with wealth do.

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I'll drink to that. :worthy:

He's only supposed to know about the ones that they own together - which I believe is the one in DC where they "live", one in AZ which his mother lives in and a condo one of their daughters lives in. His wife owns the others as investments. Those investments are in a blind trust.


As to his drug-stealing wife, you do know she funds Operation Smile and they adopted an orphan from Bangladesh that she met at an orphanage there. Oh the terrible things people with wealth do.

What about the million dollar rustic cabin in Arizona with two guest houses that he actually goes to and has meetings at?


The McCains have a big beautiful home in Phoenix, where his office is, plus a big beautiful home in Hidden Valley near Sedona, with a guest house and another house after they bought the lot next to them. I'm sure he knows about both of them.


Or his first wife in a wheelchair that he dumped because he wanted to play the field when he was 40. Normally, I wouldn't want to bring stuff like that up because it happened 40 years ago. But his POW experience happened 40 years ago, too, and he and his supporters consistently bring that up.

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Probably because no one takes Fox News seriously.


Plus...I watch Fox every day (for the humor factor, they suck so badly). I see them pull a lot of lousy sh--. Nothing like this, though.


Worse than calling Michelle Obama, "Obama's Baby Mama?" I guess it's a matter of opinion but if you watch Fox News everyday I'd bet you'd find worse. How about identifying Sandy Berger as "Sandy Burgler?"


This is just a small sample of the everyday chyron propaganda from Fox:


Fox Chyrons


It doesn't excuse bad behavior at other networks but the house thing is certainly no worse than the daily occurrences at that supposed news station.


The "outrage" from the right is pathetic.

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You should take the blinders off when you watch Fox News.


A small sample of what you miss.


As O'Reilly pointed out, MSNBC did this during the day when they are supposed to be reporting news in a fair and balanced way, NOT at night when commentators are on and supposed to be giving opinions on the news. The link you gave is Hannity and Colmes, which they are paid to give their opinions.

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Worse than calling Michelle Obama, "Obama's Baby Mama?" I guess it's a matter of opinion but if you watch Fox News everyday I'd bet you'd find worse. How about identifying Sandy Berger as "Sandy Burgler?"


This is just a small sample of the everyday chyron propaganda from Fox:


Fox Chyrons


It doesn't excuse bad behavior at other networks but the house thing is certainly no worse than the daily occurrences at that supposed news station.


The "outrage" from the right is pathetic.

Did they call him that during one of their news shows or one of their opinion shows? If it was during a news show, that is as bad as the MSNBC breaking news crawl.


If it wasn't, do you deny that he "accidentally" walked out w/ documents stuffed in his pants?

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As O'Reilly pointed out, MSNBC did this during the day when they are supposed to be reporting news in a fair and balanced way, NOT at night when commentators are on and supposed to be giving opinions on the news. The link you gave is Hannity and Colmes, which they are paid to give their opinions.

That is such total bullschit and typical of O'Reilly. Neither MSNBC nor Fox News is a news station in any way. Each of the 24 hours on both stations are "anchored" by pundits and not news reporters, even Brit Hume, who is more reporter in his old life than commentator. Both stations devote about 1-2 minutes per hour to "News", in 30-60 second briefs. each hour on both stations is slanted to the political bent of its host and reporters allegedly reporting "news", like Major Garrett or David Shuster, who are blatant partisans.


I really don't think the graphic is something to get up in arms over. Both stations are grossly partisan, and MSNBC has caught up to Fox News in its blatant liberal bias, with the possible exception of Repubican, Joe Scarborough, who is easily the best host on the network, IMO, and I'm a Democrat. The equivalent on Fox is Colmes, the hideous kitten dweeb liberal they intentionally put next to the good looking bullying blowhard Hannity to show how fair and balanced they are.


I think the stuff that Olberman says on a daily basis is WAY worse than that graphic.

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What about the million dollar rustic cabin in Arizona with two guest houses that he actually goes to and has meetings at?


The McCains have a big beautiful home in Phoenix, where his office is, plus a big beautiful home in Hidden Valley near Sedona, with a guest house and another house after they bought the lot next to them. I'm sure he knows about both of them.


Or his first wife in a wheelchair that he dumped because he wanted to play the field when he was 40. Normally, I wouldn't want to bring stuff like that up because it happened 40 years ago. But his POW experience happened 40 years ago, too, and he and his supporters consistently bring that up.


That would make him 80? Nice exageration.

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