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My peeve ....... waiting for a red light while my car is throbbing to the bass of some wanker 6 cars behind me. I once saw a baby strapped in a car seat between two bass pounding speakers ...... unbelievable.





Between that, and folks having i Pods stuck in their ears all day long, I've felt for a long time that audiology would be a good field for young people to pursue.

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If I am at a 4-way stop sign with single lanes all around and am unsure of who got there a fraction of a second earlier, i tend to wave the other car on. I am just being courteous. Would you see it a different way ?

In a defensive driving class I was in several years ago (taught by a NYS Trooper) he said the person to your right gets to go first.

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In a defensive driving class I was in several years ago (taught by a NYS Trooper) he said the person to your right gets to go first.


Yeah, it's who gets there first. If two people get there at the same time, its the person to the right. If they're directly across from each other, it's "standard" meaning that left turn yields to right/straight.


GA has yield signs everywhere for folks turning right. The folks turning left from the oncoming lane have the right of way in a lot of places. It's annoying as not everyone knows which lights are setup like this. Not so sure I understand why it's like that.


OH! Another one... this is fun... dimwits (I've only seen this down south, for the most part) that don't know how to treat a flashing yellow (or a non-working) traffic light. When you've a flashing yelling, it's CAUTION. Slow down, but don't stop. Half or more of the locals here treat it like a four way stop. That's dangerous as when you get the guy that knows *how* to treat it, opposing traffic assumes he'll four-way-stop like half of the others do.


Other thread on ages... let's bump the driving age to 21 and make it cost more and include a hefty education requirement. Keep stupid people off the road.

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Other thread on ages... let's bump the driving age to 21 and make it cost more and include a hefty education requirement. Keep stupid people off the road.

The History Channel, Modern Marvels, had an episode on the Autobahn. One thing I remember them saying is to get your license in Germany costs $1500. I don't remember if they mentioned an age requirement. But another thing they mention is how Mercedes and BMW were shocked that Americans wanted cup holders in their cars since when you're behind the wheel, you're supposed to be driving.

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The History Channel, Modern Marvels, had an episode on the Autobahn. One thing I remember them saying is to get your license in Germany costs $1500. I don't remember if they mentioned an age requirement. But another thing they mention is how Mercedes and BMW were shocked that Americans wanted cup holders in their cars since when you're behind the wheel, you're supposed to be driving.

Don't they also tax you depending on how powerful your car is? Like "X" amount of Euro per horsepower...or something like that.

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I am sick and tired of watching able bodied folks where I work push the handicapped button to automatically open exit doors. Ferchrissakes people, open the friggin doors the old fashioned way. A push or pull aint gonna kill you. Every stinkin time I'm goin in or out some lazy mofo has to STOP to push the button, then WAIT until the door opens and finally they can walk through. Meanwile I'm standing behind your lazy waffle butt waitin and waitin. Those buttons get more action than Willis at Dave & Buster's. Then, when someone actually needs them...guess what? They don't fuggin work because all you lazy suckers have worn the damn thing out!


Opening a door aint gonna kill ya. :wallbash:

I have a "pet peave" for people who can't spell PEEVE and only like Werther's Originals under optimum conditions.

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And at a 4 way stop sign, it would take a car BLOWING through the stop sign to actually cause any damage. A guy accelerating and slamming his breaks on 15 feet later isn't that much of a threat.


The problem is, cars do precisely that, trying to beat bikes through an interesection. They see you coming then try and gun it back through even though by the time they've made this decision you've got your front tire on the cross walk and you're CLEARLY not showing any signs of stopping.


Then the biker nearly crashes trying to slam on his breaks, and the guy is leaning out his window yelling at the biker.


The point is this: you saw me coming, you knew I wasn't going to stop, so rather than wait a second and a half, you now caused a clusterphuck in the process of trying to make your point.


WTF? (Red)


You are off your rocker that somebody is going to assume somebody else is going to willfully disregard the rules of the road.


The burden is on everybody to follow the rule/laws... You see a stop sign, you start to slow down early. You see a "stale green"... You begin to slow down.




On a bike, just follow the rules of the road... What's the problem?


So you are the kinda of guy who I see boating around everyday during the summer...


I see you are in Chicago... Get a boat and navigate the river here on the South Side... I bet you last no more than two minutes making these "brilliant" choices...


Sorry for being so harsh




Beerball... Your avatar is brilliant!!! :lol::lol:

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WTF? (Red)


You are off your rocker that somebody is going to assume somebody else is going to willfully disregard the rules of the road.


The burden is on everybody to follow the rule/laws... You see a stop sign, you start to slow down early. You see a "stale green"... You begin to slow down.




On a bike, just follow the rules of the road... What's the problem?


So you are the kinda of guy who I see boating around everyday during the summer...


I see you are in Chicago... Get a boat and navigate the river here on the South Side... I bet you last no more than two minutes making these "brilliant" choices...


Sorry for being so harsh




Beerball... Your avatar is brilliant!!! :lol::lol:



<_< Thanks, dad.

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Websites that use the word 'my' in an attempt to personalize a portal of sorts. Examples: mysabrestickets.com. What irritates me even more is when there's a specific DNS entry for it.. my.bankname.com, my.widgets.com.


It's not so much the *name* that irritates me, it's the fact that some marketing tool thought it up and everyone in the meeting sat around nodding, "Yeah Jim, that's a wonderful idea there. By calling it 'my', it sounds more personal. Very unique and well thought out."


This thread is some wonderful therapy.

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Folks who walk three wide in crowded public areas then don't move out of your way as you walk past them, forcing you to practically turn sideways to get by.


This JUST happened to me outside my office building and it was some thin-as-a-rail finance looking d-bag. I, of course, dodged him but he kept right on walking as if his space is not to be shared.


Had I not been carrying my lunch in my left hand, I might have had a good mind to blast the SOB, see how he likes some shoulder action up in that cereal bowl chest of his.

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Folks who walk three wide in crowded public areas then don't move out of your way as you walk past them, forcing you to practically turn sideways to get by.


This JUST happened to me outside my office building and it was some thin-as-a-rail finance looking d-bag. I, of course, dodged him but he kept right on walking as if his space is not to be shared.


Had I not been carrying my lunch in my left hand, I might have had a good mind to blast the SOB, see how he likes some shoulder action up in that cereal bowl chest of his.


Ok, this is some strange timing. I just came here to post basically the same exact thing. I always get those groups of people on the sidewalk. They see you walking the opposite direction but don't bother to move. I'm at the point now where if the closest person is a guy, I walk right through him. If its a woman, I have no clue how to respond to that one.

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Ok, this is some strange timing. I just came here to post basically the same exact thing. I always get those groups of people on the sidewalk. They see you walking the opposite direction but don't bother to move. I'm at the point now where if the closest person is a guy, I walk right through him. If its a woman, I have no clue how to respond to that one.


I feel like lighting some dude up is pretty hostile. I'm a fairly large guy, so I could really leave someone sore. I guess I'm not grizzled and jaded enough just yet.


When it comes to chicks, do what I've done in the past- just stop walking. Don't move, but just stop walking so they either walk into YOU, or they have to stop and go around.

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Guilty! I do that sometimes. :sick:


But I actually have a reason, and it's not laziness.


I'm a germaphobe of sorts (at least during cold and flu season). So, I hit the button with my arm or sleeve to avoid having to touch the door handle.


I also have a reason... It keeps the mechanism running well... If only a few people used it, more chance that it will fail under less use. The more you use it the more it gets "exercised."



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People wasting my precious time. :sick::P



Does this help?: :lol::sick:


Precious time is slipping away

But you're only king for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray

Precious time is slipping away


It doesn't matter what route you take

Sooner or later the hearts going to break

No rhyme or reason, no master plan

No Nirvana, no promised land


Because, precious time is slipping away

You know you're only king for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray

Precious time is slipping away


Say que sera, whatever will be

But then I keep on searching for immortality

She's so beautiful but she's going to die some day

Everything in life just passes away


But, precious time is slipping away

You know she's only queen for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray

Precious time is slipping away


Well this world is cruel with its twists and its turns

But the fire's still in me and the passion it burns

I love her madly 'til the day I die

'Til hell freezes over and the rivers run dry


Precious time is slipping away

You know she's only queen for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray because

Precious time is slipping away


Precious time is slipping away

You know you're only king for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray

Precious time is slipping away


Precious time is slipping away

You know you're only king for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray because

Precious time is slipping away

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