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People who actually do annoy you

The Big Cat

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Yeah, for dramatic effect, he either puts the sunglasses on, or takes the sunglasses off, What we have here (afformentioned pause, yoink-glasses off)...is a murder.

Hands down, the worst over-actor since Shatner. I won't ever watch any show with him cast in it. I don't know why CSI:Miami does well, but I'm guessing it is in spite of him not because of him.

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Those stickers aren't for the car? :lol:


I was told I could get a sticker, but I will walk for as long as I can and leave the spots for people who really need them.


A word of caution - some handicaps are not visibly obvious - be careful not to judge!



Bingo! I'm morally handicapped, and it's not apparent from a distance. :thumbsup:


Seriously, you are correct. Just because someone seems to be walking w/o trouble, right when you see them, does NOT mean they have no use for that spot.

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Let's make Survivor people actually fending for their lives in a desert or jungle. Like my boy Bear Grylls on Man vs. Wild. He actually drank the liquid out of elephant dung to quench his thirst. Now that is surviving.

Do you ever watch Survivor man on the Sci-Fi Channel? Great show.

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Another annoyer >> High School coaches who run up the score (regardless of the sport) and don't play ALL the kids. Last night in the WV large school boys basketball championship the no-class coach from H. had a 40+ point lead and kept his stud players in the game until the last two minutes......And then pulled the star players off, one at a time...

Through out the game he rarely subbed, so the bench players only got 1--2 minutes of PT...

It was noted that all the starters on the team scored double digits...Well duh, they PLAYED the whole effen game,

they shudda scored in double digits...

The kids practiced all season>>> Let 'em play...

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Like my boy Bear Grylls on Man vs. Wild. He actually drank the liquid out of elephant dung to quench his thirst. Now that is surviving.



I admit I'm TOTALLY ignorant on this topic...but...


I can't help thinking it might make more sense to get his water the same way the elephant did. You're telling me elephant dung was the ONLY available source of liquid with which to quench his thirst? (No monkey dung available?)


No disrespect to the Bear-man, but I gotta believe the drinking of elephant dung juice quenched a little more than his "thirst", if you get my drift.

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I admit I'm TOTALLY ignorant on this topic...but...


I can't help thinking it might make more sense to get his water the same way the elephant did. You're telling me elephant dung was the ONLY available source of liquid with which to quench his thirst? (No monkey dung available?)


No disrespect to the Bear-man, but I gotta believe the drinking of elephant dung juice quenched a little more than his "thirst", if you get my drift.

I'm sure it was for theatrics but this guy is my freaking hero.

I've seen him eat live snakes.

Kill & eat a rabbit with a throwing stick.

Eat bugs.

Steal a honeycomb from a swarm of bees.

Traverse across miles of rock with molton lava flowing directly underneath.

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Since we're back on the topic of cars...


People who buy a used PoS like a '95 Dodge Neon or a '99 Honda Civic, then pay more than the car is worth to paint it Neon green/orange, put a spoiler on the back (that doesn't match), install a sound system with 99% bass, add racing strips, tint the windows, and of course pimp out those spinner rims



I just read six pages of posts only to find you took the words out of my mouth. To add to the thought....I love when they pull up next to you on the highway with their 4cylinder engine and super loud exhaust thinking it will magically make their car fast.


I'd also add Paul Schaffer to the list. I understand he is talented musically. But that voice...."and get your subscription to Ro-o-ling Stone" still burns my ears years later. I anticipate much Canadian fury mentioning him but he just bugs me.

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Like my boy Bear Grylls on Man vs. Wild. He actually drank the liquid out of elephant dung to quench his thirst. Now that is surviving.



I just watched that last night....WOW....and to have those lions looking at you.....seriously scarey

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Hands down, the worst over-actor since Shatner. I won't ever watch any show with him cast in it. I don't know why CSI:Miami does well, but I'm guessing it is in spite of him not because of him.


Emily Proctor!!!!

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Last week I said Sarah Silverman. But she's not the only one...


Several of the anchors on ESPN...Stuart Scott and Kenny Mayne, you know who you are.


I scanned through these entries...did anyone say Tom Brady yet? This guy's lived a charmed life for so long, Pats fans thought he was a deity...now Bridget is preggers and Gisele whats-her-name may be.


Those in the media who think we HAVE to know who the current front-runner for President in 2008 is. It's still TWENTY FRIGGIN' MONTHS until the election! Do you idiots have anything else to talk about? Apparently not.


Valerie "I'm so photogenic that everyone will listen to me trash the administration" Plame. Your 15 minutes are up, Val. And I don't care if she's 43 and looks 30. She seems to be in it for the fame and the book/movie deals.


That hag who was behind Valerie Plame with the "Impeach Bush" t-shirt. Your 15 seconds are up.


Those who yell "Impeach Bush". Uh, did any of you mensas read the Constitution lately? If Bush is forced out of office, who takes over? That's right, the one who most of the impeachment crowd think is really pulling the strings.

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