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People who actually do annoy you

The Big Cat

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Hippies. I hate hippies. They weren't trying to save the world.. they were trying to get high & get laid..


and that's cool.. those are two of my favorite things..


but their "I'm better than you" attitude makes me sick.



Cartman? Is that you?

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People who...


- wear the Bluetooth earpieces (that make them look cyborgs) while walking around town, shopping, restaurants, etc. This applies doubly when they leave them in when they're not even on the phone. Nothing says "I'm a very important a-hole" like that little fashion accessory.


- are under retirement age who write checks in an express line. This one has been said before but bears repeating. Get with the program!


- wear crooked hats/visors. Maybe if I smack you across the face it'll straighten out for you.


- think they got a good deal on a hideous Pontiac Aztec. Impossible.....sucker.


- do a week's worth of banking at an ATM. Save a teller's job and go inside.


- get their information about a subject from one source without even attempting to understand it from different points of view. Like the Geico caveman said, "Next time you might want to do a little research."


- think that yellow lights mean "speed up."


- say "Bitter.... party of 1"


- can't utter a sentence without injecting the word "like" after every 4th word. Like, pay attention youngsters. I'm, like, talking to, like, YOU.


Thanks. That felt good.

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I hate card cheats, hoochie-koochie women, and midnight ramblers.



I'll have you know, despite her annoying public persona, Charo can REALLY play the guitar.

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What about people who take shopping carts all the way to their house and then leave them in the middle of the STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If someone needs to take a cart home, they are living a lifestyle that exceptions can be made for.

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If someone needs to take a cart home, they are living a lifestyle that exceptions can be made for.

Agreed. The people who's idea of putting the cart away is to lean it up against the car next to them are much, much worse.

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People who...


- wear the Bluetooth earpieces (that make them look cyborgs) while walking around town, shopping, restaurants, etc. This applies doubly when they leave them in when they're not even on the phone. Nothing says "I'm a very important a-hole" like that little fashion accessory.


- are under retirement age who write checks in an express line. This one has been said before but bears repeating. Get with the program!


- wear crooked hats/visors. Maybe if I smack you across the face it'll straighten out for you.


- think they got a good deal on a hideous Pontiac Aztec. Impossible.....sucker.


- do a week's worth of banking at an ATM. Save a teller's job and go inside.


- get their information about a subject from one source without even attempting to understand it from different points of view. Like the Geico caveman said, "Next time you might want to do a little research."


- think that yellow lights mean "speed up."


- say "Bitter.... party of 1"


- can't utter a sentence without injecting the word "like" after every 4th word. Like, pay attention youngsters. I'm, like, talking to, like, YOU.


Thanks. That felt good.



Whole-heartedly agree with all except the yellow light one. :unsure: ...and what the heck is "bitter...party of one".

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People who order 1/4 pound of 6 different deli items while I am the only other person in line. Just eat a salad then, tramp.


Write your items down - put them on the counter - come back and get your items. If other person is still in line, homicide is justified.

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People who tailgate on local roads when I'm already driving 15 mph over the speed limit.


Fat people who are so obese they can no longer walk normally but waddle from side to side, walk at a rate of about 1 mph and take up the whole friggin hallway or sidewalk so you can't get around them.


Ditto on the hippies reference above....especially the college know-it-all hippies.

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Agreed. The people who's idea of putting the cart away is to lean it up against the car next to them are much, much worse.

People who park near me when I'm clearly trying to avoid being near any cars, but his a-hole feels like he is in the nice car club and has to park right next to mine when there are 50 parking spots between mine and the next unavailable one.

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People who park near me when I'm clearly trying to avoid being near any cars, but his a-hole feels like he is in the nice car club and has to park right next to mine when there are 50 parking spots between mine and the next unavailable one.



People who think their car is hot sh-- and they are entitled to a block of empty parking spaces around them.



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All the church going a-holes in Fairport who attend Assumption and park on the street. Not only is your car half way into the driving lane but when you leave church you walk down the middle of the road, you know, the road I'm trying to drive down coming home from work.

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People who think their car is hot sh-- and they are entitled to a block of empty parking spaces around them.



I knew that was coming. When I park 100 yards out of the way, you think people would get the hint. Stay away from my ride. For the record, while I do think my car is hot sh--, to most it would just be their car.

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